idiots at work, brought to you by the Fairfax County Police
Brought to you by the Fairfax County Police….preying on the people to turn a buck and all because Walmart isn’t hiring.
Bladen Co NC deputy is under investigation into unspecified sexual misconduct allegations involving a 15yr-old girl [1] bit.ly/uW5FsB
Harrison Co MS deputy who was working as a school resource officer at an elementary school has been sentenced to 3yrs prison for possession of child porn [0] bit.ly/v6PPQ8Pueblo Co CO deputy was arrested for child exploitation after a sergeant found his thumb drive left at the jail and discovered that it was filled with child porn. [0] bit.ly/rQX7Lt
Children the policeman IS NOT your friend
Lakeland FL cop given probation & $500 fine for improperly storing firearm that 7yr-old shot 10yr-old in hand with [0] bit.ly/ui5TndMurder
US State Department law enforcement agent was arrested on suspicion of 2nd degree murder for shooting a man to death at a McDonalds in Hawaii [1] bit.ly/sBovSK
At last…Justice
Oakland CA cop was ordered by a judge to pay $40,000 of a civil judgment from his own pocket to 2 men he illegally strip searched in public. [0] bit.ly/vjbvCNThe cops are terrified of evidence…ironic ain’t it?
A cop, possibly from the Oakland CA police dept, was shown on video, seen above, shooting a man with a “less-than lethal” round for videotaping a line of riot police at the #OccupyOakland general strike. The dept hasn’t given any explanation this time, possibly because their justification for previous incidents of firing on protesters has come into question as well. [3] bit.ly/vylQsD2 University of Wiscpnsin at La Crosse WI police officers are being sued by a man arrested for recording the officers arresting his friend for recording a public congressional debate. [3] bit.ly/uekLRS
Slappin the old wife around a bit
Albuquerque NM cop arrested on DV charges for repeatedly kicking woman, later identified as his wife, in the back & taking her cellphone [1] bit.ly/s3DHV0Portsmouth VA cop on leave after arrested on misd domestic assault charges involving mother of his child [1] bit.ly/tHEoWy
Common thief
3 Chicago IL cops suspended w/o pay pending a termination hearing over allegations they repeatedly issued dozens of fake traffic tickets to a man they never met. A 4th officer involved in the case was fired in another case for an off-duty assault incident. [1] http://trib.in/sL00QLNew Orleans LA cop gets suspended sentence after pleading to malfeasance for writing fake tickets to get overtime [0] bit.ly/vZC7kU
Fort Wayne IN cop faces termination hearing involving 3 neglect of duty allegations in one month [0] bit.ly/vjs02USuperior WI cop was suspended for 60 days for stealing $5000 from fellow cops. The civil review board there said it wouldn’t fire him despite the criminal misconduct because, they say, it would be unfair to fire him when the department never fired other officers for breaking the law. [0] bit.ly/tVGciO
Shinnston WV cop suspended pending investigation into unspecified allegations of criminal conduct [2] bit.ly/tddC4yNicholas Co KY sheriff gets diversionary sentence, must repay over $31,000 that stole from forfieture funds [0] bit.ly/sogyoA
Boise Co ID deputy arrested for drunk driving after driving patrol car off dirt road & rolling it while off duty [0] bit.ly/u01rMG
2 Truckahoe NY cops suspended for unspecified period of time for covering up for NYPD cop’s drunk driving accident [2] http://lohud.us/vbqK3zWashington Co MD deputy arrested on allegations he was supplying drugs to a jail inmate [0] bit.ly/vh9vH9
Emery Co UT deputy arrested on allegations he was stealing drugs from sheriff’s dept & doctor shopping [0] bit.ly/vgpEdKSchenectady NY police sgt suspended after arrested on DUI & leaving the scene of an accident charges while off duty [0] bit.ly/rRW3Ku
False arrest
Portland OR police sued by a man claiming he was falsely arrested after refusing to let that officer perform an invasive search during a stop without cause. [3] bit.ly/rwLl9rAssaulting citizens and then hiding behind the law
Spokane WA officials are denouncing about 48 police officers who attended the trial of a cop convicted of using excessive force in the beating death of a mentally ill man at a convenience store and saluting him as he was being escorted into custody. Officials now say they are investigating those officers to determine if any were on duty at the time. [0] bit.ly/vFIIGn
Asheville NC police accused of targeting #OccupyAsheville organizers with questionable arrests, including one person arrested for acts during a protest march that person didn’t even attend. [3] bit.ly/soForu
Little Rock AR cop investigated after video shows him repeatedly punch man in face at off-duty club security job [0] bit.ly/sJvkIx
Oakland CA cops are accused of badly beating an Iraq war veteran who was allegedly trying to cross a police line at #OccupyOakland on his way home from dinner. He was also allegedly denied medical care in jail, only to be driven to a hospital for emergency surgery for the ruptured spleen he suffered after he was bailed out of jail. [3] bit.ly/uDa9fU2 West Virginia state troopers are the subject of a lawsuit alleging they broke into a home and smashed the homeowner’s face in with the butt of a rifle as he slept on his couch in an alleged case of mistaken identification. [5] bit.ly/vMnu7C
Prince George’s County MD an unknown number of cops are being investigated on allegations that they beat & tasered 2 cuffed men after a chase. [2] wapo.st/vOswjZWill County IL deputy is being sued for brutality on allegations that he broke a man’s neck and ruptured his liver while responding to a call from a store owner about a dispute, allegedly because the officer found an FBI business card in the man’s belongings and thought he was an FBI informant. [5] trib.in/vHOGCL
Oakland CA settled an excessive force lawsuit for $22,000 to a man claiming cops busted his teeth by slamming his face down on a police cruiser hood during an arrest during a traffic stop. [0] bit.ly/uzf4mpGood, one less cop in the world
Jackson Co OR deputy wins $209k judgment in suit alleging he was fired for arresting supervisor’s retired cop pal [3] bit.ly/sxTS3TCops and women…a strange, strange relationship
New York NY police are being accused of telling a sexual battery victim at #OccupyWallStreet that it was her fault for sleeping there. Oddly, the police and mayor have been chastising protesters for allegedly not reporting crimes, but apparently blaming them for being there when they do report being victimized. [3] bit.ly/vMCi0gDelaware Co OK sheriff resigns after $13.5mil settlement was made to 15 women claiming that he ignored rape complaints against his jail employees [0] bit.ly/rKeCYV
Lincoln Co MO sheriff’s detective was indicted on a variety of charges alleging he sexually abused and assaulted 5 female drug court participants under color of law [0] bit.ly/tUmMKVGlendale AZ cop hits pregnant teen in crosswalk w/cruiser, slightly injuring her, claims sun was in his eyes [1] bit.ly/sd7u6K
Winnebago Co IL deputy suspended 5days w/o pay as discipline for sexual harassment case [0] bit.ly/tTQFzVGalena Park TX cop files EEOC complaint alleging chief grilled her about sex after ex sent him nude pics as revenge [1] bit.ly/tuOBgs
New York NY police are being criticized for jailing an out-of-town college student for 36 hours just because she left her identification at her hotel and they refused to let her friend retrieve it. [3] nyti.ms/v0vo0bThen the judge is an idiot
Monroe Co NY forced by judge to rehire a deputy with a history of misconduct who was fired after violating a “last chance” agreement which indicated he would be fired for any more misconduct… The judge claims such agreements are too vague. [0] on.rocne.ws/ueCvWoThug 101
2 Lake Co IN cops under investigation on allegations that they were involved in bar fight, no details released [2] bit.ly/sX8nusloan fraud
Georgia Bureau of Investigation agent suspended while subject of investigation into $1mil loan fraud allegations [0] bit.ly/sREJGMPimp
Massachusetts state trooper suspended w/o pay for allegedly trying to cover up for prostitution ring he was part of [0] bit.ly/vHsDe9Selling influence
Maricopa Co AZ sheriff’s capt was fired for lying about fundraising activities for sheriff & violating campaign laws[3] bit.ly/uzxszlIllegal gun sales
2 Sacramento Co CA deputies suspended after they are added to list of cops under investigation for illegal gun sales[0] bit.ly/sETGjfWeasel
Philadelphia PA cop caught lying on stand in a drug case after defense reveals video contradicting him. While the case was dismissed over the perjured testimony, it does not appear as though the officer will face any repercussions.[3] bit.ly/tOOpGfInitiating violence…why is this not surprising
Dallas TX police are being investigated after they were accused of initiating violence at an #OccupyDallas protest march that resulted in protesters being maced & arrested. Not only did at least one journalist at the event suggest that the officers were the aggressors, but video also allegedly contradicts the official reports. [3] bit.ly/sY1s6vOakland CA police officer was caught on video at #OccupyOakland hiding his name tag & badge number with tape which happens to be against departmental policy. A supervisor was alerted to the issue and was shown on video making the officer remove the tape. [0] bit.ly/ugWdjm
You don’t understand…I’m special
2 Florida state troopers caught on dashcam speeding w/o lights by cop angry at trooper’s arrest of cop for speeding [1] thesent.nl/uz1aWX
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