Never gonna happen

  • Police Reform: While Fairfax County now has two forms of independent oversight of police, consider that the police have chosen to remain silent on recommendations and reports by both the Independent Police Auditor and the Civilian Review Panel. Members of the current Board of Supervisors acknowledge that they assumed the Fairfax County Police Department would make a public response to such oversight, but apparently, it will need to be an explicit requirement. Transparency remains a concern.
  • Criminal Justice Reform: Don’t forget what voters told you on June 11 about the importance of a progressive approach to criminal justice reform. Figure out and heed what leads to racial injustice in the criminal justice system.

This is an example of the nationwide practice of hiring the immature to guard our laws

Arizona couple files $10M lawsuit after cops allegedly pull guns on family after 4-year-old steals doll

 By Nicole Darrah | Fox News

An Arizona couple filed a $10 million lawsuit against the city of Phoenix claiming policeofficers committed civil rights violations after video showed them allegedly pointing guns at the two after their 4-year-old daughter stole a doll from a dollar store last month.
Dravon Ames and Iesha Harper, of Phoenix, who filed the legal claim on Wednesday, said that on May 29, they went to a Family Dollar Store with their children, London, 1, and Island, 4. Island, they said, took a doll from the store without their knowledge.
The couple said they drove to their babysitter's apartment complex, when a police car pulled up behind them, pulled open the driver's side door of their car and began shouting profanities at them in front of the kids.
The parents said an officer injured London by pulling on one of her arms after the mother refused a command to put the child down because she said the girl couldn't walk and the pavement was hot, and also said Ames was injured by police who erroneously claimed he wasn't complying with their commands after Ames exited the vehicle that the family was traveling in.
An officer is accused of throwing Ames against a vehicle, kicking his leg so hard that Ames collapsed and punching him for no reason. The claim said one of the officers profanely told Ames in front of his children that he was going to shoot him in the face.
Video posted online seemingly shows officers yelling, "Get your f---ing hands up" and "you're gonna get f---ing shot!"
 "My hands are up! My hands are up!" 22yo Dravon Ames says as a Phoenix police officer yells to "get your fucking hands up." The same officer later says "You're gonna fucking get shot!"
Ames says the officers stopped him after his child walked out of a Dollar Store with a doll.
Phoenix Police Department Chief Jeri Williams said on Friday that she began an internal investigation as soon as she found out what was happening.
"I, like you, am disturbed by the language and the actions of our officer. I assure you that this incident is not representative of the majority of Phoenix police officers who serve this city," Williams said.
The police department claims the incident happened on May 27, and described a different version of events. While the parents' attorney said the child and father were injured in the encounter, police said no injuries were reported to them.
Police, in a Facebook post on Saturday, also said there were other stolen items in the vehicle during the encounter besides the doll.
The department said an officer was at the dollar store on an unrelated shoplifting call when store employees told him about another shoplifting complaint and directed him toward a vehicle that was leaving the parking lot as the officer approached. The officer had told Ames, who was driving the vehicle, to stop, but he didn't, police said.
Another woman who was inside the vehicle was dropped off at another location before the family reached the apartment complex. She had three outstanding misdemeanor warrants and was booked, police said.
Police said Harper, the mother of the two children, remained in the vehicle and later explained that she believed one of her daughters had stolen the doll because they didn't have any money.
Both parents were handcuffed and detained inside police vehicles, but they were eventually released, Tom Horne, an attorney representing the family, said.
No one was charged with shoplifting because the property was returned, and store employees didn't want the case prosecuted, police said. But Ames was given a traffic citation for driving on a suspended license.
Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego said in a statement that she's "sick over what I have seen in the video depicting Phoenix police interacting with a family and young children." She called the situation "completely inappropriate and clearly unprofessional."
The mayor added the city is "speeding up" the use of police body cameras. "Every single precinct will have body-worn cameras by August," she said.
Rapper Jay-Z's "Team Roc" has reached out to the family to provide legal support, and has called for the police officers involved to be fired.
The officers involved have since been assigned to desk duty as the department investigates.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.

I hate George Soros, but I love what he’s going to do to the Fairfax County Police

I hate George Soros, but I love what he’s going to do to the Fairfax County Police

In my opinion, George Soros is a pig. But, on the other hand, he got rid of corrupt Fairfax County Commonwealth Attorney Raymond Morrogh, a weasel who never met a murderous Fairfax County cop he didn’t love and also, because of Soros unethical behavior the Fairfax County cops are about the live through four years of holy hell and I think that’s wonderful.
George Soros flooded the recent election for county prosecutor with about $500,000 to elect his candidate for the office, Steve Descano, who has no significant experience prosecuting or for that matter, as an attorney.

Almost needless to say, Soros money and involvement went virtually unmentioned by the local media. Some of the outlets simply weren’t aware that Soros was all over the local election because their incompetent, and others, like the Washington Post, found it in the best interest of the far left, to kill the story.

Descano WILL NOT be tough on crime. If he was, Soros wouldn’t have handed him a half a million dollars. Descano’s will do as Soros tells him to do. He will be hyper-sensitive to the politically correct principles and lenient to the point of laughter. He’ll do away with marijuana possession prosecutions, drop most cases dealing with minorities facing another conviction that could lead to longer jail terms, in fact, race is soon to be a deciding factor over the law in Fairfax County. Cash bonds will be a thing of the past so criminals will be back at work doing bad guy things while their arresting officer is still filling out paperwork. Forget the death penalty prosecutions.

Why is all this and more going to happen?

Because the far left and financiers like Soros can’t get the laws they want enacted through the democratic process, so they’ll Prosecutors race all over the county and change to law that way. Soros backed prosecutors Descano simply won’t enforce laws they don’t like (Or Soros doesn’t like)

It isn’t illegal but it isn’t right either.

Anyway, here’s the good news. Under Descano the Fairfax County Cops are going to have account for themselves. They will no longer be above the law. Cops who murder civilians WILL BE PROSECUTED now.  Thug cops and incompetent cop whom the public complains about will now, for the first time in the history of Fairfax County, may actually be prosecuted, jailed or fired.