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"I don't like this book because it don't got know pictures" Chief Rhorerer

“It’s becoming a disturbingly familiar scene in America - mentally unstable cops”

“It’s becoming a disturbingly familiar scene in America - mentally unstable cops”
“It’s becoming a disturbingly familiar scene in America - mentally unstable cops”

Thank you FCPD, for trying to hire this clown back.......


Virginia court blocks reinstatement of former Fairfax County officer

A Virginia Court of Appeals has blocked former Fairfax County police officer Wesley Shifflett's attempt to get his job back.

Posted October 17, 2024 9:42pm EDT

The FCPD 2024 “Road Shark” Shark campaign issued nearly 35,000 citations and warnings to drivers.

 ....here's what the cops don't tell you, in half the cases the cops won't show up in court and more than one third of all the cases will be dismissed by the judge

Wanted Suspect Arrested After 5-Hour Barricade in Merrifield

 Remeber the last guy who barricaded himself against the FCPD? Yeah, a cop who was arguing  with wife on the phone....while we were paying him......shot the barricaded guy dead.