With steady hands and fixed eyes, Sharon Bulova announced that she would seek reelection as the chair of the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors, looking to make as much money as she can from the cops through for her and her son, a state elected official.
“I’ve been on the public dole for twenty five years” the 72 year old Bulova said “So I figured ‘Why stop now? I can still bilk the cops for a few bucks”
Bulova, who faces Republican businessman Spike Williams in November, was narrowly elected chairman on Feb. 3, 2009, in a special election to fill the seat vacated by U.S. Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-11th). The police lined her pockets with contributions in that race too.
Surprisingly Bulova had nothing to say on the issue of police oversight in Fairfax County.
'When they own you" she said "They own you"