Idiots of the week award. Fairfax County Police. Police Brutality
Windsor ON police dept is being criticized for their policy of giving out secretive informal discipline for cops involved in misconduct. Makes it sound like they have to stand in the corner or do a couple sit-ups or something for being bad. [3]
The Fairfax County Police Officer Jeffrey Hand Award for Creative Income Production.
Lancaster Co SC deputy faces charges for breaking into home under construction & stealing tiles while in patrol car [0]
Los Angeles CA police sgt arrested on suspicion of fraud for allegedly altering dr’s note extending paid leave [0]
This week’s child molestation charge against your local police. The Fairfax County Police Officer Joseph Baltimore alleged child rapist award. Fairfax County Police. Police brutality
Leptanto AR cop arrested for public sexual indecency & harassment involving 17yr-old girl he allegedly took into a back room at a gas station [0]
Lake Wales FL police captain was fired after a state’s attorney put him on a Brady list for hiding his no contest plea for a sex with a minor charge in ’85 [0]
Your local pimp is a cop. Fairfax County Police. Police brutality

New York NY cop investigated for his alleged pimping activity but prosecutors decided not to file charges… he’s accused of intimidating hookers into refusing to talk. [0]
This week Rape by your local police . Fairfax County Police. Police brutality
Suwanee GA DUI task force cop fired after admitting to on duty oral sex with woman who claimed it wasn’t consensual [0]
Creepy cop behavior. Fairfax County Police. Police brutality
San Luis AZ police lieutenant was charged with felony stalking, illegal imprisonment & misconduct w/weapons for stalking a woman [0]
Seneca SC police sued by TV station for withholding information from FOI request concerning sexual harassment case [4]
The Fairfax County Police officer Walter R. Fasci/ Sean McGlone award for sober living.
Katy TX cop fired for letting drunk man drive his truck while he was drunk as well… that man ended up causing a crash that killed a woman & her son. [0]
The officer Christian Chamberlain Award for “Fuck you, I’ll get away with it anyway” Fairfax County police . Police brutality
Columbia MO settles suit for $50k to man on dashcam being tasered then beaten after asking why he was pulled over. This video was one of the contenders in our Worst Police Misconduct Videos of 2010 Reader’s Poll. [0]
2 Seattle WA cops on dashcam dragging passenger from car & tasing him for refusing to give them ID when he legally didn’t have to then arresting his mom for telling them to call their supervisor. The video then shows one officer telling the man he was arrested for “being lippy”. The department gave one of them nothing more than a letter of reprimand. [3]
2 Melbourne FL cops also got themselves an oh-so-scary reprimand for turning off their dashcam during an incident with a 66-year-old man with dementia that was still caught on video as they kicked, beat, and allegedly tasered him in the face… but the department decided that use of force was just fine because the officer claimed he came at him threateningly, though the video doesn’t back that claim. (sorry, they won’t let me embed this one). [3]
This week’s candidates for the Brian Sonnenberg Peaceful Resolution to Conflict Center Award. Fairfax County Police. police brutality
Colorado Springs CO settles suit for $480k to cop claiming 2 cops fasely arrested him for breaking up w/one of them. The cop gave an interesting quote when asked if he’d ever be a cop again “I saw the other side,” he said, talking about being in jail. “People that needed to be there and people that didn’t need to be there. I saw a system that didn’t care what it did to people.” [0]
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