The Fairfax Fraternal Order of
Police Lodge, a local police union in Virginia, was upset over a “Black Lives
Matter” sign at a family farm and tried to organize a boycott of the farm.
Instead, they only sparked a gigantic backlash.
The sign, which police mistakenly
believed was posted by Cox Farms but was instead posted in a family residence
near the farm, was “disturbing and disappointing,” the FOP said in a Facebook
“This is a time in which law
enforcement is the target for criticism for almost everything they do and
officers are constantly questioned by the public and the media without the
benefit of all the facts,” the post, which has since been deleted, read. “The
presence of this sign at Cox’s Farms helps perpetuate this kind of behavior and
judgment. I know you have heard it about a million times but the truth is that
‘All Lives Matter.’”
Gina Cox, who owns Cox Farms,
said that the sign was posted by her daughter and that it was within her right
to do so.
“It’s her private property and
she can put up any political sign she wants to in her yard,” she told WUSA. “We
treasure our relationship with our local police force, it’s not anything
against them at all.”
Anti-police brutality activists
have since accused the FOP of bullying.
“The Facebook post they made,
which was removed because of the unprecedented public outrage towards their
attempt to bully a local landmark and beloved destination, further reinforces
the lack of trust in the Fairfax County Police Department,” said Mike Curtis of
the organization CopBlock.
Brad Carruthers, FOP president,
has since said that the post was taken down because it was the “wiser course of
Family Response re: Black Lives Matter Sign/Fairfax FOP Boycott
October 15, 2015 at 12:31pm
Below is a response provided by
the Cox Family regarding the recent controversy about the Black Lives Matter
sign displayed in the window of a residence there:
Cox Farms hosts a Fall Festival
every year at our farm in Centreville, VA. We spend all year eagerly preparing
for these few weeks each fall, and we love opening our farm to celebrate the
season with our community.
Recently, several individuals as
well as the Fairfax County Fraternal Order of Police have called for a boycott
of our farm, insisting that we are, in their words, anti-police supporters of a
terrorist organization that advocates killing police officers. (While the FOP
deleted their original Facebook post, you can read it here:
and the full comments
They have come to this conclusion
because one of us (there are five owners of our business; the two founders and
their three adult children) has a “Black Lives Matter” sign displayed in an
upstairs window of their private residence. The home is on a separate property
that is not owned by Cox Farms, but it is very visible to visitors entering the
Fall Festival.
We have always believed that we
had a very positive relationship with our local police department. We have
contracted FCPD officers to provide security for our festival for over a
decade. We have supported their fundraising efforts, donated to their Police
Unity tour, employed their children, and offered discounts to officers on our
Public Servants Weekends. Neither our family nor our business is anti-cop, and
we are absolutely anti-violence, against anyone. For this reason, we were
especially surprised that the FOP and so many local officers jumped on the call
to boycott our business and make such hateful accusations against us via social
Black Lives Matter. As a family,
we believe that Black lives matter, and we find it alarming that the statement
incites such a backlash. Neither our sign nor the Black Lives Matter movement
says that ONLY Black lives matter, or that Black lives matter more than anyone
else, and the sign certainly doesn’t say anything about police officers. When
you’re putting out a house fire, it doesn’t mean that you only care about that
one house that’s burning; it just means you’re addressing the crisis at hand.
Folks dedicated to raising awareness about breast cancer aren’t saying that all
other cancers are unimportant. Our family recognizes that all lives are
important, and because we believe that, we know that Black lives matter.
Valuing Black lives and
respecting the lives and work of police officers are not mutually exclusive.
Knowing and respecting as many FCPD officers as we do, we’re confident that
many on our local police force know and understand this too; after all, how can
they serve and protect all members of our community if they do not believe that
Black lives matter? We also know that the threatening comments on the original
FOB Facebook post (those referencing throwing a brick through the window of our
home, or the ones implying that perhaps the police might not respond to
emergency calls for help) do not reflect the values and work ethic of the
Fairfax County police officers we know and respect.

At this point, when completely
mainstream presidential candidates openly embrace Black Lives Matter as a
legitimate organization and a crucial voice in the conversation about racial
justice and racism in this country, it was shocking to us to see the vitriol
expressed about the sign in our family’s window. Is this some radical
declaration from Cox Farms? No. Is the Cox family endorsing killing police
officers? Of course not, and if you read anything from the actual organization,
neither is Black Lives Matter.
Are there some folks on the
fringe who are so angry at the state of racism and disregard for Black lives in
this country that they were chanting violent words in heated emotional moments
of protesting? Yes, that happened. But are there individual police officers who
have unjustifiably killed innocent Black people? Yes, that has happened, too.
These are both truths in a complicated conversation about race and violence and
racial justice.
As a family, we embrace
complicated conversation; growing up, it was part of our family dinners every
night. We encourage anyone who actually wants to join a dialogue about the sign
or the movement to start by reviewing information directly from the source: you
can read what Black Lives Matter is actually about here.
About fifteen years ago, some
visitors started a boycott of our Fall Festival because we flew rainbow flags
over our hay tunnel, and they were concerned that Cox Farms was “promoting the
homosexual agenda.” Our business has continued to grow, and our rainbow flags
are still flying.
As a family, we know that when
you’re on the right side of history, love wins. Right now, it means that some
people in our community no longer feel comfortable supporting our business, and
we respect that. We realize that some police officers no longer feel welcome at
our business, and to them, we extend an invitation to dialogue with us about
that, or to just come and play with their families. We’re a really fun and
welcoming place, and it looks like a great weekend to play at the Fall
Will Fairfax police be reformed?
It's so darn cute that the Post would ask a question like this. I hope their starry-eyed optimism never wanes.
But you know what?
The Post has been the ONLY local leading publication and news organization that's reported on the Fairfax County Police consistently and fairly so their entitled to be as silly and optimistic as they like on this issue.
The Post's View
Will Fairfax police be reformed?
By Editorial Board October 17
Geer, the unarmed man shot and killed by a Fairfax County police officer in 2013
as he stood on the doorstep of his own house in Springfield, seemed for the
longest time akin to death-by-lightning-bolt. A tragic event, to be sure, but
one that imparted no lessons, triggered no consequences and engendered no
reforms. The official response: too bad, just one of those things.
Owing to public outrage in
Fairfax, that has now changed. After two years of prosecutorial paralysis, both
at the federal and state levels, the police officer who shot Mr. Geer, Adam
Torres, was indicted on murder charges this summer. And, this month, a county
commission established to review police department procedures emerged from six
months of deliberations with an array of tough recommendations that would
establish a new regimen of accountability for the cops.
The commission’s recommendations,
adopted unanimously, will now be put to the county’s Board of Supervisors. They
deserve robust support, especially the one most likely to encounter pushback
from department: the establishment of a civilian panel to review allegations of
police abuse and misconduct.
Fairfax’s police department, with
1,400 sworn officers, is, after the state police, the biggest law enforcement
agency in Virginia. Before Mr. Geer’s death, and several other similarly
questionable police shootings in recent years, it enjoyed a sterling
reputation. But the aftermath of the Geer shooting — witnessed in broad
daylight by several other officers (who didn’t shoot) as well as neighbors —
was a textbook case of how not to cultivate the public’s trust. Basic
information, including the name of the officer who shot Mr. Geer, was withheld.
For months, the department offered no coherent (or true) explanation of what
had happened. Prosecutors punted the case to the feds, with no apparent
Police and prosecutors finally
awoke from their torpor and did their jobs — but not until Mr. Geer’s family,
justifiably angry and bewildered at the official inertia, filed suit, a U.S.
senator started asking questions and county residents started protesting
Sound policies and procedures
would prevent another such farce, as the commission empowered by the Board of
Supervisors understood. In addition to its recommendation that a seven-member
citizens’ panel be established to review alleged police misconduct, the
commission urged that an independent auditor be empowered to oversee internal
police investigations in cases involving the use of force, including when
police kill civilians. The auditor would be named by and report to the Board of
In addition, the commission laid
out an array of reforms whose effect would be to tilt the police toward
21st-century policies of transparency and information-sharing, and more
restraint in the use of force by officers in tense situations. Key to that is
the deployment of more teams or individual officers with specialized training
in dealing with mentally ill people, who now constitute big shares of those
detained and jailed in the county.
Grumbling has already begun,
particularly about the civilian review panel. The county police chief, Edwin
Roessler, is withholding his consent, and the police union has rejected it
The fact is, most of the nation’s
largest police departments have such review panels, and most of them include or
are composed of civilians, and for good reason; that’s whom the department
serves. Whether the Board of Supervisors stands up to the department or
succumbs to it will be a test of elected officials’ backbone and resolve to
clean up the police.
Report: Fairfax Co. drivers ticketed for infractions while in shop to repair them
By WTOP Staff
WASHINGTON — Parking enforcement
officials in Fairfax County are reportedly issuing tickets to drivers
attempting fix the infractions they’re being ticketed for.
Auto repair shop owners tell The
Washington Post that they see enforcement officers writing tickets for cars
parked at their shops for infractions such as expired emissions tests or
inspections, even when the cars are at the shop to fix those problems.
Bruce Redwine, who owns a shop in
Chantilly, was arrested after an altercation with a parking enforcement officer
over one of these tickets. He said that the officer was writing a ticket for a
car that had been pulled into his shop for inspection.
Lt. Brooke Wright, a Fairfax
County police spokeswoman, told The Post that the property management company
has written to the department and allowed them to write tickets on the private
property. Without the letter, Wright says, they would have no authority to be
on the property.
Panel recommends broad changes to police practices in Fairfax County
in government worker-think Fairfax County would it be determined that the best
way to fix a malfunctioning arm of government is to apply MORE GOVERNMENT.
anyway, this is what’s going to happen in the year ahead.
“Show me the money!” Bulova will appointment people who have shown her the
money, to the police board.
the board will dissolve because THEY HAVE NOT WORKED ANYWHERE IN AMERICA.
people, this is not difficult. We don’t need more government to solve the
police problem.
we can do is;
the idiots wear body cameras and place the result of the film in the on a
public site, that way the idiots won’t “accidently destroy” the film that will
send one of them to jail.
the police chief. The poor boy is fucking clueless and never ever again hire another
chief from within the rank of the police department.
the cops to attain a BA in any field at all within the first seven years of
being hired. Pay for their courses, but require it.
their almost half a billion dollar budget and give the money to the school
recommends broad changes to police practices in Fairfax County
By Justin Jouvenal and Antonio
Olivo October 14
A panel examining the practices
of the Fairfax County Police Department following the shooting of an unarmed
Springfield man has recommended broad changes, including greater transparency,
more measured use-of-force policies and a civilian review panel.
The recommendations are contained
in the 197-page final report of the Ad Hoc Police Practices Review Commission,
which has spent the past six months looking at how the department deploys
force, trains its officers and communicates with the public.
The Fairfax County Board of
Supervisors created the 70-member commission in March after the controversial
slaying of John Geer in 2013 by a Fairfax County officer, who was responding to
a domestic disturbance at Geer’s Springfield home.
The case caused an outcry because
Geer was unarmed and the investigation into his death stretched on for more
than a year before the department released detailed information about the
shooting and identified the officer involved. Geer’s family went to court to
break the logjam, and the officer was indicted on a murder charge and is
awaiting trial.
Michael Hershman, the Ad Hoc
commission chairman, said all of the recommendations were approved unanimously
by the panel, which was comprised of police, politicians, family members of
victims of police shootings, and academics.
“What impressed me most about the
operations, about the commission, was the hard work and the inclusiveness of
the people involved — not only the commissioners, but also the citizens who
joined in the effort at the subcommittee level,” Hershman said. “Just six
months ago, there were those who would have wagered that there was no way under
the sun that we would reach unanimity in our findings.”
The panel may be fully behind the
recommendations, but the ideas must be taken up by the Board of Supervisors
beginning Oct. 20. Some may prove politically unpalatable to county leaders and
rank-and-file officers.
The recommendations that probably
will produce the most friction are to create an independent police auditor to
ensure that internal investigations of police use-of-force cases are impartial,
and a citizens review panel to field complaints from the public about abuse of
authority or serious misconduct by police.
Fairfax County Police Chief Edwin
C. Roessler Jr. called the recommendations “well-done community input” and said
the department had begun implementing some ideas that tracked with changes it
was undertaking.
Roessler said he supported the
idea of creating an auditor, but said he was withholding judgment on a citizens
review panel. Roessler said he wanted to see how the idea would be fleshed out
before making up his mind.
Others were less equivocal.
Fairfax Police Benevolent
Association President Joseph Woloszyn said the idea was unworkable in its
current form. The panel would consist of seven citizens chosen for their
backgrounds, which could include law enforcement experience, diversity and
community standing.
“They want people on there who
may have no law enforcement experience,” Woloszyn said. “I can’t be on a panel
for engineers or journalists. If you are going to have something like that, you
have to have people who have law enforcement background and who understand when
the use of force is authorized.”
Fairfax County Supervisor John C.
Cook (R-Braddock) said he supports creating an independent auditor’s position
and a citizens complaint panel.
“How that’s structured is, I
think, something we probably need to have a conversation about in a way that
includes the community, as well as asking the police to get an idea of what
works and what doesn’t,” Cook said of the citizens panel.
When it comes to communicating
with the public, the commission recommended a policy of “maximum disclosure,
minimum delay” for the department. The commission called for sharing the names
of officers involved in shootings within a week, unless there are extenuating
circumstances, and making available all video of an incident upon a Freedom of
Information Act request.
Roessler said he has begun work
on another recommendation — hiring a civilian to run the department’s public
information office. He said he hoped to have someone hired within the next
three months.
Other recommendations included
increasing the diversity of the police force, creating teams of specially
trained officers to deal with the mentally ill, and creating a special docket
within the court system to handle their cases.
The commission also said the
department should shift its philosophy on use of force — or, as it said,
“maintain an appropriate balance between an officer’s role as a
guardian/warrior or peacemaker/fighter” and suggested that all officers wear
body cameras. The latter idea was something the department is working toward.
Mike Curtis, the founder of the
police watchdog group Northern Virginia Cop Block, applauded most of the
commission’s recommendations, but said he was skeptical that the will exists
among Fairfax County’s elected leaders and police brass to make the reforms
“The wheels are already turning
to keep their feet from being held to the fire,” Curtis said.
Antonio covers government,
politics and other regional issues in Fairfax County. He worked in Los Angeles,
New York and Chicago before joining the Post in September of 2013.
Fairfax County: Police Commission
Calls for Auditor, Civilian Review Board
Unanimous recommendations head to
supervisors in wake of John Geer shooting, transparency missteps.
By Tim Peterson
#After six months of meetings,
the Ad Hoc commission created by Board of Supervisors chairman Sharon Bulova to
review police practices has concluded its primary work. Chair of the
commission’s Independent Oversight and Investigations subcommittee Jack Johnson
presented that group’s final recommendations to the full commission on Oct. 8.
#The subcommittee unanimously
favored creating an Independent Police Auditor position that would “report
directly to the Board of Supervisors and would provide oversight in cases of
police use of force that lead to serious injury or death, including officer
involved shootings,” Johnson’s letter to commission chairman Michael Hershman
#The report also calls for
establishing a seven-member Civilian Review Panel for cases of alleged police
misconduct. The panelists are meant to work with the new auditor “as to serious
use of force cases so that the panel can provide its views to the Board of
Supervisors and the Chief of Police as to policy and practices changes that may
be warranted,” Johnson said in the letter.
#“Oversight provides a meaningful
voice or forum for the public and forms a crucial bridge between the public and
the police,” Johnson continued. “Increased transparency, trust, and
communication between the police and the public can lead to greater community
cooperation in achieving the ultimate goal of decreased crime and increased
public safety.”
#It was the last full meeting of
the ad hoc commission, and in addition to hearing from the independent
oversight committee, the commission voted unanimously to support the
recommendations of all five subcommittees and to forward the recommendations to
the Board of Supervisors. Recommendations from the Mental Health Subcommittee
call for an overhaul of how the criminal justice system responds to people in
mental health crisis.
#Commission chairman Hershman is
scheduled to present the group’s recommendations to the Board of Supervisors at
its Oct. 20 regular meeting.
#“It is Chairman Bulova’s
intention to move to accept the report and refer it to staff for discussion at
the Public Safety Committee scheduled for Oct. 27 at 3 p.m,” said Bulova’s
chief of staff Clayton Medford.
#The Board of Supervisors
launched the Fairfax County Ad Hoc Police Practices Review Commission in
response to public concern over the shooting death of John Geer by a Fairfax
County police officer. On Aug. 17, 2015, former Fairfax County Police officer
Adam Torres was charged with the second-degree murder of Geer, who was shot
dead in the doorway to his own own home on Aug. 29, 2013 after police were
called in a domestic dispute. Torres was fired in July 2015, almost two years
#The commission has been meeting
since March as a full commission and five subcommittees. Areas of focus by
committee include Use of Force; Communications; Mental Health; Recruitment,
Diversity and Vetting; and Independent Investigations and Oversight.
#The final report from the Ad Hoc
commission is available online at www.fairfaxcounty.gov/chairman/pdf/adhoc-final-10.8.15.pdf.
Let's boycott the police union Fairfax Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 77 ...what the fuck, why not?
The head of a Fairfax County
police union called for a boycott of a popular pumpkin patch because a “Black
Lives Matter” sign was displayed in the window of a home nearby. [...]
In the initial [Facebook]
message, Carruthers posted a photo of the sign and wrote that displaying it was
a “slap in the face” to the Fairfax County police.
“When Black Lives Matter emerged,
it was a small group trying to do the right thing,” Carruthers said in an
interview. “The fact of the matter is it seemed like that movement got hijacked
toward anti-police sentiments.”
The post has since been deleted,
but this premise that the Black Lives Matter movement is
"anti-police," as opposed to a civil rights movement that doesn't
want unarmed black Americans getting shot, is a position that can only be held
if you believe that not shooting unarmed black Americans constitutes being
"anti-police." At the very least, that's a position of ignorance, but
far more often (e.g. Fox News) it's utterly predictable racism.
The same people that think black
Americans are getting "free stuff," or that yes indeedy unarmed black
Americans count as super-dangerous and "armed" simply by the virtue
of having limbs, or that a black child walking down the street with a toy gun
is an obvious reason to panic even while we huff and puff and celebrate the
brave patriotic scruffy white unhinged people that wander the streets with
their real weapons just to show other Americans that hell yeah, they're allowed
to carry weapons—if you already have believed every other racist thing that
someone, somewhere has shoveled your way then you of course are willing to
believe that Black Lives Matter is not a good and noble civil rights effort
along the lines promoted by the inspirational Martin Luther King, Jr., but
instead is a violence-minded and subversive anti-authority effort, like the
ones promoted by that sketchy troublemaker Martin Luther King, Jr.
What do you see, when you look
out on the crowds of black American faces with their signs? For too many
Americans, they see only what they are primed to see. Or what they have always
There is a good ending to this
story, or at least a better one than you might have expected. The post came
down, though only after receiving outrage from many and a sturdy defending from
others, people who scuttled out of their holes convinced that Black Lives
Matters has been "calling for police deaths" and for whom no amount
of saying otherwise would ever do.
The family that owns the pumpkin patch and in whose home the sign was displayed in wrote a damn fine response defending and explaining the Black Lives Matter movement.
The family that owns the pumpkin patch and in whose home the sign was displayed in wrote a damn fine response defending and explaining the Black Lives Matter movement.
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