The reason we have a police problem in America. Fairfax County Police.
Seattle WA cops shown on video mocking jogger who was critically injured after struck by semi-truck [3]
The Officer Jeffrey Hand Award for Creative Income Production. Fairfax County Police

Detroit MI cop charged for stealing $14k from funds for families of fallen officers, other accused of check padding [0]
Union City TN cop arrested on false report & insurance fraud charges involving an ATV he reported stolen [0]
Washington DC cop convicted of attempting to receive stolen property after caught in a sting operation [0]
Mass Bay Transit Auth MA cop suspended after caught mailing dead rats to a man who didn’t pay escorts that the officer was allegedly protecting and providing transportation for. [0]
Shelby Co TN deputy sentenced to 2yrs for lying to a judge and fellow officers in an effort to get an inmate out of jail [0]
Warren AR cop arrested on abuse of public trust for allegedly seeking and accepting bribes to fix tickets [0]
The officer Walter R. Fasci/ Sean McGlone award for sober living. Fairfax County Police.

Memphis TN cop accused of selling painkillers while on duty arrested after trying to purchase mass amount of pot [0]
Vigo Co IN deputy arrested on allegations he was illegally obtaining painkillers, sometimes while on duty [0]
Lorain OH cop suspended after arrested for suspicion of DUI following off-duty crash into parked utility van [0]
Plainview TX narcotics officer indicted on felony theft, forgery & official misconduct charges [0]
Earlville IL cop charged w/selling pot while on duty takes plea deal to reduced official misconduct charge [0]
This week’s candidates for the Brian Sonnenberg Peaceful Resolution to Conflict Center Award. Fairfax County Police
Pendleton WA police officer on administrative leave while investigated for his role in an alleged off-duty bar fight [1]
Daytona Beach FL cop was cited for disorderly conduct after swearing at cops when he kicked out of an hotel when police responded to a noise complaint[0]
Officer David Scott Ziants Award for Citizen Motivation. Fairfax County Police

Fresno CA cop found to have used excessive force in mixed civil jury verdict for fatal shooting of unarmed man [0]
Riverside Co CA deputy held for questioning after admitting to fatally shooting man in bar following a dispute. Witnesses cited in a different article described the incident as malicious violence. [1]
Seattle WA independent review of officer-involved shooting incidents last year resulted in similar findings as the recent DOJ probe that the city and department refuted until today when those additional findings were released as well. Interestingly, the mayor did an about-face and is promising to implement reforms immediately… we’re not holding our breath just yet though, the problems in Seattle are systemic and cultural, reinforced by decades of city officials being too afraid of the police union to implement any meaningful changes. Unfortunately, failed promises of reform are nothing new in this town. [0]
Gladstone OR cop fired for unspecified “serious allegations” of misconduct unrelated to a murder for hire plot that he/she is under investigation for [2]
The officer Christian Chamberlain Award for “Fuck you, I’ll get away with it anyway” Fairfax County police

Chicago IL torture cop/now convict Jon Burge subject of another lawsuit for torturing confession from innocent man [3]
Oneonta NY cop fired for lying under oath after costing city $135k in excessive force lawsuit settlement [0]
New York NY cop’s lie on stand & DA withholding knowledge of false report earns man acquital, no charge for cop [3]
3 Oklahoma City OK cops accused of lying & obstructing investigations in separate cases, 2 resign [1]
Covington LA cop resigns & gets probation in plea deal for using force by choking a suspect then leaving him in a police cruiser for an excessive amount of time. [1]
Officer “Crazy Moe” Mohammed Oluwa Jihad's on your ass award. Fairfax County Police

Maricopa Co AZ sheriff is being sued by a woman alleging she was left shackled while in labor & during a c-section while she was in custody [3]
Ramsey Co MN settles a law suit for $230k to a deaf man beaten & maced during a traffic stop then denied an interpreter in jail. [0]
Des Moines IA fmr cop arrested by feds on excessive force and obstruction charges involving 2088 beating incident [0]
2 Santa Fe NM cops fired for false reporting in an excessive force case caught on dashcam were rehired thanks to an arbitrator. [0]
Idiot of the Week Award… Fairfax County Police
Illinois settles last claim in trooper’s fatal 126mph crash while emailing, for $700k, total settlements near $9mil [0]
Canton OH cop is being investigated after being photographed while sleeping in his cruiser by a man who was trying to get his attention to help a nearby crash victim [0]
Chicago IL is being sued by man after his car was struck by a cop driving the wrong way on one-way street without his lights or siren activated. [3]
Broward Co FL deputy staring in tv show about K9 officers is now the subject of federal criminal investigation into unspecified record falsification allegations. [2]
Creepy Cop Behavior
Warren Twp OH cop sentenced to 3yrs on burglary & abduction charges for breaking into woman’s home, restraining her [0]
Milwaukee WI asst police chief suspended during unspecified investigation after stopped by cops in bad part of town [3]
Orange Co FL deputy arrested on allegations he molested and groped a disabled woman while on duty [0]
If Walmart would hire these people we would not have a police problem in America. Fairfax County Police

Fullerton CA criticized for appointing a captain as the police chief despite his last position being in charge of that troubled department’s most problematic division. [3]
Golden Valley MN has disbanded their human rights commission because their findings recommending reforms after incidents of police misconduct might cost that city money and encourage lawsuits… Welcome to Golden Valley, where they value your money more than your life or your rights. [5]
Minneapolis MN police chief gets no confidence from board 3 yrs in row, enforces discipline in only 18 of 142 cases [3]
This weeks child molestation by your local police. Fairfax County Police
Harrison Co TX deputy’s initial arrest on an indecency with a child charge has spurred another alleged victim to come forward, resulting in an additional indecency w/child charge. [0]
Waite Hill OH cop arrested on unlawful sexual conduct with a minor charge for alleged sex acts with 14yr-old boy [1]
Rayville LA cop arrested on felony carnal knowledge of a juvenile charges involving a 15yr-old girl [1]
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