Graphic video LAPD shooting a homeless man. 03.01.2015

I don’t buy it. The victim wasn’t a robbery suspect. He was homeless drunk named “Africa” engaged in a sidewalk brawl with another homeless drunk. Africa had spent the past ten years in a mental asylum and lived on the street in a makeshift pup tent. The cops had warned him for several days that they intended to take down the tent.
Four cops had this guy on the ground, face down, and he took one of their guns? Meaning with a free hand and not suffering any effect from a 40,000 volt taser, none of the four cops had control of the victim’s hand’s, he took a pistol out of the cop’s holsters and got it into his own hand?  And the only way to handle this was, at a range of no more than three feet, to shoot the guy seven times? Three of the four cops fired into the guy.

Central Area Officer Involved Shooting
Los Angeles: Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) Central Area officers and Safer City Initiative officers attempted to detain a robbery suspect in the 500 Block of San Pedro Street, and an Officer Involved Shooting occurred.
At approximately noon today, a private citizen placed a 9-1-1 emergency call to report a robbery near 545 South San Pedro Street in downtown Los Angeles. LAPD Communications Division subsequently dispatched Central Area officers to the location who located the suspect and attempted to contact him. After making contact, however, the suspect began fighting and physically resisting the officer’s attempts to take him into custody. The officers attempted to use a TASER to subdue him but the suspect continued to fight and resist the officers and fell to the ground. While on the ground, the suspect and officers struggled over one of the officer's handguns and then an officer-involved shooting occurred. Los Angeles Fire Department paramedics responded and pronounced the suspect deceased at the scene. LAFD paramedics then transported the suspect's body to the Los Angeles County Coroner's Officer. Two of the responding officers involved in the incident suffered minor injuries and were treated and released.
As in all officer-involved shootings, LAPD's specialized Force Investigative Division (FID) personnel responded to preserve and collect evidence and interview witnesses to the incident. Portions of the incident captured on video from various sources will be reviewed and analyzed as part of the ongoing use of force investigation. FID's comprehensive investigation will be conducted in coordination with the LAPD's Office of Inspector General and presented to the Board of Police Commissioners to determine whether the use of deadly force was consistent with Department policies and procedures. Additionally, the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Justice System Integrity Division will conduct a comprehensive review of the facts of the officer-involved shooting.

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