How much you wanna bet there will be no more charges from the Fairfax County Police in this case?
Fairfax Prosecutor Unsure About Charges in 'Serial Burglar' Case...IE, the Fairfax County Police fucked this one up too

"I'm not sure if there's enough evidence in any of the Fairfax cases," said Raymond F. Morrogh, the commonwealth attorney for Fairfax County.
In an email, Fairfax County Police spokes…um….person… Lucy Caldwell said charges against Edmonds are pending.
In November, Fairfax County insisted that Edmonds was directly linked to several burglaries if not all of the more than 100 100 homes were burglarized in Northern Virginia between August and November.
And yet the Fairfax County Police Don't need oversight
- Northside ISD TX police officer investigated after fatally shooting unarmed 14yr-old under disputed circumstances [2]
Stamford CT settles suit for $30k to couple alleging excessive force & false arrest in botched raid on their home [3]
Barnstable County MA K9 officer sued by 2 women claiming they were bystanders when police dog attacked them [1]
Pittsburgh PA settled suit for $170k to man who’s knee was fractured by baton-wielding cop at G20 protest (update) [0]
Wayne State Univ MI police officer suspended while under investigation over sexual assault allegations [1]
Dakota Ojibway MB police officer charged w/assault w/weapon, sexual assault & other charges involving 16yr-old girl [1]
Chicago IL police sued by woman allegedly raped by 2 cops claiming pattern of ignoring sexual misconduct by cops as evidenced by the fact that one of the cops was already accused of another sexual assault but was still on duty when the second assault allegedly occurred. [3]
Clark Co NV court cop back on job while on probation for pulling gun on motorist he claims he stopped for speeding while he was off duty, conviction not reported to POST [2]
Las Vegas NV cop arrested alleging he bashed ex’s head against wall while choking her then fired gun into ceiling [0]
Cincinnati OH cop back at work after sentenced to 1day in jail for assaulting fellow officer at bar during dispute [0]
Prince George’s Co MD police sgt pleads to conspiracy to commit extortion & firearms charge in corruption sting [0]
Bridgeport CT deputy police chief suspended while the subject of an unspecified criminal investigation [2]
New Orleans LA police capt fired after testimony showed he failed to disclose what he knew about Glover case while it was under investigation. He claims he couldn’t talk about it because he was cooperating with feds at the time. [0]
6 Lake County IN cops suspended while subject of investigation by 4 federal agencies into gun running allegations [0]
Cody WY police officer fired after investigation into unspecified allegations, officials refuse to release any info [3]
2 New Orleans LA cops, a sgt & her son, arrested on simple battery charges involving fight with security guard at a nightclub. [1]
Vernonia OR cop loses police certification due to his lack of credibility & judge’s strongly worded request which included him stating that he never wanted to see that officer in his court again. [0]
Seattle WA police ordered by arbitrator to stop naming cops who have been disciplined after police union complains. [4]
Fort Worth TX cop indicted on records tampering & theft charges for writing false time on traffic tickets to get OT [0]
San Antonio TX cop sentenced to conditional probation w/3 days jail for flipping unmarked cruiser while drunk [0]
Fort Wayne IN cop w/history of 32 suspensions & reprimands investigated for hitting on woman during traffic stop [0]
Denver CO female sheriff’s deputy charged with misdemeanor assault & harassment after slapping a female DUI suspect [0]
Seattle WA settles lawsuit for $650k to man injured in head-on crash with police cruiser [0]
Pennsylvania State trooper sentenced to probation for evidence tampering in effort to cover up trooper’s DUI crash [0]
US Park Ranger accused of forcing man to leave park because he had a Ron Paul sticker on car (h/t Rutherford Inst) [3]
...and yet the Fairfax County Police don't need oversight, amazing

An Effingham County GA deputy was caught on dashcam hitting a cooperative man with a running punch then choking him during a traffic stop where he was being cooperative. [3]
3 Colorado State troopers sued by family of man fatally shot by trooper when he wouldn’t let them in w/o warrant [3]
Baltimore MD loses suit for $95k to man claiming 2 cops assaulted & jailed him for 10hrs without any charges [0]
3 Hamilton ON cops subject of judge’s rebuke after awarding $46k to man wrongfully arrested at gunpoint [3]
New York NY (Bronx) police sued by man claiming cop stopped him for drinking Snapple & jailed him for talking back [3]
New York State trooper charged w/leaving scene of fatal accident after running over man laying in street off-duty [0]
Pittsburgh PA & Harrisburgh PA cop reach secret settlement deal w/man who’s leg was broken by baton at G20 protests [3]
Boston MA MBTA police K9 officer sentenced to 18mo jail on felony animal cruelty charge for starving his dog to death [0]
Harvey IL cop arrested on aggravated assault & other charges for ramming his girlfriend’s car while her two children were also inside after she broke up with him [0]
Shelby NC police officer arrested for assault on a handicapped person in an unspecified incident that’s under investigation. [1]
Slaton TX cop resigned before charged w/federal possession of child porn charges after feds search his work & home [0]
Atlanta GA cop gets reprimand for ordering woman to be quiet in IHOP where he was working off duty as security in an incident which escalated to him punching her on camera. [1]
White Mountain Apache Tribe cop in Arizona charged w/civil rights violations for driving two men to a remote location and abandoning them in dangerously cold weather. [0]
Bandera Co TX settles whistleblower suit for $270k to deputy fired for reporting misconduct that cost sheriff’s job [5]
Maricopa Co AZ deputy & 2 jail guards subject of warrants for alleged involvement in human & drug smuggling [1]
Andalusia AL cop pleads to drug distribution charge after caught in sting escorting dealers & trading drugs for sex [0]
Baton Rouge LA cop pleads no contest to bribery & corrupt influence charges after soliciting money from inmate [0]
Univ of Tennessee police officer among 50 named in drug probe indictments, charged w/sale & delivery of hydrocodone [0]
Farmington NH police detective sentenced to 4mo jail (1yr-9mo suspended) for stealing almost $4,000 from evidence [0]
Passaic NJ police capt named police chief despite 2 misconduct investigations & $500k sex harassment settlement [0]
Watertown MA cop fired for failing to deliver restraining order now charged w/impeding federal drug investigation [0]
Denver CO police sgt arrested on drunk driving charges after accident, was cited for DUI before by case dropped [0]
Lee Co SC deputy suspended while investigated for taking patrol car outside county, spotted parked at night club [0]
3 Seattle WA cops suspended 10-20days for using vulgar language while arresting suspected gang members. The abusive language and threats were captured on dashcam and included one officer saying “I’m going to skull fuck you and drag you down the street.” [0]
Las Vegas NV settles suit for $1mil to family of mentally ill man who died after choke hold used to restrain him [0]
Sûreté du Québec cop suspected of shooting fellow officer before taking his own life in possible domestic dispute [0]
Alameda Co CA deputy sentenced to 1yr w/credit for 199 days in plea deal for molesting 3 children under age of 10 [0]
New York NY police sued by teen alleging cops wrongfully charged & prosecuted him while ignoring other’s confession [0]
Los Angeles Co CA settles suit for $4.75mil to man injured in crash w/drunk deputy still on job after 6 months of home detention. [0]
Saratoga Co NY deputy suspended w/o pay after arrested on misd menacing & child endangerment charges [1]
Marion Co IN deputy arrested on battery charge after unspecified family member claims he attacked her [1]
Walla Walla County WA deputy arrested on domestic violence charge in unspecified incident [1]
Shelton CT cop fired after receiving rehab plea deal for extorting cash from duaghter’s friend over stolen iPod [0]
Ft Myers FL cop fired for leaving jurisdiction on at least 37 occasions and lying about it to dispatchers [0]
Saginaw MI settles suit for $700k to police officer claiming he was sexually harassed by female supervisor [0]
Fairfax County Police have too much time on their grimy little hands, too much of our money and not enough to do and here’s why
The occupation force that is the Fairfax County Police, over 75% of the force live outside the county that pays them, very, very well, stopped 696 cars and questioned between 700 and 1200 citizens at a “sobriety checkpoint” on Saturday, May 21 near Franconia. They made no arrests in the three hours they were harassing citizens. 18 cops were involved and cost the taxpayers just over $2,000.00
The purpose of these checkpoints is to raise cash for the county thereby avoiding police oversight and allowing the chief of police to hold on to his job for another year.
Once again, we need to police the police, who are, once again, out of control and living off the backs of the people of Fairfax County. We need a law that restricts the inspections strictly to their intended purpose and let the chief figure out another way not to get fired.
The purpose of these checkpoints is to raise cash for the county thereby avoiding police oversight and allowing the chief of police to hold on to his job for another year.
Once again, we need to police the police, who are, once again, out of control and living off the backs of the people of Fairfax County. We need a law that restricts the inspections strictly to their intended purpose and let the chief figure out another way not to get fired.
And yet the Fairfax County Police don't need oversight
Washington DC Metro Transit police officers were caught on video picking up a man from a wheelchair then throwing him face first down onto the sidewalk where he laid bleeding while people around him apparently called for an ambulance. There aren’t any other details on this one yet but, in the snippet of video that is available above, there does not appear to be any justification for this one. [3] (UPDATE: DC Metro Transit police claim the use of force was justified and charged the man for drinking in public and assaulting an officer, they also allegedly arrested another person at the scene for trying to assist the man after he was injured.
3 La Marque TX police officers are the subject of a lawsuit alleging that they beat and tasered a man who sought help because he thought he was having a heart attack and that man then died as a result. This one strains at the credibility margin but apparently a bystander who tried the help the alleged victim and called 911 says that the man wasn’t resisting or being aggressive when police assaulted him. The police reports from the time of the incident indicate that they believed the man was drunk when they responded to the medical assist call and found him rolling around in a ditch and that he allegedly grabbed for one of their guns. [3]
Tulare County CA settled a lawsuit for $1,500,000 to the family of an unarmed man who was fatally shot in the back by a sheriff’s detective. [3]
A Frederick County MD deputy who was assigned as school resource officer has been indicted for allegedly having sex with a female 14-year-old student from that school. [0]
Cleveland OH police accountability practices are being called into question after a report found that 39% of use of force incidents involved people who were never convicted of any criminal act. [3]
Cleveland Heights OH police apparently refused to test a rape kit from a woman who apparently survived a 2-day long rape by an alleged serial killer/rapist. [3]
The Maricopa County AZ sheriff’s department was found to have mishandled over 400 sex crimes cases in a report released recently. Many of these involved serious criminal allegations including ones that involved children. [3]
A Dickson TN DICE unit and the 23rd Judicial District Drug Task Force were caught on video conducting questionable traffic stops in an apparent attempt to conduct searches on cars in hopes of finding money to confiscate using forfeiture laws. Interestingly this was apparently captured during a ride-along by news crews as well. [3]
The Houston TX police union is apparently retaliating against a medical examiner who found that a man who died after being put into a choke hold by an off-duty cop outside a bar was a case of homicide. The finding resulted in a homicide trial which resulted in a not-guilty verdict against the cop in question. So now the union is trying to get her fired by claiming she has a bias against police because of her testimony. [0]
A Lincoln County GA deputy has been charged driving under the influence of prescription medication while behind the wheel of a police cruiser. He was previously fired from the Richmond County Sheriff’s Office after he failed a drug test. [0]
During a Lower Merion PA township commissioners meeting that was stunned when a woman recounted how she was allegedly stalked by then sexually assaulted by a twp police officer who then claimed that another officer illegally detained her afterward in an effort to silence her another story was eclipsed. Apparently, during the same meeting a different police officer made allegations that the department practiced racial discrimination when they allowed a promotion exam to expire so they could avoid promoting a black officer who ranked highest on the test results. [3]
A Delaware State trooper has been charged with filing a false document based on time sheet fraud allegations. [0]
A Denver CO police officer is under investigation after he hit a fellow officer with his police car while that officer was directing traffic at U2 concert. [0]
3 La Marque TX police officers are the subject of a lawsuit alleging that they beat and tasered a man who sought help because he thought he was having a heart attack and that man then died as a result. This one strains at the credibility margin but apparently a bystander who tried the help the alleged victim and called 911 says that the man wasn’t resisting or being aggressive when police assaulted him. The police reports from the time of the incident indicate that they believed the man was drunk when they responded to the medical assist call and found him rolling around in a ditch and that he allegedly grabbed for one of their guns. [3]
Tulare County CA settled a lawsuit for $1,500,000 to the family of an unarmed man who was fatally shot in the back by a sheriff’s detective. [3]
A Frederick County MD deputy who was assigned as school resource officer has been indicted for allegedly having sex with a female 14-year-old student from that school. [0]
Cleveland OH police accountability practices are being called into question after a report found that 39% of use of force incidents involved people who were never convicted of any criminal act. [3]
Cleveland Heights OH police apparently refused to test a rape kit from a woman who apparently survived a 2-day long rape by an alleged serial killer/rapist. [3]
The Maricopa County AZ sheriff’s department was found to have mishandled over 400 sex crimes cases in a report released recently. Many of these involved serious criminal allegations including ones that involved children. [3]
A Dickson TN DICE unit and the 23rd Judicial District Drug Task Force were caught on video conducting questionable traffic stops in an apparent attempt to conduct searches on cars in hopes of finding money to confiscate using forfeiture laws. Interestingly this was apparently captured during a ride-along by news crews as well. [3]
The Houston TX police union is apparently retaliating against a medical examiner who found that a man who died after being put into a choke hold by an off-duty cop outside a bar was a case of homicide. The finding resulted in a homicide trial which resulted in a not-guilty verdict against the cop in question. So now the union is trying to get her fired by claiming she has a bias against police because of her testimony. [0]
A Lincoln County GA deputy has been charged driving under the influence of prescription medication while behind the wheel of a police cruiser. He was previously fired from the Richmond County Sheriff’s Office after he failed a drug test. [0]
During a Lower Merion PA township commissioners meeting that was stunned when a woman recounted how she was allegedly stalked by then sexually assaulted by a twp police officer who then claimed that another officer illegally detained her afterward in an effort to silence her another story was eclipsed. Apparently, during the same meeting a different police officer made allegations that the department practiced racial discrimination when they allowed a promotion exam to expire so they could avoid promoting a black officer who ranked highest on the test results. [3]
A Delaware State trooper has been charged with filing a false document based on time sheet fraud allegations. [0]
A Denver CO police officer is under investigation after he hit a fellow officer with his police car while that officer was directing traffic at U2 concert. [0]
Why we need to police the police
Cops don't like it, but cellphone videos are an important check on brutality
By David Sirota

What's good for the police apparently isn't good for the people -- or so the law enforcement community would have us believe when it comes to surveillance.
That's a concise summary of a new trend first reported by National Public Radio last week -- the trend whereby law enforcement officials have been trying to prevent civilians from using cellphone cameras in public places as a means of deterring police brutality.
Oddly, the effort -- which employs both forcible arrests of videographers and legal proceedings against them -- comes at a time when the American Civil Liberties Union reports that "an increasing number of American cities and towns are investing millions of taxpayer dollars in surveillance camera systems."
Then again, maybe it's not odd that the two trends are happening simultaneously. Maybe they go hand in hand. Perhaps as more police officers use cameras to monitor every move we make, they are discovering the true power of video to independently document events. And as they see that power, they don't want it turned against them.
But wait -- why not?
Though you'd expect that uncomfortable question to evoke dissembling, Fraternal Order of Police spokesman Jim Pasco was quite straightforward about it.
Police officers, he told NPR, "need to move quickly, in split seconds, without giving a lot of thought to what the adverse consequences for them might be." He added that law enforcement authorities believe "that anything that's going to have a chilling effect on an officer moving -- an apprehension that he's being videotaped and may be made to look bad -- could cost him or some citizen their life."
Obviously, nobody wants to stop officers from doing their much-needed job (well, nobody other than budget-cutting politicians who are slashing police forces). In fact, organizations such as the NAACP have urged citizens to videotape police precisely to make sure police are doing ALL of their job -- including protecting individuals' civil liberties.
This is not some academic or theoretical concern, and video recording is not a needless exercise in Bill of Rights zealotry. The assault on civil liberties in America is a very real problem and monitoring police is absolutely required in light of recent data.
As USA Today reported under the headline "Police brutality cases on rise since 9/11," situations "in which police, prison guards and other law enforcement authorities have used excessive force or other tactics to violate victims' civil rights increased 25 percent" between 2001 and 2007. Last year alone, more than 1,500 officers were involved in excessive force complaints, according to the National Police Misconduct Statistics and Reporting Project.
Considering this, Pasco has it exactly wrong. We should want more officers feeling "apprehension" about breaking civil liberties laws, we should hope more of them "give a lot of thought to what the adverse consequences" will be if they trample someone's rights and we should crave an immediate "chilling effect" on such violations.
That's what the practice of cellphone recording is supposed to do -- not mimic the national security state's Big Brother culture, but prevent that security state from trampling our freedoms.
Law enforcement officials, of course, don't like the cellphone cameras because they don't want any check on police power. So they've resorted to fear-mongering allegations about lost lives. But the only police officers who are threatened by cellphone cameras are those who want to break civil liberties laws with impunity. The rest have nothing to worry about and everything to gain from a practice that simply asks them to remember the all-too-forgotten part of their "protect and serve" motto -- the part about protecting the public's civil rights.
David Sirota is a best-selling author of the new book "Back to Our Future: How the 1980s Explain the World We Live In Now." He hosts the morning show on AM760 in Colorado. E-mail him at, follow him on Twitter @davidsirota or visit his website at More: David Sirota
By David Sirota

That's a concise summary of a new trend first reported by National Public Radio last week -- the trend whereby law enforcement officials have been trying to prevent civilians from using cellphone cameras in public places as a means of deterring police brutality.
Oddly, the effort -- which employs both forcible arrests of videographers and legal proceedings against them -- comes at a time when the American Civil Liberties Union reports that "an increasing number of American cities and towns are investing millions of taxpayer dollars in surveillance camera systems."
Then again, maybe it's not odd that the two trends are happening simultaneously. Maybe they go hand in hand. Perhaps as more police officers use cameras to monitor every move we make, they are discovering the true power of video to independently document events. And as they see that power, they don't want it turned against them.
But wait -- why not?
Though you'd expect that uncomfortable question to evoke dissembling, Fraternal Order of Police spokesman Jim Pasco was quite straightforward about it.
Police officers, he told NPR, "need to move quickly, in split seconds, without giving a lot of thought to what the adverse consequences for them might be." He added that law enforcement authorities believe "that anything that's going to have a chilling effect on an officer moving -- an apprehension that he's being videotaped and may be made to look bad -- could cost him or some citizen their life."
Obviously, nobody wants to stop officers from doing their much-needed job (well, nobody other than budget-cutting politicians who are slashing police forces). In fact, organizations such as the NAACP have urged citizens to videotape police precisely to make sure police are doing ALL of their job -- including protecting individuals' civil liberties.
This is not some academic or theoretical concern, and video recording is not a needless exercise in Bill of Rights zealotry. The assault on civil liberties in America is a very real problem and monitoring police is absolutely required in light of recent data.
As USA Today reported under the headline "Police brutality cases on rise since 9/11," situations "in which police, prison guards and other law enforcement authorities have used excessive force or other tactics to violate victims' civil rights increased 25 percent" between 2001 and 2007. Last year alone, more than 1,500 officers were involved in excessive force complaints, according to the National Police Misconduct Statistics and Reporting Project.
Considering this, Pasco has it exactly wrong. We should want more officers feeling "apprehension" about breaking civil liberties laws, we should hope more of them "give a lot of thought to what the adverse consequences" will be if they trample someone's rights and we should crave an immediate "chilling effect" on such violations.
That's what the practice of cellphone recording is supposed to do -- not mimic the national security state's Big Brother culture, but prevent that security state from trampling our freedoms.
Law enforcement officials, of course, don't like the cellphone cameras because they don't want any check on police power. So they've resorted to fear-mongering allegations about lost lives. But the only police officers who are threatened by cellphone cameras are those who want to break civil liberties laws with impunity. The rest have nothing to worry about and everything to gain from a practice that simply asks them to remember the all-too-forgotten part of their "protect and serve" motto -- the part about protecting the public's civil rights.
David Sirota is a best-selling author of the new book "Back to Our Future: How the 1980s Explain the World We Live In Now." He hosts the morning show on AM760 in Colorado. E-mail him at, follow him on Twitter @davidsirota or visit his website at More: David Sirota
Lanigan update: Fairfax Chief Roagerhrer issues statement

"I can county to five-teen and this stash does not make me look gay"
Here is Chief Roarerrs full statement:
“Five people will read my statement however 5,000 people from all over the US and the rest of the world will read this. Okay, so here goes....recently, several articles and blogs have been published in The Washington Post.....I don't read much but that's what I'm told, and I don't do no reading the Washington Post for one good reason....because they don't never put no cartoons with the stories. The other one good reason is that reporter Hugh Jackman, he should either stick to film or do reporting and the fourth one good is reason is because they write things I don't there! Why don't you just write about Police ride alongs like all the other media in town who have bought into the cop glorification thing?
Take that Jack Human!
Regarding our investigation of the Lanigan case...I have one question and one question these pants make me look fat?
I also want to point out that the Lanigan case, as I have come to realize after a day long investigation is not the kind you put clothes in and also I think those sales guy in the mall suitcase store were very mean to laugh at me like that......
So like now that Jack Tomman of the Post went and did this writing thing you know, like all these other outlets are now reported in other various....various mean alot and different I no cuss asked ..... media expressing concern and sharply criticizing the performance and conduct of the Police Department and several detectives in a criminal investigation and prosecution of allegations against a Fairfax County Public Schools teacher.....whew, I don't know who wrote that sentence for me but would a fucking comma kill you?
So anyway.....they're like really, really picking on two of my bestest guys Detective Nicole Christian and Detective Richard they rushed to what? Rememebr in Season two of American Idol when the Fat black guy goes to that English guy, he goes "Whooee Dog, Kaylee's giv'n her heart man...." and I agree Kaylee was like way better than Carly and she should have the lesson is, just because you're a judge that doesn't give you the right to take that Ben Bradlee. Just because you own a lot of bored games that doesn't make you write all the time.
So here's what they told me to say "these stories about these tow dumb people who work for me have been harshly, and I strongly believe unfairly, criticized for their actions and their “rush to judgment” in the obviously one-sided reporting because I looked on the back on the newspaper page where the story was and there was a story there about another flood in Pakistan and why don't those people just get up and move to a different county, you know? that proves it one sided.
Allegations of improper conduct by police officers are always taken very seriously while the media is watching and then we stamp in secret and destory it after three years and don' put anything in the cops file either....yeah, this is a racket
I have reviewed the investigative report in the past, and in the future and I I recently met with Detective Christian, Detective Mullins, and their supervisor and commanders and we all had a pretty laugh over this.
I have also spoken with the Commonwealth’s Attorney, Ray Morrogh who does exactly what we tell him to do. We wanted to ensure or it could in-sure that he had no concerns as to the conduct of the investigation, and, again, specifically our detectives’ actions. He does not, and he too has done an independent review. He has affirmed that they acted appropriately and properly.
You know why? Because unlike that smarty pants from the Post, Jackson Hewitt, we know about that little incident at the emergency room last year and that's why we're gonna get away with a WHOLE LOTTA shit for a long time.
In a trial held almost a year ago, the teacher was found not guilty by a jury on the charges of abduction and aggravated sexual battery proving that one again, we fucked up
Now in this next part I'm going to blame the finest Judicial system in the world in the world of dropping the ball;
Yet, as we all know, trials, particularly in a case involving allegations and subsequent testimony by a young victim and/or a young witness, can be difficult. Most of us also know that in many trials some evidence is presented, some is not or cannot be used, and some witnesses testify, others do not. We also know that a much higher burden of proof is required to convict a person, one higher than that required to support an arrest.
Now we police really, really like probable cause because its so vague and lets us kill and arrest people based largely on suspicion like we did in this case and then get away with it by calling it a legal standard....but then the idiots on the jury let the facts cloud their judgement and let Lanigan go free.
We'll kill him later on and call it self defense but I do want to say that the detectives conducted a thorough investigation and considered all of the evidence and information on hand to establish the probable cause necessary to arrest the teacher....and we arrested anyway. Fuck you.
Because we basically own the States Attorney and because we loaded the case against this Lanigan guy with false charges and gossip.....the judge did find that probable cause existed and certified the case to the Fairfax County Circuit Court.
Let me say this; this stash does not make me look gay no matter what you say also the jury system is like, not good because look at all the troubles they caused for me.
There is simply no evidence that the proper protocols were not followed in this case. In fact, the detectives followed all appropriate investigative protocols....because we destroyed that evidence and marked the rest secret.
Just to highlight a few key points that have been reported that are either in error or require clarification:
Most importantly, neither the victim nor the witness ever recanted their allegations during the preliminary hearing or at the subsequent trial becuase we warned them they would be arrested if they Did. Their statements and testimony remained consistent throughout the investigation, preliminary hearing, and trial so the threats worked. So that worked
The interviewing of the victim by a CPS investigator, one who is well trained at walking dogs, is a standard and acceptable protocol. Detective Mullins observed the interview, this means he glared at the victims to make sure they were scared enough not to back down from their charges. So that worked
The Assistant Commonwealth’s Attorney never offered a plea agreement to misdemeanor assault but we own his ass so that worked.
The detectives did check the equipment room in question, and although there were no mats in there at the time they ascertained from other witnesses that they were occasionally stored or placed there so they jumped to the conclusion that anyone who ever entered the room was guilty of something or would be some day, so that worked.
I stand behind and by all of our detectives’ actions, as I lead them forward walking in beside them...whew...
As fro Detective Christian and Detective Mullins, in this case and I am satisfied that their investigation was thorough and in accordance with applicable law, policies, and procedures because right now my ass is on the line and I'm probably going to get fired this year because of the election an all so, like what did you expect me to say?
As detectives they work hard to protect and serve our community by shooting people who carry cell phones and have the IQ of a fuck'n rock, I strongly refute the allegations and character assassination statements made against our detectives in the media reports and blog comments, so let me say three things. The first third thing is to the Post and the blog people "Bitchy bitchy btchy"
Okay and the second their things is all the shot we did to wroingly convict this guy would have worked had their not been a just system and a free there.
Virginia law allows police to issue a ticket for failing to wear a seat belt only as a secondary offense
Again...they have to much time, they're overstaffed and at $180,000,000 plus...they got way to much here's the rest of the story
Fairfax Co. Police launch zero tolerance campaign on seat belt use...ouy with the zero tolerance thing already......Just sit in the police stations, have a donut, if we need you, we'll call you...Beginning this week, county police are implementing a zero tolerance enforcement effort on seat belt use.The enforcement wave will continue through June 5.
Police say that one in five Virginians fails to regularly wear their seat belt. But more than half of fatalities on Virginia roadways involve motorists who were not buckled up.
Virginia law requires seat belt use for drivers and front seat passengers 18 years and older. All passengers younger than 18 must buckle up, front seat or back.
Despite the enforcement plans, Virginia law allows police to issue a ticket for failing to wear a seat belt only as a secondary offense, meaning a driver must first be pulled over for some reason other than the seat belt.
Fairfax Co. Police launch zero tolerance campaign on seat belt use...ouy with the zero tolerance thing already......Just sit in the police stations, have a donut, if we need you, we'll call you...Beginning this week, county police are implementing a zero tolerance enforcement effort on seat belt use.The enforcement wave will continue through June 5.
Police say that one in five Virginians fails to regularly wear their seat belt. But more than half of fatalities on Virginia roadways involve motorists who were not buckled up.
Virginia law requires seat belt use for drivers and front seat passengers 18 years and older. All passengers younger than 18 must buckle up, front seat or back.
Despite the enforcement plans, Virginia law allows police to issue a ticket for failing to wear a seat belt only as a secondary offense, meaning a driver must first be pulled over for some reason other than the seat belt.
Amazing news! Fairfax commonwealth’s attorney finds Fairfax County Cop not guilty in shooting!
Fairfax County cop John Parker who shot and killeda knife-wielding suspect in April has been cleared of any wrongdoing by the Fairfax commonwealth’s attorney, and the officer’s name was the first to be released by Fairfax police in a fatal shooting in many years.
and yet the Fairfax County Police don't need oversight
• Overland MO cop pleads to invol manslaughter for pushing man down stairs causing fatal head injury, then leaving [0]
• Tompkinsville KY cop charged w/sodomy & sex abuse on allegations of forcible sexual contact w/girl under 16 [1]
• Durham NC police SWAT team captured on video by news crew shooting a non-aggressive dog to death during raid [3]
• US Secret Service & Tacoma WA cops interrogate 7th grader w/o parents over FB post telling Obama to be careful [3]
• Cobb Co GA deputy’s version of fatal shooting incident that left motorist dead refuted by witness [2]
• Newark NJ cop subject of suit alleging she detained teen who recorded arrest & deleted video before releasing her [4]
• Inkster MI police lieutenant investigated for pistol-whipping cuffed man while off-duty, man wasn’t charged [0]
• Inglewood CA cop sentenced to probation for pulling gun on motorist in off-duty road rage incident [0]
• Adams MA cop pleads guilty to possession of child porn on CD that also had vid of him masturbating in evidence room [0]
• Bexar County TX deputy sentenced to 6yrs after busted in sting op trying to smuggle heroin tacos into jail [0]
• San Leandro CA police vice/narc detective arrested on allegations of transporting & selling marijuana to informant [0]
• Denver CO officials insist Denver PD not problematic as US DOJ considers probe Our analysis here:
• Sudbury ON police officer charged w/assault, mischief & uttering threats in apparent, but unspecified, DV incident [2]
• Dallas TX undercover cop investigated after misfire at police dept sends bullet through 2 walls & into locker room [1]
• Warren OH police officer suspended 30 days for talking to reporter about investigation he was told had been closed [3]
• Orlando FL cop investigated after video of him breaking 100lb woman’s teeth when he performed a takedown maneuver on her contradicted his report where he apparently claimed she fell. [3]
• Riverdale IL sued by woman claiming 2 cops assaulted & falsely arrested her after her 3yr-old granddaughter mistakenly called 911 [3]
• Menlo Park CA & East Palo Alto CA are being sued by man claiming he was beaten and his 2yr-old threatened with a gun during a wrong door raid [3]
• A Tappahannock VA cop is accused of using excessive force on 2 mentally disabled boys, breaking one of their arms in two places, then entering their home without a warrant to arrest them for obstruction after he found out their parents called to file a complaint. [3]
• Colorado Springs CO cop already charged w/child exploitation now charged w/sexual assault on multiple children when he allegedly groped them while performing what parents were told was a ringworm exam. He was a volunteer wrestling coach as well at the time. [0]
• Lantana FL cop arrested on allegations he stopped Hispanic men outside of check cashing stores then robbed them. [0]
• A Lower Merion Twp PA cop has been accused of stalking and sexually assaulting a woman who went public with her allegations during a public meeting of township commissioners. This one wouldn’t normally make the feed due to the lack of supporting factors, but apparently her story was so convincing that a criminal investigation is underway. [3]
• Muscatine Co IA deputy charged w/assault on allegations he punched man at least 2x without justification on duty [0]
• Burlington VT police cpl on paid leave while judge tosses evidence in drug case due to his unprofessional behavior [0]
• Newport Beach CA sued by 2 well-respected former detectives claiming intolerable corruption within department [4]
• Miami FL cop sentenced to 6mo in plea deal to extortion charges for protecting deliveries of stolen goods. [0]
• Louisville KY cop rehired on technicality is fired again on allegations that she arrested someone without a warrant and damaged a police cruiser then tried to keep it secret. [0]
• 6 Austin TX SWAT officers were suspended & 1 was fired for drinking at a party while on call. The fired officer ended up in a DUI involved crash in his unmarked cruiser afterward. [0]
• State Univ of NY Albany police officer arrested on federal marijuana manufacturing charges along with her husband [0]
• Los Angeles CA police officer wins $1.16mil judgment against LAPD claiming a transfer was retaliation against him for being gay [0]
• Barrow County GA sheriff’s capt resigns after disciplined over racial slurs reported by fellow officers and other allegations including Facebook posts that referred to Obama as a “towel-headed camel jockey”. [0]
• Honolulu HI cop gets deferred sentence & community service after pleading no contest for shoplifting groceries [0]
• Eunice NM police sergeant charged with animal cruelty for allegedly killing 2 turkeys within city limits? [0]
• Louisville KY cop suspended 30days w/o pay for failing to report on-duty police cruiser accident [0]
• New York NY police sgt assigned as integrity officer docked 1mo pay for letting mom use police parking placard [0]
• Milton FL cop on paid leave after arrested for DUI when found passed out in truck, investigated in other incident [1]
• Vineland NJ police officer charged w/drunk driving after crashing his pickup truck into utility pole (correction) [0]
• New Jersey State police sergeant faces DUI hit & skip charges days after stricter DUI policies take effect [0]
• Cedar Rapids IA cop receives unspecified disciplinary action after photographed sleeping in cruiser on duty [1]
• A Fairhope AL cop is being sued alleging he beat an 84-year-old man who called 911 to report his citizen’s arrest of a drunk driver. [3]
• 2 Orangeville ON cops face internal charges over a man’s death in a jail cell & alleged mistreatment of female detainee [0]
• A Calumet Park IL cop was charged with aggravated battery, official misconduct & false report for allegedly choking a teen then covering it up. [0]
• Ohio County WV ex-deputy was arrested on sexual assault charges over alleged incidents while he was a deputy between 2001-2005 [1]
• Cobb County GA settles suit for an undisclosed sum to a man claiming 2 cops broke his nose & eye socket during arrest. [3]
• Socorro County NM deputy was arrested on allegations he coerced women to flash him and that he groped a 17-year-old girl during a traffic stops. [0]
• Queen Anne’s County MD deputy sentenced to probation in a plea deal for groping a woman inside his cruiser, but the deal will allow him to keep his job. [0]
• Ellwood PA settled suit for an undisclosed sum to a woman claiming a cop injured her when he threw her into a jail cell after questioning her. [3]
• 2 Fostoria CA police officer sued alleging they made a man take off his pants in public during a fruitless search for drugs in his car and on his person. The suit then alleges officers searched his cellphone without his permission. [3]
• Chattanooga TN police officer gets suspended sentence after pleading to aggravated statutory rape of a 17yr-old girl [0]
• Sacramento CA cop arrested on 34 counts of perjury & false report after dashcam contradicted his testimony in a number of DUI and DV cases [0]
• New York NY & Westchester NY police were apparently caught on a recording trying to help a drunk NYPD cop avoid a DUI charge after he crashed [4]
• A Bergen Co NJ cop was indicted on aggravated assault & weapons charges for detaining bouncers at gunpoint while drunk [0]
• A Hillsborough CA police officer suspended after arrested for domestic violence after letting self into ex-girlfriend’s home [0]
• Lincoln County NE chief deputy resigns after arrested on allegations that he violated a protection order by his ex-girlfriend [0]
• The Clark County WA sheriff’s refusal to disclose details about a CALEA contract may be a violation of state FOIA laws which may apply to over 800 law enforcement agencies accredited by the private police certification company in the US. CALEA apparently requires departments that it certifies to keep details about what that certification entails a secret. Interestingly, we examined whether CALEA certification made any impact on misconduct rates in 2009, and found that it didn’t appear to help at all. [3]
• New York NY police are being sued by a man claiming it was defamation when police released his photo naming him as a suspect in a burglary in a case of mistaken ID. [1]
• The Fowler CA police chief was found by a grand jury to have botched over 600 criminal cases including serious felonies. [0]
• A Marion Co FL deputy resigned after an internal investigation found he lied about how his hand was injured & for being armed while drunk after he was accused of threatening a man with his gun before getting into an altercation with him. [0]
• A Bannock County ID deputy was sentenced to probation for embezzling over $3,000 from the deputy’s union. [0]
• A St Bernard OH police officer pled guilty to filing false tax returns where he saved about $100,000 by claiming losses from a business that didn’t exist. [0]
• A Buncombe County NC deputy was arrested on drug charges after police responded to a call about property damage. [0]
• A Bartlett TN cop w/disciplinary history was fired for driving a cruiser to Hooters then having beer in front of an inspector who came inside when she saw the cruiser parked outside. [0]
• Tompkinsville KY cop charged w/sodomy & sex abuse on allegations of forcible sexual contact w/girl under 16 [1]
• Durham NC police SWAT team captured on video by news crew shooting a non-aggressive dog to death during raid [3]
• US Secret Service & Tacoma WA cops interrogate 7th grader w/o parents over FB post telling Obama to be careful [3]
• Cobb Co GA deputy’s version of fatal shooting incident that left motorist dead refuted by witness [2]
• Newark NJ cop subject of suit alleging she detained teen who recorded arrest & deleted video before releasing her [4]
• Inkster MI police lieutenant investigated for pistol-whipping cuffed man while off-duty, man wasn’t charged [0]
• Inglewood CA cop sentenced to probation for pulling gun on motorist in off-duty road rage incident [0]
• Adams MA cop pleads guilty to possession of child porn on CD that also had vid of him masturbating in evidence room [0]
• Bexar County TX deputy sentenced to 6yrs after busted in sting op trying to smuggle heroin tacos into jail [0]
• San Leandro CA police vice/narc detective arrested on allegations of transporting & selling marijuana to informant [0]
• Denver CO officials insist Denver PD not problematic as US DOJ considers probe Our analysis here:
• Sudbury ON police officer charged w/assault, mischief & uttering threats in apparent, but unspecified, DV incident [2]
• Dallas TX undercover cop investigated after misfire at police dept sends bullet through 2 walls & into locker room [1]
• Warren OH police officer suspended 30 days for talking to reporter about investigation he was told had been closed [3]
• Orlando FL cop investigated after video of him breaking 100lb woman’s teeth when he performed a takedown maneuver on her contradicted his report where he apparently claimed she fell. [3]
• Riverdale IL sued by woman claiming 2 cops assaulted & falsely arrested her after her 3yr-old granddaughter mistakenly called 911 [3]
• Menlo Park CA & East Palo Alto CA are being sued by man claiming he was beaten and his 2yr-old threatened with a gun during a wrong door raid [3]
• A Tappahannock VA cop is accused of using excessive force on 2 mentally disabled boys, breaking one of their arms in two places, then entering their home without a warrant to arrest them for obstruction after he found out their parents called to file a complaint. [3]
• Colorado Springs CO cop already charged w/child exploitation now charged w/sexual assault on multiple children when he allegedly groped them while performing what parents were told was a ringworm exam. He was a volunteer wrestling coach as well at the time. [0]
• Lantana FL cop arrested on allegations he stopped Hispanic men outside of check cashing stores then robbed them. [0]
• A Lower Merion Twp PA cop has been accused of stalking and sexually assaulting a woman who went public with her allegations during a public meeting of township commissioners. This one wouldn’t normally make the feed due to the lack of supporting factors, but apparently her story was so convincing that a criminal investigation is underway. [3]
• Muscatine Co IA deputy charged w/assault on allegations he punched man at least 2x without justification on duty [0]
• Burlington VT police cpl on paid leave while judge tosses evidence in drug case due to his unprofessional behavior [0]
• Newport Beach CA sued by 2 well-respected former detectives claiming intolerable corruption within department [4]
• Miami FL cop sentenced to 6mo in plea deal to extortion charges for protecting deliveries of stolen goods. [0]
• Louisville KY cop rehired on technicality is fired again on allegations that she arrested someone without a warrant and damaged a police cruiser then tried to keep it secret. [0]
• 6 Austin TX SWAT officers were suspended & 1 was fired for drinking at a party while on call. The fired officer ended up in a DUI involved crash in his unmarked cruiser afterward. [0]
• State Univ of NY Albany police officer arrested on federal marijuana manufacturing charges along with her husband [0]
• Los Angeles CA police officer wins $1.16mil judgment against LAPD claiming a transfer was retaliation against him for being gay [0]
• Barrow County GA sheriff’s capt resigns after disciplined over racial slurs reported by fellow officers and other allegations including Facebook posts that referred to Obama as a “towel-headed camel jockey”. [0]
• Honolulu HI cop gets deferred sentence & community service after pleading no contest for shoplifting groceries [0]
• Eunice NM police sergeant charged with animal cruelty for allegedly killing 2 turkeys within city limits? [0]
• Louisville KY cop suspended 30days w/o pay for failing to report on-duty police cruiser accident [0]
• New York NY police sgt assigned as integrity officer docked 1mo pay for letting mom use police parking placard [0]
• Milton FL cop on paid leave after arrested for DUI when found passed out in truck, investigated in other incident [1]
• Vineland NJ police officer charged w/drunk driving after crashing his pickup truck into utility pole (correction) [0]
• New Jersey State police sergeant faces DUI hit & skip charges days after stricter DUI policies take effect [0]
• Cedar Rapids IA cop receives unspecified disciplinary action after photographed sleeping in cruiser on duty [1]
• A Fairhope AL cop is being sued alleging he beat an 84-year-old man who called 911 to report his citizen’s arrest of a drunk driver. [3]
• 2 Orangeville ON cops face internal charges over a man’s death in a jail cell & alleged mistreatment of female detainee [0]
• A Calumet Park IL cop was charged with aggravated battery, official misconduct & false report for allegedly choking a teen then covering it up. [0]
• Ohio County WV ex-deputy was arrested on sexual assault charges over alleged incidents while he was a deputy between 2001-2005 [1]
• Cobb County GA settles suit for an undisclosed sum to a man claiming 2 cops broke his nose & eye socket during arrest. [3]
• Socorro County NM deputy was arrested on allegations he coerced women to flash him and that he groped a 17-year-old girl during a traffic stops. [0]
• Queen Anne’s County MD deputy sentenced to probation in a plea deal for groping a woman inside his cruiser, but the deal will allow him to keep his job. [0]
• Ellwood PA settled suit for an undisclosed sum to a woman claiming a cop injured her when he threw her into a jail cell after questioning her. [3]
• 2 Fostoria CA police officer sued alleging they made a man take off his pants in public during a fruitless search for drugs in his car and on his person. The suit then alleges officers searched his cellphone without his permission. [3]
• Chattanooga TN police officer gets suspended sentence after pleading to aggravated statutory rape of a 17yr-old girl [0]
• Sacramento CA cop arrested on 34 counts of perjury & false report after dashcam contradicted his testimony in a number of DUI and DV cases [0]
• New York NY & Westchester NY police were apparently caught on a recording trying to help a drunk NYPD cop avoid a DUI charge after he crashed [4]
• A Bergen Co NJ cop was indicted on aggravated assault & weapons charges for detaining bouncers at gunpoint while drunk [0]
• A Hillsborough CA police officer suspended after arrested for domestic violence after letting self into ex-girlfriend’s home [0]
• Lincoln County NE chief deputy resigns after arrested on allegations that he violated a protection order by his ex-girlfriend [0]
• The Clark County WA sheriff’s refusal to disclose details about a CALEA contract may be a violation of state FOIA laws which may apply to over 800 law enforcement agencies accredited by the private police certification company in the US. CALEA apparently requires departments that it certifies to keep details about what that certification entails a secret. Interestingly, we examined whether CALEA certification made any impact on misconduct rates in 2009, and found that it didn’t appear to help at all. [3]
• New York NY police are being sued by a man claiming it was defamation when police released his photo naming him as a suspect in a burglary in a case of mistaken ID. [1]
• The Fowler CA police chief was found by a grand jury to have botched over 600 criminal cases including serious felonies. [0]
• A Marion Co FL deputy resigned after an internal investigation found he lied about how his hand was injured & for being armed while drunk after he was accused of threatening a man with his gun before getting into an altercation with him. [0]
• A Bannock County ID deputy was sentenced to probation for embezzling over $3,000 from the deputy’s union. [0]
• A St Bernard OH police officer pled guilty to filing false tax returns where he saved about $100,000 by claiming losses from a business that didn’t exist. [0]
• A Buncombe County NC deputy was arrested on drug charges after police responded to a call about property damage. [0]
• A Bartlett TN cop w/disciplinary history was fired for driving a cruiser to Hooters then having beer in front of an inspector who came inside when she saw the cruiser parked outside. [0]
Enough already
In an expensive, over the top display of self-glorification held at tax payers’ expense, the Fairfax County Police once again proved they simply have to much of our money and way, way too much time on their hands.
This past week, at your expense, the cops held what was essentially a PR drive supposedly to celebrate “Fallen officers”. What it was, actually, was a move to raise the departments sinking public image and to fend off police oversight. They run a secret police and what they do, is none of your business…that’s the way they look at it.
And no matter what Rohrer says, those cops and the rest of his department are not part of this community. When more than a handful of Fairfax County Police actually live here and spend their money here, send their spawn to our schools, instead of another county, then they’ll be a part of this community.
And we need to put the PR focus into prospective. Two of these well paid cops who were praised, again, were killed in training exercises. You paid for that mistake not the police department. It’s your money, not theirs. They don’t live here.
Maybe we should look into the training exercises conducted within the $180,000,000 a year department to find out what’s going wrong. Of course that will never happen. The records concerning these cases are closed to the people and stamped secret….by people who don’t live here and who are responsible to make sure people aren’t killed in training. So you will never, ever, see those records.
Two more cops were killed in crashes for driving like a bat out of hell to low priority calls.
As for the last two, the police have never fully explained or made public the records on that case or what may have happened to the teenage gunman inside the police station prior to the rampage nor have they ever explained why they took 24 hours to contact the teenager’s family after the shooting. Those records are also closed to the people and marked secret.
And again, crime rates are down for the past decade all over the county, not just in Fairfax County and there are many factors involved in that beyond policing practices. Rohrer has to stop taking credit for something he didn’t do.
This past week, at your expense, the cops held what was essentially a PR drive supposedly to celebrate “Fallen officers”. What it was, actually, was a move to raise the departments sinking public image and to fend off police oversight. They run a secret police and what they do, is none of your business…that’s the way they look at it.
And no matter what Rohrer says, those cops and the rest of his department are not part of this community. When more than a handful of Fairfax County Police actually live here and spend their money here, send their spawn to our schools, instead of another county, then they’ll be a part of this community.
And we need to put the PR focus into prospective. Two of these well paid cops who were praised, again, were killed in training exercises. You paid for that mistake not the police department. It’s your money, not theirs. They don’t live here.
Maybe we should look into the training exercises conducted within the $180,000,000 a year department to find out what’s going wrong. Of course that will never happen. The records concerning these cases are closed to the people and stamped secret….by people who don’t live here and who are responsible to make sure people aren’t killed in training. So you will never, ever, see those records.
Two more cops were killed in crashes for driving like a bat out of hell to low priority calls.
As for the last two, the police have never fully explained or made public the records on that case or what may have happened to the teenage gunman inside the police station prior to the rampage nor have they ever explained why they took 24 hours to contact the teenager’s family after the shooting. Those records are also closed to the people and marked secret.
And again, crime rates are down for the past decade all over the county, not just in Fairfax County and there are many factors involved in that beyond policing practices. Rohrer has to stop taking credit for something he didn’t do.
And yet the Fairfax County Police don't need oversight...what are the odds?
Memphis TN cop sentenced to 2yrs for beating a transgender detainee in face w/cuffs on video & tax evasion for claiming 99 dependents on his W4. [0]
Pima Co AZ SWAT deputies fired 71 shots after one deputy’s gun misfired during a questionable raid. The deputies are then accused of denying medical treatment to the man they shot 60 times who later died after over an hour of being denied treatment. The sheriff’s office is refusing to comment about the case after the official version of events changed several times. [4]
A Hall County GA deputy has been sentenced to probation in a plea deal for sexually battering a 3yr-old girl. [0]
2 Hattiesburg MS cops fired for using excessive force on suspect, a 3rd officer was suspended 20 days for firing his gun in the air at a party while off-duty. [1]
Colorado Springs CO cop charged w/possession of child porn now accused of groping boys during what parents were told would be “ringworm exams” at the school where he also worked as a coach. [3]
Newton Co IN sheriff says he will conduct warrantless searches after that state’s supreme court ruled that resisting illegal searches by police was illegal. [0]
Waterloo Regional ON police sued for “freezing” family’s home for 3 days in fruitless search for cop’s missing gun [0]
Wahpeton ND police officer suspended 5days after arresting teen for videotaping him & asking him questions [0]
5 San Francisco CA cops shown on video allegedly stealing laptop & camera after questionable search of hotel room [4]
Tempe AZ police detective arrested on credit card theft, evidence tampering, forgery, theft & burglary charges [0]
Brooksville FL police officer fired for trying to forcibly kiss a female inmate who was cleaning police dept [0]
Canton IL police officer suspended and charged w/retail theft of under $150 from a local Wal-Mart [1]
St John Parish LA deputy arrested after admitting to & returning over $20k in fines she stole to feed drug habit [0]
Slaton TX police officer resigns while the subject of unspecified investigation by US Dept of Homeland Security [2]
Pekin IL police captain on paid leave while subject of unspecified criminal investigation by state police [2]
US FBI agent in NYC charged with trying to protect informant he had affair with from charges & lying about it [0]
Brownsville TX police officer indicted on a barratry charge on allegations he sold information in exchange for cash [1]
Margate FL police officer arrested on DV charge for allegedly hitting girlfriend in the face during argument [0]
New Jersey DHS police capt (they have a police force?!?) arrested on time sheet fraud & database misuse allegations [0]
Brantford ON cop pleads to internal charges alleging personal use of police database & inappropriate communications [0]
Oakland CA settles suit for $610k to man badly injured when police cruiser crashed into his car [0]
Fife WA cop resigns but won’t be charged after drinking 3-4 double vodkas while on call then crashing police car [0]
A Kershaw County SC deputy has been sentenced to 5 years in prison for violating the rights of a handcuffed detainee who’s leg was broken when the deputy repeatedly hit him with a metal baton on video. [0]
8 Ottawa ON police officer is the subject of a lawsuit by a woman claiming she was beaten & forcibily stripped on video by cops with a history of abuses. [3]
A Bloomington IL police officer resigned while under investigation for allegedly lifting a 7-year-old special needs student up by his throat and slamming him into a chair at a school while the student was allegedly having a siezure. [1]
A Pike County IL deputy was sentenced to probation after pleading guilty to forcing a woman to perform oral sex at traffic stop [0]
Saratoga County NY deputy arrested for allegedly menacing a woman w/a gun & endangering her 6yr-old child [1]
Madison Co AL deputy arrested for allegedly breaking into apt full of female college students & threatening them [1]
Thomas Co GA deputy arrested after home raided on allegations he stole $13k in goods from church & school [0]
San Antonio TX cop already on leave after DUI arrest in Feb is arrested again for suspicion of drunk driving [0]
Marion County IN deputy arrested on drunk driving charges during off-duty traffic stop [0]
San Francisco CA undercover police officers are accused of excessive force & lying on reports in the latest in a long series of surveillance video released by the public defenders office. [3]
Seattle WA police gang detective who made national news when he threatened to “beat the Mexican piss” out of an innocent man before stomping on him in a videotaped incident has been suspended 30 days. In response, the victim’s lawyer announced that a tort claim was filed against the city over the incident and a lawsuit will follow if the city doesn’t respond to it by Monday. Meanwhile, no word on any disciplinary action against him on allegations he choked a cuffed man in the back of a cruiser or about a fellow officer who was shown on that video stomping on the man’s leg. [0]
San Bernardino County CA deputies account of a taser-related death during a traffic stop is allegedly being contradicted by witnesses according to the man’s father, who happens to be a long-time volunteer officer with the sheriff’s department. [3]
A Harrodsburg KY police officer who ran that department’s DARE program was indicted on 148 counts of sexual abuse involving kids under age of 16 and 18. [0]
The King County WA sheriff’s department is being sued by a former deputy who claims that he suffered retaliation after he testified against a deputy who was accused of punching an innocent man in the face for talking back when he was falsely accused of a crime by a former girlfriend. The prosecutor failed to win a conviction in that case. [5]
Radcliff KY cop arrested for computer solicitation of a minor involving undercover cop posing as 14yr-old [0]
Stamford CT police dog attacks female jogger running past cop’s home, hospitalized w/30 stitches in leg [0]
Henrico VA police officer’s home raided by state police on sealed warrant involving computer and camera equipment [2]
Whitley Co KY sheriff pleads guilty to federal extortion, drug distribution & money laundering charges [0]
Georgia State University GA cop charged w/theft for stealing tools from mechanics at off-duty security job [0]
Lincoln NE cop who resigned during unspecified investigation is arrested on felony theft by deception charges [2]
Camden NJ cop sentenced to probation & fired for staging a shooting in an effort to qualify for early retirement [0]
Shawnee Co KS sheriff’s lt fined for disobeying an officer during argument at accident scene while off-duty [0]
Bridgeport CT police spokesman suspended for email suggesting use of generic cartoon mug shots w/Hispanic names [0]
Nebraska State trooper resigns while on admin leave for unspecified reasons, 2 criminal cases dismissed as result [3]
Pocahontas AR police chief suspended while subject of unspecified FBI & state police investigation [2]
Bancroft MI police chief under investigation on allegations that he supplied false information on grant application [0]
Roseville CA settles suit for $490k to 3 cops claiming police discriminated against cops they believed were gay [0]
Cottonwood Heights UT cop gets 80hr community service & must repay $900 in plea deal for misuse of public funds [0]
2 Antioch CA cops already charged w/selling drugs stolen from evidence now accuse each other of running a brothel [0]
Oxford MI police officer resigns in lieu of firing after investigated for shooting police dispatcher with a taser [0]
Aurora CO cop charged w/reckless endangerment & child abuse after crashing while drag racing w/2 kids in his car [0]
And finally, a Detroit MI police officer has been suspended after fellow officers allegedly caught him having sex in a police cruiser with a transvestite prostitute while he was on duty. [0]
Pima Co AZ SWAT deputies fired 71 shots after one deputy’s gun misfired during a questionable raid. The deputies are then accused of denying medical treatment to the man they shot 60 times who later died after over an hour of being denied treatment. The sheriff’s office is refusing to comment about the case after the official version of events changed several times. [4]
A Hall County GA deputy has been sentenced to probation in a plea deal for sexually battering a 3yr-old girl. [0]
2 Hattiesburg MS cops fired for using excessive force on suspect, a 3rd officer was suspended 20 days for firing his gun in the air at a party while off-duty. [1]
Colorado Springs CO cop charged w/possession of child porn now accused of groping boys during what parents were told would be “ringworm exams” at the school where he also worked as a coach. [3]
Newton Co IN sheriff says he will conduct warrantless searches after that state’s supreme court ruled that resisting illegal searches by police was illegal. [0]
Waterloo Regional ON police sued for “freezing” family’s home for 3 days in fruitless search for cop’s missing gun [0]
Wahpeton ND police officer suspended 5days after arresting teen for videotaping him & asking him questions [0]
5 San Francisco CA cops shown on video allegedly stealing laptop & camera after questionable search of hotel room [4]
Tempe AZ police detective arrested on credit card theft, evidence tampering, forgery, theft & burglary charges [0]
Brooksville FL police officer fired for trying to forcibly kiss a female inmate who was cleaning police dept [0]
Canton IL police officer suspended and charged w/retail theft of under $150 from a local Wal-Mart [1]
St John Parish LA deputy arrested after admitting to & returning over $20k in fines she stole to feed drug habit [0]
Slaton TX police officer resigns while the subject of unspecified investigation by US Dept of Homeland Security [2]
Pekin IL police captain on paid leave while subject of unspecified criminal investigation by state police [2]
US FBI agent in NYC charged with trying to protect informant he had affair with from charges & lying about it [0]
Brownsville TX police officer indicted on a barratry charge on allegations he sold information in exchange for cash [1]
Margate FL police officer arrested on DV charge for allegedly hitting girlfriend in the face during argument [0]
New Jersey DHS police capt (they have a police force?!?) arrested on time sheet fraud & database misuse allegations [0]
Brantford ON cop pleads to internal charges alleging personal use of police database & inappropriate communications [0]
Oakland CA settles suit for $610k to man badly injured when police cruiser crashed into his car [0]
Fife WA cop resigns but won’t be charged after drinking 3-4 double vodkas while on call then crashing police car [0]
A Kershaw County SC deputy has been sentenced to 5 years in prison for violating the rights of a handcuffed detainee who’s leg was broken when the deputy repeatedly hit him with a metal baton on video. [0]
8 Ottawa ON police officer is the subject of a lawsuit by a woman claiming she was beaten & forcibily stripped on video by cops with a history of abuses. [3]
A Bloomington IL police officer resigned while under investigation for allegedly lifting a 7-year-old special needs student up by his throat and slamming him into a chair at a school while the student was allegedly having a siezure. [1]
A Pike County IL deputy was sentenced to probation after pleading guilty to forcing a woman to perform oral sex at traffic stop [0]
Saratoga County NY deputy arrested for allegedly menacing a woman w/a gun & endangering her 6yr-old child [1]
Madison Co AL deputy arrested for allegedly breaking into apt full of female college students & threatening them [1]
Thomas Co GA deputy arrested after home raided on allegations he stole $13k in goods from church & school [0]
San Antonio TX cop already on leave after DUI arrest in Feb is arrested again for suspicion of drunk driving [0]
Marion County IN deputy arrested on drunk driving charges during off-duty traffic stop [0]
San Francisco CA undercover police officers are accused of excessive force & lying on reports in the latest in a long series of surveillance video released by the public defenders office. [3]
Seattle WA police gang detective who made national news when he threatened to “beat the Mexican piss” out of an innocent man before stomping on him in a videotaped incident has been suspended 30 days. In response, the victim’s lawyer announced that a tort claim was filed against the city over the incident and a lawsuit will follow if the city doesn’t respond to it by Monday. Meanwhile, no word on any disciplinary action against him on allegations he choked a cuffed man in the back of a cruiser or about a fellow officer who was shown on that video stomping on the man’s leg. [0]
San Bernardino County CA deputies account of a taser-related death during a traffic stop is allegedly being contradicted by witnesses according to the man’s father, who happens to be a long-time volunteer officer with the sheriff’s department. [3]
A Harrodsburg KY police officer who ran that department’s DARE program was indicted on 148 counts of sexual abuse involving kids under age of 16 and 18. [0]
The King County WA sheriff’s department is being sued by a former deputy who claims that he suffered retaliation after he testified against a deputy who was accused of punching an innocent man in the face for talking back when he was falsely accused of a crime by a former girlfriend. The prosecutor failed to win a conviction in that case. [5]
Radcliff KY cop arrested for computer solicitation of a minor involving undercover cop posing as 14yr-old [0]
Stamford CT police dog attacks female jogger running past cop’s home, hospitalized w/30 stitches in leg [0]
Henrico VA police officer’s home raided by state police on sealed warrant involving computer and camera equipment [2]
Whitley Co KY sheriff pleads guilty to federal extortion, drug distribution & money laundering charges [0]
Georgia State University GA cop charged w/theft for stealing tools from mechanics at off-duty security job [0]
Lincoln NE cop who resigned during unspecified investigation is arrested on felony theft by deception charges [2]
Camden NJ cop sentenced to probation & fired for staging a shooting in an effort to qualify for early retirement [0]
Shawnee Co KS sheriff’s lt fined for disobeying an officer during argument at accident scene while off-duty [0]
Bridgeport CT police spokesman suspended for email suggesting use of generic cartoon mug shots w/Hispanic names [0]
Nebraska State trooper resigns while on admin leave for unspecified reasons, 2 criminal cases dismissed as result [3]
Pocahontas AR police chief suspended while subject of unspecified FBI & state police investigation [2]
Bancroft MI police chief under investigation on allegations that he supplied false information on grant application [0]
Roseville CA settles suit for $490k to 3 cops claiming police discriminated against cops they believed were gay [0]
Cottonwood Heights UT cop gets 80hr community service & must repay $900 in plea deal for misuse of public funds [0]
2 Antioch CA cops already charged w/selling drugs stolen from evidence now accuse each other of running a brothel [0]
Oxford MI police officer resigns in lieu of firing after investigated for shooting police dispatcher with a taser [0]
Aurora CO cop charged w/reckless endangerment & child abuse after crashing while drag racing w/2 kids in his car [0]
And finally, a Detroit MI police officer has been suspended after fellow officers allegedly caught him having sex in a police cruiser with a transvestite prostitute while he was on duty. [0]
Sharon “Show me the money” Bulova Kicks Off Re-election Campaign

With steady hands and fixed eyes, Sharon Bulova announced that she would seek reelection as the chair of the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors, looking to make as much money as she can from the cops through for her and her son, a state elected official.
“I’ve been on the public dole for twenty five years” the 72 year old Bulova said “So I figured ‘Why stop now? I can still bilk the cops for a few bucks”

Bulova, who faces Republican businessman Spike Williams in November, was narrowly elected chairman on Feb. 3, 2009, in a special election to fill the seat vacated by U.S. Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-11th). The police lined her pockets with contributions in that race too.
Surprisingly Bulova had nothing to say on the issue of police oversight in Fairfax County.
'When they own you" she said "They own you"
Yet we don't need oversight of the Fairfax County Police
A Minneapolis MN police officer was sentenced to 1 year in prison for molesting three female relatives for over a decade. He was also a school resource officer for 10 years. [0]
A Taft TX police officer was fired & arrested on sexual assault of a child charges after the alleged victim’s parents called police and sparked an investigation. [0]
A Mesa AZ police officer is the subject of a lawsuit by the family of an 81-year-old woman who was killed in a crash involving that officer when he was speeding to a theft call without his lights or siren activated. [0]
Paterson NJ settled suit for $15,000 to a man claiming he was beaten by police following a chase, the police claim he was injured in a car crash instead. [0]
Benicia CA settled suit for $620,000 to a man claiming police harassed him through a series of unwarranted arrests and searches when he challenged a his arrest on DUI charges when police illegally entered his home. [3]
Beloit WI lost a lawsuit for $1,495,000 to two ex-cops who claimed claimed they were retaliated against for speaking out about the police chief’s misconduct. [4]
The Adams County CO sheriff lost a lawsuit for $100,000 to a deputy who was demoted and subjected to multiple investigations when he ran against him in his re-election bid. [3]
The Bellefontaine OH police chief resigned prior to an investigation into allegations of dishonesty in a high-profile murder and man-hunt case. [3]
Two Milwaukee County WI deputies were arrested over the weekend, one was arrested on domestic violence allegations and the other was on an unspecified charge after an off-duty car accident. [2]
A Lansing MI police officer was sentenced to 10 days in jail for failing to pay for gas on at least three occasions at different gas stations. [0]
A Weehawken NJ police sergeant was the subject of an unspecified criminal investigation when he apparently attempted suicide and sparked a massive search operation as a result. [2]
A Detroit MI police officer who was the subject of several lawsuits and was known for shooting 9 people in 6 years was fired, pending appeal, on time sheet fraud allegations. [2]
A Polk County FL deputy was suspended 16 hours for demanding identification from several Burger King employees then calling a friend who was a local police officer in an effort to have them arrested for making a mistake on his wife’s drive-thru order. [0]
A Clarenden Hills IL police officer was arrested on allegations that he stole five firearms that were collected through the department’s “turn in” program. [0]
RCMP constable in Duncan BC charged w/aggravated assault for shooting unarmed man during traffic stop [1]
US Border Patrol agent in CA arrested on allegations he used position to sexually batter women during traffic stops [0]
Carrabassett Valley ME police officer facing 10 felony counts involving sexual contact with girl under 12yrs-old [0]
Iberia Parish LA deputy arrested for indecent behavior involving 16yr-old student at a school where he was assigned as a school resource officer. [0]
College of DuPage IL sued by student claiming cops posed for photos with his unconscious body after he was assaulted and that they failed to prevent the attack even though they knew several people arrived on campus with the intent to assault him. [3]
Kern County CA deputy sentenced to 6mo jail for stealing from motorists that he would pull over without just cause [0]
Grey County ON provincial police officer charged w/perjury, obstruction & breach of trust over testimony at trial [1]
New Orleans LA deputy police chief investigated for allegedly failing to investigate Henry Glover shooting incident [3]
Wyomissing PA cop subject of suit after his police dog attacked a cop in Illinois at a police training academy [0]
Las Vegas NV cop in Costco shooting incident is indicted on firearms for allegedly giving known felon a gun [0]
3 RCMP mounties in BC charged w/breach of trust for watching 2 drunk female detainees have sex in jail cell. One of the women claims that she couldn’t have consented because she was so drunk she didn’t remember anything and that police told her she may have been exposed to HIV during the incident. [0]
Homestead FL police officers under investigation on allegations of double-dipping and lack of oversight [0]
Summerside PEI police officer resigns while subject of criminal investigation over unspecified complaint [3]
Hartford CT police lieutenant who headed up the internal affairs unit has been reassigned and is under investigation for unspecified reasons… oddly this all happened after he started and investigation into the chief and other high-ranking officers. [4]
Muscatine IA police officer pleads guilty to possession of cocaine & theft charges involving missing evidence [0]
Pitt County NC deputy arrested on allegations that he broke into car with a friend and stole firearms [0]
Washington DC police officer sentenced to probation in plea deal for receiving stolen goods charge from sting op [0]
Fort Worth TX police sgt fired for working 3-4hrs a day but reporting 8hrs on his time sheets [0]
Cedar Rapids IA police officer under investigation over photograph allegedly showing him asleep in police car [0]
San Jose CA police officer cited on suspicion of driving under the influence after off-duty accident [0]
Some San Diego CA cops are anonymously suggesting that the chief’s decision to quietly disband that department’s anti-corruption unit, which ran undercover sting ops to weed out corruption within the department, is contributing to the recent wave of misconduct since officers no longer worry that they’ll be busted for inappropriate behavior on duty. [-]
The Indiana Supreme Court has decided that you do not have the right to resist police when they illegally enter your home. This is a newer line a number of decisions in other states denying the public a right to resist illegal actions by police officers. [-]
2 Lanett AL cops sued on allegations they beat & arrested man a day after he turned self in on outstanding warrant [0]
New Orleans LA cop pleads guilty to 7counts of forcible rape for sexually assaulting girlfriend’s 13yr-old daughter [0]
San Jose CA settles suit for $90k to Vietnamese college student repeatedly beaten w/baton & tasered on video [0]
Orlando FL police arrest man videotaping arrest claiming he assaulted cop, police then lose his camera & footage [4]
San Diego CA police officer arrested on several charges for allegedly sexually assaulting prostitute while on duty, this comes a day after the chief apologized for a spike in misconduct cases. [1]
Tyrone GA cop sentenced to 140yrs on 38 counts including making child pornography, child exploitation & molestation [0]
2 Chicago IL cops charged w/sexual assault & official misconduct involving drunk woman they gave a ride home to [2]
Colorado Springs CO cop who works w/kids as SRO & coach arrested on possession of child pornography charge [0]
Erie CO police officer accused of needlessly shooting family’s dog to death while responding to call next door [3]
Milwaukee WI police shoot man’s dog to death as it ran away when he let cops into his yard to help w/investigation [3]
Philadelphia PA police officer sentenced to 13yrs for role in scheme to rob dealers & sell heroin, 2nd sentenced [0]
Duluth MN cop found guilty of taking $107k from his elderly mom’s account before retiring from financial crimes unit [0]
Miami-Dade FL police officer arrested on drug trafficking charges after long-term internal affairs investigation [0]
San Francisco CA cops accused of illegal search & theft in latest video released by public defender’s office [3]
New York State trooper sentenced to $100 fine in plea to possession of steroids bought from man under surveillance [0]
Dexter ME police chief serves 5-day suspension for failing to follow policy in domestic assault case involving cop [0]
St Louis Co MO cop removed from school resource officer duty after gun discharged while he cleaned it at school [0]
RCMP mountie based in Yellowknife NWT sentenced to 6mo jail after pleading to stealing $2,000 from evidence locker [0]
2 North Carolina state troopers fired for running business while on-duty, would intimidate auditors when questioned [0]
3 Alabama State troopers resign after investigation into alleged misuse of dept fuel cards, may face charges [0]
California Hwy Patrol officer arrested on burglary charge for allegedly stealing electronics (apparently an X-Box) from a Target store. [0]
Rio Arriba Co NM deputy suspended for repeated drunken fights at casino, was fired from previous job w/state police [0]
Radcliff KY police officer arrested on unspecified warrant out of Florida, electronic crimes division involved [2]
Dallas TX police cite new policy for keeping unclaimed $2,000 turned in by teen who found it in parking lot [0]
Dillon CO police officer charged w/assault & official oppression for allegedly hitting cuffed 16yr-old in head [0]
5 Norwalk OH cops subject of brutality suit alleging cop choked woman, dragged her by cuffs while others watched [3]
Tallahassee FL to settle suit for $300k to family of man shot to death in truck by cop during drug warrant arrest [0]
Manville NJ & Somerset Co NJ sued by man hit by cop car & dragged 10 feet during arrest for illegally recording movie [3]
Gary IN cop rehired & promoted after fired for threatening teen w/gun faces discipline for false report & brutality [0]
St Paul MN settles suit for $43,500 to family of teen bitten in uprovoked attack by police dog while walking home [0]
Massilon OH settles suit for unspecified sum to woman harassed by cop sending nude texts to her after DUI arrest [1]
Washington DC cop arrested on allegations he held a gun to a woman’s head during an argument, he apparently faced charges for gun threats before [0]
2 Pittsburgh PA cops subject of suit alleging they engineered series of false arrests to harass woman for complaint [5]
Elgin IL police officer charged w/official misconduct & obstruction for allegedly planting evidence to boost career [0]
Cottonport LA cop arrested on evidence tampering, obstruction & malfeasance charges involving on-duty actions [1]
Cobb County GA police lieutenant arrested on allegations he used fraudulent prescriptions to obtain narcotics [0]
Tinley Park IL police officer charged w/felony hit and run while also cited for drunken driving & open container [0]
Two New York NY police officers were named as “persons of interest” in the investigation over what’s now being termed as the Long Island Killings. Apparently they are among a number of possible persons of interest because of their disciplinary history involving prostitutes since the victims of those killings were prostitutes as well. This report, however, doesn’t currently qualify for entry in our database yet because no allegation has been made against either officer specifically and one of the two is a former officer who wasn’t an officer at the time of the alleged incidents. But, it is a case we’re watching to see if formal allegations or charges are made.
A Taft TX police officer was fired & arrested on sexual assault of a child charges after the alleged victim’s parents called police and sparked an investigation. [0]
A Mesa AZ police officer is the subject of a lawsuit by the family of an 81-year-old woman who was killed in a crash involving that officer when he was speeding to a theft call without his lights or siren activated. [0]
Paterson NJ settled suit for $15,000 to a man claiming he was beaten by police following a chase, the police claim he was injured in a car crash instead. [0]
Benicia CA settled suit for $620,000 to a man claiming police harassed him through a series of unwarranted arrests and searches when he challenged a his arrest on DUI charges when police illegally entered his home. [3]
Beloit WI lost a lawsuit for $1,495,000 to two ex-cops who claimed claimed they were retaliated against for speaking out about the police chief’s misconduct. [4]
The Adams County CO sheriff lost a lawsuit for $100,000 to a deputy who was demoted and subjected to multiple investigations when he ran against him in his re-election bid. [3]
The Bellefontaine OH police chief resigned prior to an investigation into allegations of dishonesty in a high-profile murder and man-hunt case. [3]
Two Milwaukee County WI deputies were arrested over the weekend, one was arrested on domestic violence allegations and the other was on an unspecified charge after an off-duty car accident. [2]
A Lansing MI police officer was sentenced to 10 days in jail for failing to pay for gas on at least three occasions at different gas stations. [0]
A Weehawken NJ police sergeant was the subject of an unspecified criminal investigation when he apparently attempted suicide and sparked a massive search operation as a result. [2]
A Detroit MI police officer who was the subject of several lawsuits and was known for shooting 9 people in 6 years was fired, pending appeal, on time sheet fraud allegations. [2]
A Polk County FL deputy was suspended 16 hours for demanding identification from several Burger King employees then calling a friend who was a local police officer in an effort to have them arrested for making a mistake on his wife’s drive-thru order. [0]
A Clarenden Hills IL police officer was arrested on allegations that he stole five firearms that were collected through the department’s “turn in” program. [0]
RCMP constable in Duncan BC charged w/aggravated assault for shooting unarmed man during traffic stop [1]
US Border Patrol agent in CA arrested on allegations he used position to sexually batter women during traffic stops [0]
Carrabassett Valley ME police officer facing 10 felony counts involving sexual contact with girl under 12yrs-old [0]
Iberia Parish LA deputy arrested for indecent behavior involving 16yr-old student at a school where he was assigned as a school resource officer. [0]
College of DuPage IL sued by student claiming cops posed for photos with his unconscious body after he was assaulted and that they failed to prevent the attack even though they knew several people arrived on campus with the intent to assault him. [3]
Kern County CA deputy sentenced to 6mo jail for stealing from motorists that he would pull over without just cause [0]
Grey County ON provincial police officer charged w/perjury, obstruction & breach of trust over testimony at trial [1]
New Orleans LA deputy police chief investigated for allegedly failing to investigate Henry Glover shooting incident [3]
Wyomissing PA cop subject of suit after his police dog attacked a cop in Illinois at a police training academy [0]
Las Vegas NV cop in Costco shooting incident is indicted on firearms for allegedly giving known felon a gun [0]
3 RCMP mounties in BC charged w/breach of trust for watching 2 drunk female detainees have sex in jail cell. One of the women claims that she couldn’t have consented because she was so drunk she didn’t remember anything and that police told her she may have been exposed to HIV during the incident. [0]
Homestead FL police officers under investigation on allegations of double-dipping and lack of oversight [0]
Summerside PEI police officer resigns while subject of criminal investigation over unspecified complaint [3]
Hartford CT police lieutenant who headed up the internal affairs unit has been reassigned and is under investigation for unspecified reasons… oddly this all happened after he started and investigation into the chief and other high-ranking officers. [4]
Muscatine IA police officer pleads guilty to possession of cocaine & theft charges involving missing evidence [0]
Pitt County NC deputy arrested on allegations that he broke into car with a friend and stole firearms [0]
Washington DC police officer sentenced to probation in plea deal for receiving stolen goods charge from sting op [0]
Fort Worth TX police sgt fired for working 3-4hrs a day but reporting 8hrs on his time sheets [0]
Cedar Rapids IA police officer under investigation over photograph allegedly showing him asleep in police car [0]
San Jose CA police officer cited on suspicion of driving under the influence after off-duty accident [0]
Some San Diego CA cops are anonymously suggesting that the chief’s decision to quietly disband that department’s anti-corruption unit, which ran undercover sting ops to weed out corruption within the department, is contributing to the recent wave of misconduct since officers no longer worry that they’ll be busted for inappropriate behavior on duty. [-]
The Indiana Supreme Court has decided that you do not have the right to resist police when they illegally enter your home. This is a newer line a number of decisions in other states denying the public a right to resist illegal actions by police officers. [-]
2 Lanett AL cops sued on allegations they beat & arrested man a day after he turned self in on outstanding warrant [0]
New Orleans LA cop pleads guilty to 7counts of forcible rape for sexually assaulting girlfriend’s 13yr-old daughter [0]
San Jose CA settles suit for $90k to Vietnamese college student repeatedly beaten w/baton & tasered on video [0]
Orlando FL police arrest man videotaping arrest claiming he assaulted cop, police then lose his camera & footage [4]
San Diego CA police officer arrested on several charges for allegedly sexually assaulting prostitute while on duty, this comes a day after the chief apologized for a spike in misconduct cases. [1]
Tyrone GA cop sentenced to 140yrs on 38 counts including making child pornography, child exploitation & molestation [0]
2 Chicago IL cops charged w/sexual assault & official misconduct involving drunk woman they gave a ride home to [2]
Colorado Springs CO cop who works w/kids as SRO & coach arrested on possession of child pornography charge [0]
Erie CO police officer accused of needlessly shooting family’s dog to death while responding to call next door [3]
Milwaukee WI police shoot man’s dog to death as it ran away when he let cops into his yard to help w/investigation [3]
Philadelphia PA police officer sentenced to 13yrs for role in scheme to rob dealers & sell heroin, 2nd sentenced [0]
Duluth MN cop found guilty of taking $107k from his elderly mom’s account before retiring from financial crimes unit [0]
Miami-Dade FL police officer arrested on drug trafficking charges after long-term internal affairs investigation [0]
San Francisco CA cops accused of illegal search & theft in latest video released by public defender’s office [3]
New York State trooper sentenced to $100 fine in plea to possession of steroids bought from man under surveillance [0]
Dexter ME police chief serves 5-day suspension for failing to follow policy in domestic assault case involving cop [0]
St Louis Co MO cop removed from school resource officer duty after gun discharged while he cleaned it at school [0]
RCMP mountie based in Yellowknife NWT sentenced to 6mo jail after pleading to stealing $2,000 from evidence locker [0]
2 North Carolina state troopers fired for running business while on-duty, would intimidate auditors when questioned [0]
3 Alabama State troopers resign after investigation into alleged misuse of dept fuel cards, may face charges [0]
California Hwy Patrol officer arrested on burglary charge for allegedly stealing electronics (apparently an X-Box) from a Target store. [0]
Rio Arriba Co NM deputy suspended for repeated drunken fights at casino, was fired from previous job w/state police [0]
Radcliff KY police officer arrested on unspecified warrant out of Florida, electronic crimes division involved [2]
Dallas TX police cite new policy for keeping unclaimed $2,000 turned in by teen who found it in parking lot [0]
Dillon CO police officer charged w/assault & official oppression for allegedly hitting cuffed 16yr-old in head [0]
5 Norwalk OH cops subject of brutality suit alleging cop choked woman, dragged her by cuffs while others watched [3]
Tallahassee FL to settle suit for $300k to family of man shot to death in truck by cop during drug warrant arrest [0]
Manville NJ & Somerset Co NJ sued by man hit by cop car & dragged 10 feet during arrest for illegally recording movie [3]
Gary IN cop rehired & promoted after fired for threatening teen w/gun faces discipline for false report & brutality [0]
St Paul MN settles suit for $43,500 to family of teen bitten in uprovoked attack by police dog while walking home [0]
Massilon OH settles suit for unspecified sum to woman harassed by cop sending nude texts to her after DUI arrest [1]
Washington DC cop arrested on allegations he held a gun to a woman’s head during an argument, he apparently faced charges for gun threats before [0]
2 Pittsburgh PA cops subject of suit alleging they engineered series of false arrests to harass woman for complaint [5]
Elgin IL police officer charged w/official misconduct & obstruction for allegedly planting evidence to boost career [0]
Cottonport LA cop arrested on evidence tampering, obstruction & malfeasance charges involving on-duty actions [1]
Cobb County GA police lieutenant arrested on allegations he used fraudulent prescriptions to obtain narcotics [0]
Tinley Park IL police officer charged w/felony hit and run while also cited for drunken driving & open container [0]
Two New York NY police officers were named as “persons of interest” in the investigation over what’s now being termed as the Long Island Killings. Apparently they are among a number of possible persons of interest because of their disciplinary history involving prostitutes since the victims of those killings were prostitutes as well. This report, however, doesn’t currently qualify for entry in our database yet because no allegation has been made against either officer specifically and one of the two is a former officer who wasn’t an officer at the time of the alleged incidents. But, it is a case we’re watching to see if formal allegations or charges are made.
Again, they have too much money and not enough to do.
Fairfax County Police continued their war against the people of Fairfax County last week when they stopped and checked 700 cars, 1200 citizens, for drunk drivers in Reston and made one arrest in the five hours it took to organize and execute and cost around $2,000.00
And yet the Fairfax County Police don't need oversight
• The King County WA deputy who left an innocent man in a vegetative state after throwing him into a wall in a high profile incident that was caught on video apparently had a long history of questionable use of force incidents and has continued to rack up excessive force complaints including tackling a jaywalker who took pictures of him. [3]
• A Columbia County OR deputy was charged with 40 counts of sexual abuse that allegedly occurred while he was a school resource officer. [0]
• A Wahpeton ND cop is under investigation after a YouTube video showed him arresting a 17yr-old for asking him about alleged illegal searches. [3]
• A Chesapeake VA cop sentenced to probation for soliciting sex from investigator he believed was a 16yr-old girl including sending nude text messages of himself. [0]
• Philadelphia PA police officer sentenced to 42mo prison for role in scheme to rob drug dealer for heroin in a sting operation. [0]
• Portsmouth VA police officer indicted on embezzlement charge after unspecified state police investigation [1]
• A Maricopa County AZ deputy who starred in a TLC police “reality” show was arrested on domestic violence allegations involving her husband. [0]
• Dallas TX police officer arrested on a DV-related felony assault charge for allegedly choking an unidentified woman during an argument [0]
• A Hamilton ON cop faces disciplinary charges for allegedly refusing to investigate a racially motivated road rage case [2]
• Ball LA police chief, a police officer & 2 police employees have been sentenced to probation for their roles in a FEMA Hurricane fraud scheme. [0]
• Granby CT police captain already facing child porn charges now charged w/possession of marijuana after home search [0]
• Ulster Co NY deputy charged w/official misconduct & drug possession for alleged illegal purchase of oxycodone [0]
• A Providence RI cop is facing disciplinary action after caught by news crews working out at a private gym while on duty instead of using an expensive taxpayer-funded police gym. [0]
• San Diego CA police officer arrested on drunk driving charge after rear-ending BMW while off-duty. The chief is slated to talk to the media about what appears to be a rash of officers facing criminal charges this year. [0]
• Buncombe County NC deputies jailed a Latino man for 4 days on $300k bond after mistaking 91lbs of tortilla dough for cocaine. [0]
• Newark NJ subject of federal investigation after ACLU complaint alleging pattern of brutality & coverups. (Remember, Newark’s current police chief was just picked to become Chicago’s new police chief. ) [0]
• Lakewood WA police review incident where police dog attacked innocent man in park, leaving him hospitalized [1]
• Springboro OH police dog that bit 13 in 3.5yrs subject of suit by 2 of those people alleging rights violations [3]
• Winter Park FL cop allowed to retire w/benefits after investigation rules tasering college kid was excessive force [0]
• Mansfield OH police officer fired & other on unpaid leave for alleged unspecified mistreatment of person in custody [1]
• DeSoto Co FL deputy arrested for hitting wife, almost running over responding cops & hit & run crash while fleeing [0]
• Tulare CA police sued by ex-prison guard claiming he was falsely arrested on terrorism charges based on hoax call [0]
• 2 RCMP officers charged w/perjury for their testimony at inquiry over Polish immigrant’s taser death at airport [0]
• New Jersey state police accused of covering for cop who gave fake undercover ID when he injured motorist in crash [4]
• Los Angeles County CA deputy arrested on allegations he had sex w/16yr-old female relative [0]
• Washington Co AR settles sex harassment suit for $395k to 2 employees claiming male deputies watched strip searches [0]
• Parker Co TX deputy arrested on felony theft charges for allegedly stealing $20k from memorial fund for cop’s widow [0]
• A Columbia County OR deputy was charged with 40 counts of sexual abuse that allegedly occurred while he was a school resource officer. [0]
• A Wahpeton ND cop is under investigation after a YouTube video showed him arresting a 17yr-old for asking him about alleged illegal searches. [3]
• A Chesapeake VA cop sentenced to probation for soliciting sex from investigator he believed was a 16yr-old girl including sending nude text messages of himself. [0]
• Philadelphia PA police officer sentenced to 42mo prison for role in scheme to rob drug dealer for heroin in a sting operation. [0]
• Portsmouth VA police officer indicted on embezzlement charge after unspecified state police investigation [1]
• A Maricopa County AZ deputy who starred in a TLC police “reality” show was arrested on domestic violence allegations involving her husband. [0]
• Dallas TX police officer arrested on a DV-related felony assault charge for allegedly choking an unidentified woman during an argument [0]
• A Hamilton ON cop faces disciplinary charges for allegedly refusing to investigate a racially motivated road rage case [2]
• Ball LA police chief, a police officer & 2 police employees have been sentenced to probation for their roles in a FEMA Hurricane fraud scheme. [0]
• Granby CT police captain already facing child porn charges now charged w/possession of marijuana after home search [0]
• Ulster Co NY deputy charged w/official misconduct & drug possession for alleged illegal purchase of oxycodone [0]
• A Providence RI cop is facing disciplinary action after caught by news crews working out at a private gym while on duty instead of using an expensive taxpayer-funded police gym. [0]
• San Diego CA police officer arrested on drunk driving charge after rear-ending BMW while off-duty. The chief is slated to talk to the media about what appears to be a rash of officers facing criminal charges this year. [0]
• Buncombe County NC deputies jailed a Latino man for 4 days on $300k bond after mistaking 91lbs of tortilla dough for cocaine. [0]
• Newark NJ subject of federal investigation after ACLU complaint alleging pattern of brutality & coverups. (Remember, Newark’s current police chief was just picked to become Chicago’s new police chief. ) [0]
• Lakewood WA police review incident where police dog attacked innocent man in park, leaving him hospitalized [1]
• Springboro OH police dog that bit 13 in 3.5yrs subject of suit by 2 of those people alleging rights violations [3]
• Winter Park FL cop allowed to retire w/benefits after investigation rules tasering college kid was excessive force [0]
• Mansfield OH police officer fired & other on unpaid leave for alleged unspecified mistreatment of person in custody [1]
• DeSoto Co FL deputy arrested for hitting wife, almost running over responding cops & hit & run crash while fleeing [0]
• Tulare CA police sued by ex-prison guard claiming he was falsely arrested on terrorism charges based on hoax call [0]
• 2 RCMP officers charged w/perjury for their testimony at inquiry over Polish immigrant’s taser death at airport [0]
• New Jersey state police accused of covering for cop who gave fake undercover ID when he injured motorist in crash [4]
• Los Angeles County CA deputy arrested on allegations he had sex w/16yr-old female relative [0]
• Washington Co AR settles sex harassment suit for $395k to 2 employees claiming male deputies watched strip searches [0]
• Parker Co TX deputy arrested on felony theft charges for allegedly stealing $20k from memorial fund for cop’s widow [0]
Fairfax supervisors should supervise their cops
By:Barbara Hollingsworth05/10/11 8:05 PM
Local Opinion Editor
Local Opinion Editor
Nicholas Beltrante is a former D.C. homicide detective with more than five decades of law enforcement experience. Two years ago, he founded the Citizens Coalition for Police Accountability after Fairfax County cops shot and killed David Masters in Beltrante's Mount Vernon neighborhood.
The 52-year-year old Masters' capital crime was stealing flowers on his way to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.
Beltrante knew that the Fairfax PD's regulations forbid the use of lethal force to apprehend a person accused of a misdemeanor. He was also troubled that the department refused to release the Nov. 13, 2009, incident report under the Freedom of Information Act.
It took a year -- and the threat of a lawsuit -- before the department finally released the name of Officer David Ziants, who shot Masters in the back of the head while his SUV was stuck in traffic at a Richmond Highway intersection.
So now the cop's cop is spending his golden years trying to force the Fairfax PD to be more transparent and accountable. During the past six years, he says, 13 people have been slain and 13 wounded by Fairfax police officers, some under "highly questionable circumstances."
When challenged on these matters, the department hides behind a wall of silence. Later, taxpayers learn they have to pay millions of dollars to settle cases they knew little about.
In January, for example, the Fairfax Board of Supervisors agreed to a $2 million settlement with the family of Dr. Salvatore Culosi, an unarmed optometrist who was killed by a Fairfax SWAT team during a 2006 gambling raid.
Court documents debunked Officer Deval Bullock's version of events -- that his .45-caliber automatic pistol accidentally discharged after the door of his police car bumped his elbow -- because the spent cartridge was found halfway between the vehicle and Culosi's body.
Did the officer lie, I asked? "Absolutely," Beltrante says.
Another $1.5 million out-of-court settlement was paid to the family of Ashley McIntosh, a 33-year-old teacher who was killed by another Fairfax police officer who ran a red light with no warning lights or sirens on.
"I am pro-police," Beltrante told The Examiner. "I have police blood in me. Ninety-nine percent of police officers are wonderful, but every police department has that 1 percent that taints its image. The era of the police policing the police has ended."
Beltrante wants the county to set up a civilian review board to monitor police activity, but such boards have been used in the past by people with political axes to grind. And Fairfax County already has a civilian review board. It's called the Board of Supervisors.
However, supervisors have not been doing their job, perhaps because the Police Association of Fairfax County is a major campaign donor to both Democrats and Republicans on the board.
And Virginia's FOIA law, which makes release of police reports optional rather than mandatory, needs to be strengthened.
Beltrante says that since 1942, "Fairfax County is the only jurisdiction in the United States in which no police officers have ever been charged with misconduct after a shooting death." How does this happen without ongoing coverups at the top levels of county government?
On March 29, Police Chief David Rohrer and County Attorney Tony Griffith insulted the public's intelligence by suggesting that an auditor who reports directly to them be in charge of reviewing all police misconduct complaints. The board's public safety committee, which meets June 14, should reject this "solution" out of hand.
So should voters. Supervisors who don't supervise don't belong on the board.
Barbara F. Hollingsworth is The Examiner's local opinion editor.
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