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on sale now at amazon
"I don't like this book because it don't got know pictures" Chief Rhorerer

“It’s becoming a disturbingly familiar scene in America - mentally unstable cops”

“It’s becoming a disturbingly familiar scene in America - mentally unstable cops”
“It’s becoming a disturbingly familiar scene in America - mentally unstable cops”

We're hiring! (of course they are, no one want to work there)

 Fairfax County Police

 College students!  Don't miss our #FCPD Hiring Expo! Get hands-on with our hiring process, talk to detectives, and practice the Physical Abilities Test. Submit  


Before you throw your life away consider the other benefits.

 You WILL get divorced

 Shift work

 You’ll be widely disliked by the community you work in

 You will likely become an alcoholic after retirement

 You will probably die from a heart attack a few years after you retire