Idiots at work
Breaking and entering with intent
The US 10th Circuit Court ruled that cops cannot use minor traffic violations as an excuse to break into homes without a warrant in a case involving a Murray County OK deputy and 2 Sulphur OK cops being sued for allegedly doing just that in addition to beating a man in the head with a baton, pepperspraying a woman and her 14-year-old son, then dragging their other son out of the bathroom at gunpoint all over a minor traffic violation he didn’t stop for. [0]
A Seattle WA police brutality lawsuit alleging a cop with a history of misconduct allegedly beat one man and tasered another then concocted a story about being assaulted even though he had no injuries illustrates the difficulties Seattle has in imposing discipline on cops even when there is a history of misconduct and how it results in more misconduct and legal bills for that city. [3] RCMP mounties in Newfoundland are accused of kicking a woman who broke down kicking and screaming after hearing her son was murdered then calling her a slut before throwing her in the back of a cruiser on assaulting an officer charges. [3]
2 Lubbock TX cops sued by deputy US Marshal alleging excessive force in struggle when they tried to enter his home. This one is questionable for a number of reasons, but since the plaintiff and defendants are all officers, it’s misconduct no matter which side is right. [0]
Pennsylvania state trooper convicted on misd assault charge over dispute that led to off-duty fight w/neighbor [0]
Raleigh NC is being sued by a man claiming a cop broke his leg and shattered his knee without cause then a judge jailed him for contempt because he couldn’t stand at court, then he was still denied medical care for several hours afterward. [3]
New York NY settles suit for $40k to woman claiming she went into premature labor after peppersprayed and tackled by cops at BBQ [0]
2 Palatine IL cops sued by man alleging they broke his skull by slamming his head against a holding cell wall while was using the toilet. [3]
Philadelphia PA police will be facing planned lawsuits that will allege that the police have a pattern of destroying people’s cell phones and arresting them for videotaping the police in public while the practice of recording police was recently deemed legal in a 1st Circuit Court ruling. [4]
Pontiac MI police chief was under investigation for allegedly falsifying documents on pal’s breath test when fired [1] profiling
US Border Patrol station in Port Angeles WA is accused of racial profiling… likely related to other allegations that the station expansion is a waste of taxpayer money because agents have nothing else to do in the remote area, a claim made by an agent who now says he’s suffered retaliation for reporting that. [3] violence
Arapahoe Co CO deputy arrested on domestic violence & menacing w/a gun charges in unspecified incident [1] Co FL deputy suspended after arrested on domestic battery charge involving wife who suffered minor injuries [0]
Paden City WV police chief arrested on 3 misd domestic battery charges for allegedly shoving wife, father-in-law & mother-in-law which left her with a leg laceration [0]
Coral Gables FL cop arrested on unspecified charges in unspecified off-duty incident by unspecified agency [4]
Creepy behavior
Evansville IN cop resigns in apparent deal to clear record after pulling woman over w/o cause & hitting on her [3]
Jacksonville FL police lieutenant sentenced to 1yr jail for stealing $51k from police charity group [0] the usual child molestation charges
Tacoma WA cop convicted on 4 counts 1st degree child molestation involving young female relative [0] & sexual battery
Statesville NC cop charged w/misd assault & sexual battery for alleged improper searches of 2 women while on patrol [0] motivated prosecutions
Maricopa Co AZ settles suit for $100k to retired judge subjected to politically motivated prosecutions by sheriff [0]
Hartsville SC cop fired & arrested after admitting to threatening the lives of a senator and his police chief [0] fraud
Robbins IL cop hired after fired for felony mail fraud conviction now charged w/unlawful possession of gun by felon [0] bias
Summit Co UT deputies accused of racial bias after jailing 8 black door-to-door salespeople but not white one [3] Drunk
Alabama A&M Univ AL cop arrested on unlawful distribution of a controlled substance charge in unspecified case [1] PA cop found guilty on 2 summary charges of public intox & disorderly conduct in off-duty fight w/fellow cop [0]
San Diego Co CA sheriff’s detective arrested for DUI hit&run after hitting parked cars, a foot & a fountain [0]
Orleans MA cop loses license for 45 days after pleading to drunk driving charges for crash that injured passenger [0]
Pinal Co AZ sheriff’s Lt reprimanded after repeatedly stopped by troopers, but not cited, for speeding on duty [1]
Welcome to our new readers from Slovenia
we're making the fairfax county police (The more we write that name the more hits we get) famous around the world
Once again, if Walmart would simply hire these people we would not have a police problem in America
Toronto CA undercover gang cops accused of leaving loaded shotgun at scene of home raid then failing to report it [3]
Again, if Walmart would simply hire these people we would have no police problem in America
Taking up space on earth while being an idiots
New York NY settles suit for $45k to man who was forcibly hauled out of his apartment & hospitalized on a mental health hold after 2 cops broke into his room and grabbed him because they thought him sitting in his 2nd floor window while smoking was a suicide attempt [0]
Fairfax County Cop Shoots Dog in Neighborhood and once again, no witnesses

A Fairfax County cop, who will of course...unlike you and I, go namelessshot and killed a dog on Friday morning and neighbors are upset about the incident.

"Neighbors are really upset because it could happen to anybody’s dog," said Elsts, who has two dogs and lives two blocks away from where the incident occurred. "Even though the dog wandered the streets on a regular basis, it’s pretty scary that an officer would use a gun in the neighborhood."

Police were called to the 6200 block of Everglade Drive for a report of a loose dog, according to the county. Public Information Officer Lucy "Where's the outrage?" Caldwell, of the Fairfax County cop propaganda office, laid out in an email to Patch what the police say happened next which we won't print since its probably all crap anyway.
"The owner did make a mistake, however I think it’s wrong for an officer to go on to someone’s property and shoot their dog on their front steps," Elsts said. "Any witnesses would have been traumatized."
"What scares me is if an officer responds to a call at my house, are they going to use lethal weapons against my pets?"
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