If Walt Mart would hire these people, we would not have a police problem in America
Anne Arundel Co MD pays $200k settlement to deaf burglary victim tackled & arrested for placing note on cop’s chest [3] bit.ly/s8jlWC
Kern Co CA deputy accused of doing between 75-90 w/o lights or siren by witnesses to fatal crash into 2 pedestrians [3] bit.ly/vanPw8
Officer “Crazy Moe” Mohammed Oluwa Jihad's on your ass award. Fairfax County Police

Haskell TX cop was sentenced to probation for planting meth in man’s car during a traffic stop. He resigned before his arrest after asked to take a polygraph test. [0] bit.ly/w3EbqJ
Los Angeles Co CA sheriff’s dept is being sued by a man who was exonerated after 20 years in prison after a wrongful conviction in a drive by shooting case. He alleges the officers involved were members of a racist gang of deputies who pressured witnesses and perjured themselves to gain the conviction. [3] bit.ly/tfjzU0
East Haven CT police department has been found by the US DOJ to have violated the constitution & federal laws with a pattern of discrimination against Latinos involving several cases including the arrest of a pastor for videotaping police harassment and culminated with a mass exodus of Hispanics away from that town. [0] bit.ly/uQflYI
Miramar FL cop was found guilty on multiple charges for the illegal search of man’s home using his keys that were confiscated during a traffic stop arrest. [0] bit.ly/uhQCxv
Orlando FL police & public defender are the subject of a wrongful conviction lawsuit by woman who was the victim of mistaken ID and a shoddy investigation. [2] thesent.nl/vMlyrf
Escambia Co FL deputy charged w/unlawful use of police database to look up criminal records for personal reasons [0] on.pnj.com/tKytPA
Elko Co NV deputy on desk duty for allegedly stalking & harassing a man by making unsubstantiated allegations against him in public and even conducting an illegal warrantless search on his business in a failed effort to find drugs. [1] http://bit.ly/vwPpZQ
The officer Christian Chamberlain Award for “Fuck you, I’ll get away with it anyway”
New London CT police accused of brutality by 6 workers at detox center claiming they beat & peppersprayed patient [3] bit.ly/vVrrLq
Maricopa Co AZ investigates alleged use of excessive force that left detainee brain dead after “scuffle” at jail [3] bit.ly/ucx4hH
Beaumont TX cop retires after accused of compromising a federal drug investigation. He was not charged in that case. [0] bit.ly/sR2NnW
North Chicago IL police officer is accused of excessive force in a video that was somehow leaked to the relative of another man who died in custody. The video shows a cop hitting a man in the back of the head than pushing him against a wall in what appears to be a choke hold and the video ends with the detainee appearing to pass out. [3] bit.ly/vTWE2Y
Falmouth MA cop charged w/driving to endanger, failing to stop for police & speeding after a 100mph motorcycle chase through that city. [0] http://bit.ly/ry4Js2
Lynn MA police sued by 57yr-old grandma who was arrested & taken to court in shackles thanks to a shoddy investigation that resulted in a warrant for her arrest. [1] bit.ly/uF5oGg
Russellville AR police sued alleging they conspired to arrest an innocent man for murder in an effort to protect the real murderer. [3] bit.ly/rvYU8w
Contra Costa Co CA deputy was indicted on extortion & conspiracy charges for his role in a DUI extortion scandal. He the 4th cop indicted so far [0] bit.ly/sXZCKk
But we’re above the law …… we’re special

Maricopa Co AZ sheriff’s dept ordered to pay $51k to cover media expenses in fight over access to public records [3] bit.ly/u2bwIC
2 Bourne MA cops investigated for failing to investigate woman’s claims that cop who crashed into her was drunk [1] bit.ly/tTeoOR
Massachusetts state police defy order to release black box data of Lt Gov’s crash in unmarked cruiser [3] bit.ly/u5Yaza
Seattle WA police face 43 active misconduct-related lawsuits that could cost taxpayers millions of dollars, this revelation comes as city officials and the police union are trying to deny allegations made in a DOJ report alleging the Seattle Police have a pattern of using excessive force and fail to hold officers accountable for misconduct. [3] bit.ly/tEnhFP
South Carolina Law Enforcement Division (SLED) sanctioned by FBI for failing to properly monitor how police use their national database [0] bit.ly/ulLuI3
This week’s candidates for the Brian Sonnenberg Peaceful Resolution to Conflict Center Award. Fairfax County Police
Wichita Falls TX cop was arrested on felony DV charges for allegedly assaulting his wife & 2 kids in a dispute over medication. [0] bit.ly/u2kAyX
Idaho state trooper was arrested on a misdemeanor domestic violence assault charge after his wife was injured in an alleged fight [0] bit.ly/rRZd4i
Orange Co FL deputy arrested on domestic violence charge after visiting home w/CPS and noting injuries to wife [1] bit.ly/tLedoe
Civil Rights? No, never heard of it. Fairfax County Police
An unspecified number of Houston TX cops, only described as “several” were reprimanded for using black tape to hide their badge numbers during a recent #Occupy protest [1] bit.ly/tsmx4T
New York NY police shown on video shoving & hitting journalists, including Democracy Now photographer, w/batons. [3] bit.ly/uEqs4f
New York NY police accused of beating #OWS protesters w/batons during failed takeover attempt on vacant church lot [3] nydn.us/s22Pg5
How you say? Paranoid?

The secretive Seattle WA police department hired an outside attorney to investigate leaks about misconduct cases to the press before the US DOJ began their investigation into that department. Apparently they were much more interested in disciplining cops for letting the public know about misconduct than the misconduct itself since that department never uses outside investigators to look into excessive force or other types of misconduct. Oddly, the police and mayor say it was necessary to protect their accountability process, a process condemned as failed by the US DOJ investigation. [4] bit.ly/rYt7Mv
and now a word from what-is
Another reason you should never drink from the toilet bowl...because I didn't do that....its not true...no matter what you heard.....so there.
The Chief Rhorerer-er Idiot of the Week Award. Fairfax County Police
Tredyffrin Twp PA police chief suspended 4d for letting 16yr-old son drive cruiser he then crashed, didn’t report it[0] bit.ly/tSSoUk
Washington DC cop hits bicyclist w/police vehicle while transporting his kids on errand, witnesses allege cop speeding [1] bit.ly/sfe5Lm
The officer Walter R. Fasci/ Sean McGlone award for sober living. Fairfax County Police.
Halifax NS police sgt arrested on drunk driving charge after crashing his police cruiser while off duty [0] bit.ly/v6xc9j
Jefferson City MO cop arrested on drunk driving and leaving the scene of an accident charges, no longer employed [2] bit.ly/sd8fWb
Midland Park NJ cop arrested on drunk driving charges after crashing while illegally driving ATV on road [0] bit.ly/tL6eDQ
Wagoner OK cop was suspended on allegations he attempted to purchase painkillers without a prescription. There have been no charges in that case yet. [0] bit.ly/tOIq4A
Hidalgo Co TX deputy resigns while 1 deputy & 2 sheriff’s sergeants are fired after they failed drug tests. A corrections officer was also fired as well. [0] bit.ly/vKwswV
The Officer David Scott Ziants Award for Citizen Motivation. Fairfax County Police
Union City GA police allegedly intimidating witnesses & preventing testimony in questionable fatal shooting of teen [5] bit.ly/uVTXx2
The Officer Jeffrey Hand Award for Creative Income Production. Fairfax County Police

Bloomville OH cop was arrested after he was fired on theft in office allegations, 2 other officers resign the same day for unspecified reasons apparently linked to the case. [2] bit.ly/t1epL4
Nassau Co FL investigation by FBI in corruption allegations vs sheriff’s dept expanded to probe brutality cases [3] bit.ly/vVlqYK
Smyth Co VA officials refuse to say why a sheriff’s dept cell was used as business phone for hunting store [3] http://bit.ly/rT1EBU
White Plains NY frail 250lb cop cries after female asst chief bumped a chair into his chair, threatens suit [0] lohud.us/tMjKUH
Why didn't the cops shoot this dog?

Braidwood IL police replace K9 that cost city $300k in settlements with drug sniffer dog that “doesn’t eat people” [0] bit.ly/tDbRRV
The officer Christian Chamberlain Award for “Fuck you, I’ll get away with it anyway”
Chapel Hill NC police accused of profiling black student mistaken for murder suspect despite different color car [2] bit.ly/uHElKp
Creepy Cop Behavior. Fairfax County Police
Massachusetts state trooper arrested after trying to run over cop w/unmarked truck when caught with prostitute [0] cbsloc.al/w3VZNt
Bay County FL sheriff’s sgt suspended while investigated on allegations he sexually battered a female acquaintance [1] bit.ly/tKqdZx
Perry Co IL sheriff cited with public indecency after he was allegedly caught in an intimate act with another man in a car parked in a public place. [0] bit.ly/tn0iaC
Arroyo Grande CA police sued by female officer alleging sexual harassment and retaliation for reporting it [3] bit.ly/rwpXCM
Jasper TX police chief accused of groping a woman’s breasts and, in a different incident, making inappropriate comments over police radio [3] bit.ly/v3lOHT
Fairfax COunty Police spokesperson Lucy Caldwell....
Lucy Caldwell (Left) and Life partner announce plans "Where's the outrage?" Lucy screamed "Show it to me!" at that point the gun was wrestled from her hands
Run Children! Run! Its your local police . Fairfax County Police
Livonia MI settles suit for breath testing 13yo kids on field trip because the principal saw an empty liquor bottle near where they stood, but they tested clean. Police promise they will seek parental OK for breathalyzing minors in the future. [1] bit.ly/twFVyA
And now a word from Chief Rhorererer-er
I am not as short as photos and everything else makes me look, thank you and Merry Christmas, I'll be mailing an award to you shortly (shortly Ha!)
Its called Penis Eenvy and its derived from a distant father figure in childhood and leds many into the line of police work
Perry Co IL sheriff cited with public indecency after he was allegedly caught in an intimate act with another man in a car parked in a public place. [0] bit.ly/tn0iaC
This week’s child molestations by your local police. Fairfax County Police
Run Children! Run! Its the police!
Granger Co TN deputy sentenced to 10+yrs for enticing a 16yr-old girl to have sex with him then attempting to lure a 13yr-old girl while he was out on bond for that first case. [0] bit.ly/vyEWoo
Stearns Co MN deputy earns over $200k in pay while on leave 2yrs waiting trial for multiple sex w/minor charges [0] on.sctimes.com/tj3ppb
Warsaw IN cop who resigned over an alleged relationship with a 16yr-old girl has been arrested for allegedly molesting a girl under 14 back in 2010. [0] bit.ly/t4VDEA
North Topsail Beach NC cop was fired after caught peeping into a teen girl’s bedroom. The uniformed officer claimed he was looking for a suspect when her dad caught him in the act. [0] bit.ly/un4bho
Madison NJ cop was sentenced to 6 years in prison for soliciting nude pics from an undercover cop posing as a 13-year-old girl on the internet. [0] bit.ly/tyy3gr
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