The son of bitch got away with it


A cop who fatally shot a McLean man in 2022 violated Fairfax County Police Department policies. Fairfax County Independent Police Auditor Richard Schott affirmed the finding. The cops, three of them, shot 26-year-old Jasper Aaron Lynch at his home on July 7, 2022. The primary culprit is a cop named Edward George — violated other policies by not turning on his body-worn camera during the first of two calls to the house on Arbor Lane and not carrying his taser during either response, according to Schott’s report. George had left his taser “in the trunk of his patrol car”

Lynch’s sister and a family friend called the police twice that night seeking assistance for Lynch, who was experiencing a mental health crisis. During the second call, one officer deployed a taser twice after Lynch threw a “wooden tribal mask” at him, according to the report.

Four seconds later, another officer tased Lynch when he began approaching while carrying a wine bottle, which he then dropped. George fired four shots with his handgun, followed by a fifth into Lynch’s neck after Lynch collided with the second officer.

Lynch died at the scene. As described in Schott’s report, the encounter unfolded within a minute of the officers entering the home at 8:52 p.m.

The camera footage indicated the young  man was on the ground and unarmed when George fired the final, fatal shot.

George still has a job. The kid is still dead.

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