...and yet the Fairfax County Police don't need oversight, amazing

An Effingham County GA deputy was caught on dashcam hitting a cooperative man with a running punch then choking him during a traffic stop where he was being cooperative. [3] http://bit.ly/ld3yhs
3 Colorado State troopers sued by family of man fatally shot by trooper when he wouldn’t let them in w/o warrant [3] http://bit.ly/mQHEuR
Baltimore MD loses suit for $95k to man claiming 2 cops assaulted & jailed him for 10hrs without any charges [0] http://bsun.md/iWsH2x
3 Hamilton ON cops subject of judge’s rebuke after awarding $46k to man wrongfully arrested at gunpoint [3] http://bit.ly/jrwuqx
New York NY (Bronx) police sued by man claiming cop stopped him for drinking Snapple & jailed him for talking back [3] http://nydn.us/kHzCZR
New York State trooper charged w/leaving scene of fatal accident after running over man laying in street off-duty [0] http://bit.ly/lytddH
Pittsburgh PA & Harrisburgh PA cop reach secret settlement deal w/man who’s leg was broken by baton at G20 protests [3] http://bit.ly/lCVbZH
Boston MA MBTA police K9 officer sentenced to 18mo jail on felony animal cruelty charge for starving his dog to death [0] http://bit.ly/lYJ1bj
Harvey IL cop arrested on aggravated assault & other charges for ramming his girlfriend’s car while her two children were also inside after she broke up with him [0] http://bit.ly/mJb0OF
Shelby NC police officer arrested for assault on a handicapped person in an unspecified incident that’s under investigation. [1] http://bit.ly/mp1jf9
Slaton TX cop resigned before charged w/federal possession of child porn charges after feds search his work & home [0] http://bit.ly/kDfpBL
Atlanta GA cop gets reprimand for ordering woman to be quiet in IHOP where he was working off duty as security in an incident which escalated to him punching her on camera. [1] http://bit.ly/liAiBb
White Mountain Apache Tribe cop in Arizona charged w/civil rights violations for driving two men to a remote location and abandoning them in dangerously cold weather. [0] http://bit.ly/j7D8Lw
Bandera Co TX settles whistleblower suit for $270k to deputy fired for reporting misconduct that cost sheriff’s job [5] http://bit.ly/iUk5dA
Maricopa Co AZ deputy & 2 jail guards subject of warrants for alleged involvement in human & drug smuggling [1] http://bit.ly/lkYjes
Andalusia AL cop pleads to drug distribution charge after caught in sting escorting dealers & trading drugs for sex [0] http://bit.ly/kYy6gc
Baton Rouge LA cop pleads no contest to bribery & corrupt influence charges after soliciting money from inmate [0] http://bit.ly/kCIgua
Univ of Tennessee police officer among 50 named in drug probe indictments, charged w/sale & delivery of hydrocodone [0] http://bit.ly/lZKn4N
Farmington NH police detective sentenced to 4mo jail (1yr-9mo suspended) for stealing almost $4,000 from evidence [0] http://bit.ly/kBgO7T
Passaic NJ police capt named police chief despite 2 misconduct investigations & $500k sex harassment settlement [0] http://bit.ly/j3wjn4
Watertown MA cop fired for failing to deliver restraining order now charged w/impeding federal drug investigation [0] http://bit.ly/mr8ZCx
Denver CO police sgt arrested on drunk driving charges after accident, was cited for DUI before by case dropped [0] http://bit.ly/igHoD6
Lee Co SC deputy suspended while investigated for taking patrol car outside county, spotted parked at night club [0] http://bit.ly/lDySwa
3 Seattle WA cops suspended 10-20days for using vulgar language while arresting suspected gang members. The abusive language and threats were captured on dashcam and included one officer saying “I’m going to skull fuck you and drag you down the street.” [0] http://bit.ly/iI7coH
Las Vegas NV settles suit for $1mil to family of mentally ill man who died after choke hold used to restrain him [0] http://bit.ly/l32icm
Sûreté du Québec cop suspected of shooting fellow officer before taking his own life in possible domestic dispute [0] http://bit.ly/kJUa1V
Alameda Co CA deputy sentenced to 1yr w/credit for 199 days in plea deal for molesting 3 children under age of 10 [0] http://bit.ly/mR07rR
New York NY police sued by teen alleging cops wrongfully charged & prosecuted him while ignoring other’s confession [0] http://bit.ly/md37vj
Los Angeles Co CA settles suit for $4.75mil to man injured in crash w/drunk deputy still on job after 6 months of home detention. [0] http://bit.ly/mk8w6q
Saratoga Co NY deputy suspended w/o pay after arrested on misd menacing & child endangerment charges [1] http://bit.ly/kOuPns
Marion Co IN deputy arrested on battery charge after unspecified family member claims he attacked her [1] http://bit.ly/m0SBOm
Walla Walla County WA deputy arrested on domestic violence charge in unspecified incident [1] http://bit.ly/jKcxjW
Shelton CT cop fired after receiving rehab plea deal for extorting cash from duaghter’s friend over stolen iPod [0] http://bit.ly/mEDMBs
Ft Myers FL cop fired for leaving jurisdiction on at least 37 occasions and lying about it to dispatchers [0] http://bit.ly/jABPng
Saginaw MI settles suit for $700k to police officer claiming he was sexually harassed by female supervisor [0] http://bit.ly/iH2Mvx
Fairfax County Police have too much time on their grimy little hands, too much of our money and not enough to do and here’s why
The occupation force that is the Fairfax County Police, over 75% of the force live outside the county that pays them, very, very well, stopped 696 cars and questioned between 700 and 1200 citizens at a “sobriety checkpoint” on Saturday, May 21 near Franconia. They made no arrests in the three hours they were harassing citizens. 18 cops were involved and cost the taxpayers just over $2,000.00
The purpose of these checkpoints is to raise cash for the county thereby avoiding police oversight and allowing the chief of police to hold on to his job for another year.
Once again, we need to police the police, who are, once again, out of control and living off the backs of the people of Fairfax County. We need a law that restricts the inspections strictly to their intended purpose and let the chief figure out another way not to get fired.
The purpose of these checkpoints is to raise cash for the county thereby avoiding police oversight and allowing the chief of police to hold on to his job for another year.
Once again, we need to police the police, who are, once again, out of control and living off the backs of the people of Fairfax County. We need a law that restricts the inspections strictly to their intended purpose and let the chief figure out another way not to get fired.
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