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"I don't like this book because it don't got know pictures" Chief Rhorerer

“It’s becoming a disturbingly familiar scene in America - mentally unstable cops”

“It’s becoming a disturbingly familiar scene in America - mentally unstable cops”
“It’s becoming a disturbingly familiar scene in America - mentally unstable cops”

Do fuck'n believe this? Where is the Justice Department? Where are our federal leaders? Stop these insane pricks

Los Angeles Co CA sheriff’s capt investigated for taking ex-golf pro inmate to golf resort to get golf lessons [0] http://bit.ly/I4qZDz

Fairfax County Police Sgt. Weiss Rasool award for Terrorism Against the People…yeah, the Fairfax cops actually hired a terrorist

Calgary AB cop charged with assault over unspecified on-duty incident in July of 2011 [3] http://bit.ly/HUtebZ

The Fairfax County Police officer Walter R. Fasci/ Sean McGlone award for sober living. Fairfax County Police. Police brutality

New Orleans LA cop suspended after arrest on DUI charge while driving unmarked police cruiser, refused breath test [0] http://bit.ly/HUN3jp

Clinton Twp NJ cop suspended arrested on possession of steroids w/o prescription charge after investigation [0] http://bit.ly/Hi1leh

Had enough?  Write to the Speaker of the House, U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, DC 20515 and demand federal hearings into the police problem in America.  Demand mandatory body cameras for cops, one strike rule on abuse, and a permanent  DOJ office on Police Misconduct.

Fairfax County Police Officer Larry A. Jackson award for false arrest. Fairfax County Police. Police brutality

Illinois 2 ex-cops in center of several false confession cases teaching state-funded police investigator classes [0] http://trib.in/HivDxr

Fairfax County Police officer Irene M. Boyle “Opps! Gee gosh it was loaded?” awards

St Cloud FL cop accidentally shoots a fellow cop during a drug raid, claiming he was concerned for his safety. However, police won’t say if they found anything or arrested anyone during the raid. [3] http://bit.ly/HUO1wg

Had enough?  Write to the Speaker of the House, U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, DC 20515 and demand federal hearings into the police problem in America.  Demand mandatory body cameras for cops, one strike rule on abuse, and a permanent  DOJ office on Police Misconduct.

“It’s becoming a disturbingly familiar scene in America - mentally unstable cops”

Baltimore MD settles suit for $95k to principal injured when cops detained her while searching home w/o permission [0] http://bit.ly/HXlyoz

 Moorhead MN police sued by waitress after cops siezed her $12k tip because they claimed it “smelled like pot” [3] http://wapo.st/HXl55E

New Castle PA sued by man arrested by cop after he reported that he suspected he was victim of check fraud scam [3] http://bit.ly/HXlViT

Gloucester Twp NJ cop arrested on drug possession and possession with intent to distribute charges [0] http://bit.ly/HOOAHP

Had enough?  Write to the Speaker of the House, U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, DC 20515 and demand federal hearings into the police problem in America.  Demand mandatory body cameras for cops, one strike rule on abuse, and a permanent  DOJ office on Police Misconduct.

The officer Christian Chamberlain Award for “Fuck you, I’ll get away with it anyway” Fairfax County police . Police brutality

Peters PA police sued by man claiming cop was aggressive & pulled gun on him while he was legally hunting [3] http://bit.ly/HXk5P6

Hayward CA police sued by family of 89yr-old who lost leg then died after police dog mauled him in his own yard [3] http://bit.ly/HXjKfa

Had enough?  Write to the Speaker of the House, U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, DC 20515 and demand federal hearings into the police problem in America.  Demand mandatory body cameras for cops, one strike rule on abuse, and a permanent  DOJ office on Police Misconduct.

Fairfax County Police Officer Amanda Perry award for Safe Driving. Fairfax County Police. Police brutality

RCMP to pay $331k judgment to man injured in crash when cop ran red light on her way to lunch [0] http://bit.ly/HXksci

Had enough?  Write to the Speaker of the House, U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, DC 20515 and demand federal hearings into the police problem in America.  Demand mandatory body cameras for cops, one strike rule on abuse, and a permanent  DOJ office on Police Misconduct.