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"I don't like this book because it don't got know pictures" Chief Rhorerer

“It’s becoming a disturbingly familiar scene in America - mentally unstable cops”

“It’s becoming a disturbingly familiar scene in America - mentally unstable cops”
“It’s becoming a disturbingly familiar scene in America - mentally unstable cops”

False drug arrest nets Staten Island man with candy in pocket $42,500

When cops arrested him two years ago outside a Stapleton barbershop, George Pringle told them the small item they found in a cellophane wrapper in his pocket was peppermint candy, his lawyer said.
Officers refused to believe the New Springville resident and arrested him for possession of crack-cocaine, said attorney Jason Leventhal.
Pringle, who was jailed for 27 hours, wasn't fibbing, and, now, his false arrest will cost taxpayers $42,500.
Pringle, 56, has settled his wrongful-arrest federal lawsuit against the city and several cops, said Leventhal.