and that figure there of the little guy with the stick hit'n the that other cartoon fella, that's me. That 's says "Ya all's under a-rest", now you write that down in regular words fer me.
Court testimoney
and that figure there of the little guy with the stick hit'n the that other cartoon fella, that's me. That 's says "Ya all's under a-rest", now you write that down in regular words fer me.
and now a word from our generic Asian officer
Herow: I’m a generic Asian guy and I want all of you to know that I WAS NOT given this promotion because of my racial background. In fact, that charge is ri-dick-a-ris. All across the globe when people think police they think Asian. When they think drunken police, they think Irish. Ask Sean McGlone, if sober, he tell you I right.
My son, Ping ding wing ping, we never after I dropped fork
my wife, she say "That good name"
In fact there have been many famous Asian police officers like….ah….Charlie Chan…yeah, that’s one…. and, and that fat guy on the original Hawaii 5-O, the one who never had any lines and then there was the little Chinese guy who did the karate stuff on The Green Hornet Show…..he was kinda like a cop except he beat people up instead of obeying the raw……okay he was exactree like a cop.
Unlawful arrest by your local police. Fairfax County Police.

Medford MA police sued by man claiming police wrongfully arrested and detained him twice on same recalled warrant [3]
Toronto ON settles suit for unspecified sum to man unlawfully detained 28hrs & strip searched during G20 [3]
Makes sense to us. Fairfax County Police

Orleans Parish LA deputy arrested on several charges for smuggling cell phones into the jail for inmates [0]
A lying cop? Get the fuck otta here. Fairfax County Police

Cape Coral FL cop who resigned over fake GED may have also lied about military service & medals, may face charges [0]
Common thief. Fairfax County Police

Platteville CO police chief arrested on felony identity theft & embezzlement of public property charges [1]
It’s not a cop. Cops can’t don’t know how to write. Fairfax County Police

Philadelphia PA man claiming to be cop has been posting menacing messages to #OccupyPhiladelphia’s Facebook page, which would be a violation of departmental policy if it is a cop doing it. [3]
Broward Co FL deputy under investigation after posting questionable comments on news channel’s Facebook page [0]
Cops fear evidence, ironic ain’t it? Fairfax County Police

Biloxi MS cop investigated for using vulgarity on video before apparently arresting a man for talking back. Police say no policy appears to have been violated aside from rules about using vulgarity, but allegations that the officer and others were dropping a cuffed and passed out suspect on his face repeatedly before the video started appear as though they are being ignored. [4]
Washington DC police chief apologizes to videographer threatened by police while recording carjacking rescue [0]
Concord CA police captain voids police lieutenant’s traffic accident citation “in the interest of justice” [4]
St Lucie Co FL deputy arrested a man for filming a traffic stop, alleging that the cop watcher was verbally abusive. [5]
Slappin the old wife around. Fairfax County Police
Craig CO police officer arrested on suspicion of domestic violence & harassment in unspecified incident [1]
This week’s candidates for the Brian Sonnenberg Peaceful Resolution to Conflict Center Award. Fairfax County Police
Seymour IN cop accused of using excessive force on a 120lb 63yr-old man who says he will lose an eye from injuries caused by the officer repeatedly slamming his head against a police cruiser hood and the pavement outside his home. The cops say he fled a traffic stop for running a stop sign. [3]
RCMP cop pleads guilty to assault for hitting man in the face w/flashlight while responding to a noise complaint call at the wrong house. [0]
Las Vegas NV settles suit for $83k to tourist who suffered broken leg when arrested by cops for breaking up fight [0]
Raeford NC police chief says his resignation has nothing to do with an excessive force suit against him and four other officers from when he led the Coats NC PD [3]
Charlotte NC cop was arrested on assault & battery with a dangerous weapon charges for smashing a beer bottle over a man’s head while playing poker on Thanksgiving. [0]
Sarasota FL settles suit for $40k to man in videotaped excessive force case that led to officer & chief resigning [0]
Lincoln Co GA sheriff’s sergeant suspended while subject of investigation into unspecified citizen complaint [2]
This week’s candidates for the Officer Sean McGlone Award for sober living. Fairfax County Police

North Charleston SC cop arrested on 3rd deg assault charge for allegedly punching man at bar while off duty. He was already facing charges over an apparent domestic incident from earlier this year. [0]
Lake Stevens WA police officer was allegedly quietly convicted on a DUI charge but not disciplined despite other alleged complaints, all this came from an opinion piece from a reader to a local paper asking why it wasn’t being covered. [3]
Los Angeles Co CA deputy faces felony charges for DUI crash that caused injuries, tested almost 2x limit [0]
Standard creepy cop behavior. Fairfax County Police
Athens Co OH deputy takes plea deal that will likely result in probation for coercing sex from female drug defendants. The deal also removes any charges involving a sex crime. [0]
The cops are always shooting dogs, why didn’t they shoot this one? Fairfax County Police

Campbell OH police dog attacked an 8yr-old boy after apparently mistaking him playing in grandmother’s yard for the kind of behavior it’s trained to attack, namely a suspect running. The boy’s parents say the officer walking the dog should have had it under control. [0]
Lakeside WA police sued by man whose legs were severely injured by police dog when police responded to a domestic dispute call that resulted in no charges [3]
Good, serves him right. They should have fired him. Fairfax County Police

Atlanta GA police major suspended 15 days for letting mayor’s brother go at traffic stop despite suspended license [0]
Attempted Murder by your local police. Fairfax County Police

Paterson NJ settles suit for $10k to man shot by his ex-girlfriend a police officer [0]
Murder by your local police. Fairfax County Police

San Jose CA police sergeant allegedly murdered his wife before fatally shooting himself in murder-suicide incident [0]
This week’s child molestation report by your local Police. Fairfax County Police
Carrabassett Valley ME now-former police officer was sentenced to an actual total of 10 years prison for repeatedly sexually abusing a girl under the age of 12 for a period of over 4 years. While he claims the sexual abuse stopped a month or so before he became an officer, he was accused of intimidating the girl into keeping quiet about it during that time. [0]
Cleveland TN police chief is accused of knowing about statutory rape & drug abuse allegations against his officers but refused to investigate them, they were eventually charged and convicted. [4]
Ontario Provincial Police constable found guilty on 3 counts of sexual misconduct involving a female 17yr-old dept employee. [0]
Windsor ON police officer is under investigation on unspecified allegations of sexual assault [3]
The CHief David Rhorerer Idiot in Action Award

Adams Co CO sued by deaf man held 25 days without access to sign language interpreter after a questionable domestic violence arrest when police responded to a disturbance call and heard the deaf couple verbalizing. [3]
Starr Co TX deputy arrested on illegal gaming charge after using county vehicle to spotlight animals [1]
Fullerton California, where the cops run wild. Fairfax County Police
Fullerton CA police sued by woman claiming 2 warrantless raids on her home then harassment over complaint [5]
Fullerton CA cop destroyed his personal audio recorder after detainee found hanged in cell after having exchange with cop [5]
Fullerton CA police accused of mass detention of minorities at park while responding to alleged weapon complaint, none found [5]
Idiots at work. Fairfax County Police
Seattle WA received a stinging rebuke from the US DOJ over a policy that gives overly broad protection against prosecution for cops who agree to be interviewed for internal investigations into excessive force. The rebuke came shortly after charges were dropped against an officer for an excessive force incident caught on camera, (which was actually three different incidents caught on video in the same night). City officials say that, no matter what the DOJ tells them to do, they have to ask the police union for permission before they can make any changes first.. [3]
But you don’t understand, I’m special
Collegedale TN cop investigated after cops allegedly see him having sex in car while they made a DUI arrest nearby. Officials refuse to say if he was on duty but his cruiser was parked next to the truck he was allegedly having sex in. [2]
Waldwick NJ cop investigated for participating in a treasure hunt for jewelry while on duty. He won a necklace. [0]
Common thief
Stanislaus Co CA sheriff’s lieutenant on paid leave after charged with 2 counts of felony welfare fraud [1]
Gutless Cowards
Citrus Co FL deputy named Nick Hesse shot a Jack Russel Terrier to death while serving a warrant on the small pet owner’s son. Police are defending the officer by claiming he was afraid for his safety. The owner says someone that frightened by a tiny dog probably shouldn’t be a cop. [0]
If Walmart would only hire these idiots, the streets would be safer
Houston TX cops sued for racial profiling alleging they cuffed & searched a man for being white in black neighborhood [3]
Jackson Co AR deputy resigns after accidentally discharging another officer’s weapon on video when he picked it up inside the jail. Nobody was injured. [0]
Baltimore MD settles another lawsuit for $67.5k to a man who was injured & falsely arrested by cops who mistook him for a robbery suspect. [0]
Denver CO police & city officials are the subject of a lawsuit by #OccupyDenver protesters alleging their rights are being violated via selective enforcement of city ordinances. [3]
Slappin the ole wife around. Fairfax County Police

San Antonio TX police sgt arrested on assault bodily injury & family violence on warrant after fight w/woman [0]
Creepy Cop Behavior. Fairfax County Police

Toronto ON cop was found guilty of assault & sexual assault for squeezing a man’s testicles during a traffic stop. [0]
Michigan State trooper faces charges for an alleged illegal strip search and cavity search, few details about this one are being released though. [1]
This week’s child molestation by your local police report. Fairfax County Police
Nogales AZ cop suspended while investigated on allegations he had sex with a 17-year-old girl who was participating in that department’s explorer program. [0]
Morgan Co IN deputy subject of investigation by special prosecutor possibly involving inappropriate emails to a teen [1] week’s candidates for the Officer Sean McGlone Award for sober living. Fairfax County Police
Barrie ON cop arrested on drunk driving charges while stopped for speeding, he was charged for drunk driving in 2005 as well but that case was dropped. [0]
Norfolk VA cop pleads guilty to 1 count selling steroids & 1 count possession of marijuana, the deal drops 17 other counts [0] State trooper allegedly flees to Florida, misses court date, after suspected DUI police chase [0]
Butler Co OH deputy suspended 40 days after arrested on DUI charge while driving unmarked cruiser [0]
Hamilton NJ cops are accused of sending threatening letters to officials boasting about their questionable DUI arrest of that township’s deputy mayor after some officers were laid off. [3]
This week’s candidates for the Brian Sonnenberg Peaceful Resolution to Conflict Center Award. Fairfax County Police
Chatham-Kent ON cop was charged with assault causing bodily harm after man suffered serious facial injuries while detained, no details about the actual incident were released. [1]
New York NY police are accused of excessive force during a questionable traffic stop that was allegedly nothing more than an attempt to fill the officers’ quotas [3] MD settles a lawsuit for $40k to a man injured by a cop who beat him with a baton when he was arrested on charges that were later dismissed. [0]
Passaic Co NJ deputy suspended & faces charges after fellow cop accuses him of terroristic threats & harassment [1]
A Kinston NC cop working an off-duty security gig at WalMart is accused of pepperspraying a man who accidentally fell into a cellphone display at that store. The spray affected at least 20 other shoppers and one news article decided to go with an Orwellian “Police use pepperspay to calm crowd” headline… I’m pretty sure that was pepperspay, not camomilespray. [1] Co ID sheriff & chief deputy sued by ACLU alleging retaliation against jail detainees who filed complaints [5]
Utah Highway Patrol settles suit for $40k to a man who was caught on dashcam being tasered by a trooper during a DUI stop when he asked to talk to an attorney before agreeing to take a breathalyzer test. [0] York NY police told they’ll face discipline if they keep harassing journalists trying to cover police actions against #OccupyWallStreet. But, apparently, it was ok before since there won’t be any investigations into the arrests and mistreatment of journalists that already occurred. [3]
Birmingham AL cop charged w/misd assault & endangerment after allegedly punching & pulling his gun on man in an alleged incident of road rage [0] week’s Officer David Ziants Award. Fairfax County Police
Murder by your local that you can pay for.
Richmond CA settled a lawsuit for $1.5mil to the family of a mentally ill man who died after tasered for 72 seconds straight and beaten with batons by 4 police officers. [0]
Louisiana State police are accused of giving a Terrebonne Parish LA deputy preferential treatment after he killed a pedestrian with an SUV. [4]
Little man in a big hat. Police Budget 2012. Fairfax County Police
Police stuff: $1,300.00
Plaques $150,000,000
Awards $100,000,000
Framing for Recognition Letters $50,000,000
Total $301,000,000
That's actually how much the police problem in Fairfax County is costing you
And now a word from our Special Needs Staff
Who ever is placing the doggie treats in my inbox...stop it....stop it now....I DID NOT DRINK ROM THAT TOILET, GODDAMN IT
Surprise! Fairfax County Police

2 Seattle WA cops are accused of excessive force during a traffic stop where they dragged a black man out of his car and beat him, causing injuries to his face and ribs.
This weeks candidates for the Brian Sonnenberg Peaceful Resolution To Conflict Center Award.Fairfax County Police
Victoria BC cop found guilty of assault by choking a prisoner until he passed out in a holding cell [0]
Oxford NC cop suspended after arrested along with his father on assault inflicting serious bodily injuries charges [2]
Chattanooga TN cop suspended after arrested on an assault warrant over alleged road rage incident involving the use of his taser. [1]
Chubbuck ID cop is under investigations on allegations he pulled his gun during an unspecified altercation. [3]
Pennsylvania State trooper sentenced to 1 week jail for assaulting his neighbor after 5yr fued, trooper was fired [0]
Well, that didn't go over well, now did it? Fairfax County Police

17 Detroit MI cops suspended after allegedly participating in a “sick-out” that the city says was an illegal strike [0]
Road Rage. Fairfax County Police

Portland OR police captain is on leave after he was charged with misdemeanor display of weapon over an alleged Idaho road rage incident that occurred in August. [0]
Yard sale! Fairfax County Police

Wilson County TN deputy was arrested on multiple counts including agg robbery and attempted first degree murder on allegations that he broke into his ex-girlfriend’s home and gave the items he stole to his wife as gifts then he attempted to murder his wife by poisoning her. [0]
Cops+Low IQ+ Drug= yeah this is gonna be a problem. Fairfax County Police

South Carolina Law Enforcement Division (SLED) officer allegedly gave false information in order to obtain a drug raid warrant that netted 17 arrests. The charges had to be dismissed because of the falsehoods. [1]
West Chester OH undercover officer charged with obstruction & evidence tampering over a drug investigation that he tried to help a friend get out of. [1]

Easton PA vice squad detective was demoted to patrol after an investigation into unspecified misconduct [3]
Run children! Run! Its the police! Fairfax County Police

Shasta Co CA 2 kids hospitalized for drug and hepatitis/HIV tests after they found and looked through a bag of evidence they found near a high school that was apparently discarded from that county’s sheriff department. [1]
New Milford CT cop facing felonies for extorting money from teen, plea to reduced misd charge [0]
New Mexico state police are being sued for allegedly detaining a couple and their kids at gunpoint then searching their car with the kids inside without a warrant after mistaking their silver SUV for a white truck that was wanted in an alleged threat with a weapon call. [0]
creepy cop behavior
Mount Rainier MD cop pleaded guilty to a sex offense and the attempted murder of a man he lured to his home with the promise of a role in a porn movie but then attempted to sexually assault him. When the man attempted to flee the officer shot him. [0]
Yemassee SC cop arrested for criminal sexual conduct & official misconduct for demanding and receiving oral sex in exchange for dropping a ticket. [0]
hiring practices

Atlanta GA police hiring practices questioned after investigative report finds cops who shouldn’t have been hired including some who failed psychological exams but were hired anyway because of family members in the force. [3]
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