This weeks Child molestation/ child porn by cop

Testimony begins in trial of Marysville reserve police officer charged with child molestation

Report details child-porn investigation into Mountain View police officer

Irwindale cop who sexually molested girls sentenced to prison

Lambert Airport officer arrested on child pornography charges

Anonymous donors hire new lawyer for ex-cop accused of child rape

Testimony begins in trial of Marysville reserve police officer charged with child molestation
By Ryan Olson,
Testimony began Wednesday in the trial of a Marysville reserve police officer charged with allegedly molesting a Gridley teenager in the mid-2000s.
The complaining witness testified in Butte County Superior Court that defendant Jared Michael Tomlinson molested him when he was going to middle and high school.
The defendant was reportedly staying at the witness’ house near West Liberty Road while attending the police academy. The conduct allegedly happened from 2003 until 2007 or 2008, according to Butte County sheriff’s detective Jason Miller.
Tomlinson was an active reserve officer with the Marysville Police Department for four years until he was arrested in April 2013 and placed on administrative leave, according to the Appeal Democrat.
Tomlinson is charged with two counts each of committing a lewd act upon a child and oral copulation of a person under 16. He is also charged with felony counts of sodomy and attempted sodomy of a person under 16.
Under questioning by deputy district attorney Stacy Edwards, the man testified about the activity which they had allegedly performed on each other. It allegedly happened two to three times per week, nearly every week.
He said Tomlinson told him to never tell anyone about what happened, but he later told his now ex-wife about it during an argument.
When the woman had threatened to go to police, the man tried to convince her not to and may have told her nothing happened.
During cross-examination by defense attorney Craig Leri, the man said he told his wife not to tell others because they would stop getting money from Tomlinson. The man said he didn’t recall getting money from the defendant and said he told his wife that so she wouldn’t tell others.
Money was a focus of Leri’s questioning. The man said Tomlinson had voluntarily paid money on his behalf. The man’s family also reportedly received a loan from the defendant.
The defense attorney also briefly asked the man about a misdemeanor arrest in Marysville in March 2013. The man said he didn’t contact or have a third party contact Tomlinson to intervene in that situation.
Leri asked the man about when the last alleged act of oral copulation took place. The man initially said it was when he was a minor, but he later disclosed that he and Tomlinson had a consensual physical relationship after the man turned 18. The relationship ended after his mother learned of it.
During follow-up questioning by Edwards, the man said he told Miller about the adult relationship during prior interviews, but thought he could limit his trial testimony to the alleged conduct while he was a minor
Leri also questioned key points about the alleged activity, including how the purported activity wasn’t picked up by a baby monitor in the room.
The man said there was no noise during the activity. However, the man also said Tomlinson would yell at him if he didn’t perform an alleged act.
Detective Miller arrested Tomlinson on April 25, 2013, following an interview at the Sutter County Sheriff’s Office. The defendant gave a brief statement after being read his Miranda rights.
“He told me this was all about money he had lent to someone,” Miller said.
Leri asked Miller about which police academies Tomlinson attended and questioned when the defendant stayed at the witness’ residence. Miller said the defendant attended schools in Yuba City and in Shasta County.
Testimony is scheduled to continue Monday. The defendant is out of custody.
Boycott the following companies for hosting the Fairfax 2015 World Police & Fire Games
Apple Federal Credit Union,
B.F. Saul Company,
Galls LLC,
 Sage Communications,
Glory Days Grill,
Reston Limousine,
City of Fairfax, Karin’s Florist,
NOVA Media Services,
Clyde’s Restaurant Group,
Level3 Communications,
Globe, Dewberry,
IMC, ESPN 980,
Loudoun County,
Grant Thornton,
Prince William Convention and Visitors Bureau and
Booz Allen Hamilton.   

Want to change the murderous arrogance and indifference of the Fairfax County Police?  Then fire the people who hire the cops and watch how quickly things change.  Start with tossing Gerry Hyland out of office. He basically works for the cop’s best interest and not yours.

Bottom line, if politicians don’t fear that you can harm their careers, then you don’t exist. They don’t see you, they don’t hear you. You don’t matter.

Register to vote, form a political action committee. Run a candidate. Take back your government. 

Report details child-porn investigation into Mountain View police officer
By Robert Salonga and Matthias Gafni

SAN JOSE -- Among his portfolio of suspect sketches stored on his personal laptop, former Mountain View police officer Kevin Nguyen, a prominent sketch artist for Bay Area law enforcement agencies, also kept more than a half-dozen child porn videos, including one portraying a girl between the ages of 4 and 6 engaged in explicit sex, according to a police report reviewed by this newspaper.
Nguyen, 37, of San Jose, was charged last fall with one count of felony child pornography possession and has pleaded not guilty. Prosecutors expected his attorney to file a motion questioning the search and seizure of his laptop, but at a court hearing Monday, the case was continued until March 9. Afterward, both Nguyen, who is free on his own recognizance, and San Jose-based attorney Sam Polverino declined comment on the case.
Nguyen, who resigned from the police department in July, was widely recognized and highly sought by other Bay Area law enforcement agencies for his immensely detailed, almost photo-realistic suspect sketches. Nguyen also volunteered in a youth mentoring group through the police activities league where he taught an art class to students.
An internal police investigation into Nguyen's alleged conduct was launched concurrently with his criminal prosecution, but it was terminated once he left the force.
A recently obtained police report details how Nguyen's suspected crimes were uncovered in a child porn sweep by the San Jose Police Department's child exploitation detail.
On May 6, San Jose police detective Sean Pierce was tracking IP addresses captured by law enforcement software downloading known images of child pornography. After discovering the download of a video involving a prepubescent girl, Pierce two days later served a search warrant to Comcast Cable, the Internet provider. The IP address came back to Nguyen's San Jose address, according to the police report.
The Mountain View officer lived in a detached garage at the residence and investigators served a search warrant May 13, finding child porn involving a girl aged 7 to 9 on his personal laptop, Pierce wrote in his report. In a file on the same laptop, investigators also found Nguyen's suspect sketches.
Pierce met with Nguyen at the Mountain View police station and read him his Miranda rights, at which time Nguyen asked for an attorney. Nguyen was arrested and placed in the front seat of an unmarked patrol car, according to the report.
"He looked at me and said, 'how do you feel?' " Pierce wrote in his report. "I told him that I didn't want him to be in this situation as much as he didn't. He then asked me if I would tell his Sgt. and Chief that he was sorry."
While driving to the jail, Nguyen asked Pierce if he worked with the Internet Crimes Against Children task force and "what happens to guys in his position." A San Jose police sergeant in the car told Nguyen, if convicted, most defendants get three to six months' jail time with three years probation, along with the requirement to register as a sex offender. Nguyen asked if he could get rid of the registration requirements over time, according to the report.
Pierce noted in the report, during those initial hours, Nguyen was never told what he was being arrested for.
Shortly after his arrest, former Mountain View police Chief Scott Vermeer posted on Facebook an open letter to the community regarding the arrest of Nguyen.
"We like to take an approach both internally and with the public of honesty and transparency," Vermeer said in an interview shortly before he left the department to take a private security job. "We're incredibly disappointed and saddened by these types of allegations. Any arrest of a police officer is extremely troubling. When the allegation is of this nature, it's even more exaggerated in how troubling it is."
Boycott the following companies for hosting the Fairfax 2015 World Police & Fire Games
Apple Federal Credit Union,
B.F. Saul Company,
Galls LLC,
 Sage Communications,
Glory Days Grill,
Reston Limousine,
City of Fairfax, Karin’s Florist,
NOVA Media Services,
Clyde’s Restaurant Group,
Level3 Communications,
Globe, Dewberry,
IMC, ESPN 980,
Loudoun County,
Grant Thornton,
Prince William Convention and Visitors Bureau and
Booz Allen Hamilton.   

Want to change the murderous arrogance and indifference of the Fairfax County Police?  Then fire the people who hire the cops and watch how quickly things change.  Start with tossing Gerry Hyland out of office. He basically works for the cop’s best interest and not yours.

Bottom line, if politicians don’t fear that you can harm their careers, then you don’t exist. They don’t see you, they don’t hear you. You don’t matter.

Register to vote, form a political action committee. Run a candidate. Take back your government.

 Irwindale cop who sexually molested girls sentenced to prison

A nearly three-year prison term was handed down Tuesday for a former Irwindale policeman who was prosecuted on sex-related charges involving two girls in the department’s Explorer Program, for which he had served as an adviser.
Daniel Camerano, now 28, pleaded no contest Dec. 5 to one felony count each of using a minor for sex acts and oral copulation of a person under 16 involving a 14-year-old girl, along with one felony count of contact with a minor for a sexual offense involving a 17-year-old girl in the program to whom sexually suggestive text messages were sent.
Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Georgina Torres Rizk ordered Camerano to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life.
Three other charges filed last year against Camerano were dismissed as a result of his plea.
Camerano resigned from the police department last June after eight years on the force.
The charges against Camerano marked the third case against a former Irwindale police officer in just over a year.
Former officer David Paul Fraijo pleaded no contest Oct. 3 to one count each of oral copulation under color of authority and sexual battery by restraint involving a woman he pulled over during an October 2012 traffic stop. He was sentenced last week to nine years in state prison.
Another former officer, Dennis Alva, pleaded no contest last September to a felony grand theft charge. He was sentenced in November 2013 to one year in county jail and ordered to repay $250,000 in cash to his elderly father.
— City News Service

Boycott the following companies for hosting the Fairfax 2015 World Police & Fire Games
Apple Federal Credit Union,
B.F. Saul Company,
Galls LLC,
 Sage Communications,
Glory Days Grill,
Reston Limousine,
City of Fairfax, Karin’s Florist,
NOVA Media Services,
Clyde’s Restaurant Group,
Level3 Communications,
Globe, Dewberry,
IMC, ESPN 980,
Loudoun County,
Grant Thornton,
Prince William Convention and Visitors Bureau and
Booz Allen Hamilton.   

Want to change the murderous arrogance and indifference of the Fairfax County Police?  Then fire the people who hire the cops and watch how quickly things change.  Start with tossing Gerry Hyland out of office. He basically works for the cop’s best interest and not yours.

Bottom line, if politicians don’t fear that you can harm their careers, then you don’t exist. They don’t see you, they don’t hear you. You don’t matter.

Register to vote, form a political action committee. Run a candidate. Take back your government. 

Lambert Airport officer arrested on child pornography charges
ST. LOUIS, Mo.( -- A Lambert Airport police officer has been arrested and charged with felony Conspiracy to Commit Possession of Child Pornography.
According to court documentation, William A Cowley, 39, was arrested Monday and has been charged after knowingly conspiring to possess child pornography of a person less than eighteen years of age.
Cowley has been a member of the Lambert Airport Police since February 2014. The Lambert Police Department says Cowley was not on duty when he was arrested.
Cowley has been placed on "forced leave" pending the outcome for the investigation and charges and is on unpaid leave.
An investigation is still ongoing.

Boycott the following companies for hosting the Fairfax 2015 World Police & Fire Games
Apple Federal Credit Union,
B.F. Saul Company,
Galls LLC,
 Sage Communications,
Glory Days Grill,
Reston Limousine,
City of Fairfax, Karin’s Florist,
NOVA Media Services,
Clyde’s Restaurant Group,
Level3 Communications,
Globe, Dewberry,
IMC, ESPN 980,
Loudoun County,
Grant Thornton,
Prince William Convention and Visitors Bureau and
Booz Allen Hamilton.   

Want to change the murderous arrogance and indifference of the Fairfax County Police?  Then fire the people who hire the cops and watch how quickly things change.  Start with tossing Gerry Hyland out of office. He basically works for the cop’s best interest and not yours.

Bottom line, if politicians don’t fear that you can harm their careers, then you don’t exist. They don’t see you, they don’t hear you. You don’t matter.

Register to vote, form a political action committee. Run a candidate. Take back your government.

Anonymous donors hire new lawyer for ex-cop accused of child rape
By Paris Achen, Columbian courts reporter
A group of community members have donated money to hire a new lawyer to defend former Beaverton, Ore., police Officer Christopher Warren against a charge of raping a 5-year-old girl with a pencil.
Earlier this month, Warren was granted a new trial in Clark County Superior Court after a juror came forward and admitted to reading an article by The Columbian about the case during the trial in October. Juror Craig Bowen admitted that the content of the article influenced his decision to find Warren guilty and that he later had misgivings about his role in the unanimous verdict.
Vancouver attorney Louis Byrd Jr. and Portland attorney Ernest Warren, who is Christopher Warren's first cousin, once removed, represented the defendant during the first trial.
A court motion by Vancouver attorney Jon McMullen states that Warren "has advised Mr. Byrd that he no longer desires to be represented by him and wants to seek new counsel."
McMullen said the donors, who wish to be anonymous, requested him specifically to defend Warren. The lawyer declined to reveal the identities of the donors or the amount of money raised so far.
However, Warren's supporters operate a website — "Truth Be Told: The Real Story Behind Wrongful Accusation" — where they seek donations "to assist in my legal defense in a case to prove my innocence."
Warren's dad, Larry Warren, said the donation came as a surprise.
Warren's second trial is scheduled for Feb. 9 in front of Judge Barbara Johnson. McMullen has requested a delay in order to have time to review evidence and audio recordings and transcripts of the first trial and make other preparations.
The judge is scheduled to consider his request at a hearing on Monday.
Meanwhile, Warren remains in the Clark County Jail in lieu of $500,000 bail.
"He's holding up," Larry Warren said. "His hopes are up. … I know that all of these allegations are totally false, and it's just unfortunate that an innocent person can be put through the ringer. I totally don't understand."
Christopher Warren was convicted Oct. 31 following a four-day trial during which the alleged victim testified on the stand. The jury deliberated for more than six hours before reaching its verdict.
During closing arguments, Byrd claimed that Christopher Warren's ex-wife, Dina Sanchez, coached the girl into making the rape allegations because she was bitter over his decision to divorce her and to be with another woman.
Warren had recently become engaged to former high school classmate Meliah Colon at the time the allegations were made.
Byrd said there were several inconsistencies in the information the girl gave to authorities, which should present reasonable doubt.
For example, the girl said she never told Sanchez about the abuse, yet Sanchez initially reported the crime to authorities, Byrd said.
Senior Deputy Prosecutor Camara Banfield argued that the girl's account was consistent throughout the investigation and trial. She said footage of a forensic interview of the girl in May 2013 at the Clark County Children's Justice Center also showed that the girl wasn't coached or influenced to claim that Christopher Warren raped her.
Boycott the following companies for hosting the Fairfax 2015 World Police & Fire Games
Apple Federal Credit Union,
B.F. Saul Company,
Galls LLC,
 Sage Communications,
Glory Days Grill,
Reston Limousine,
City of Fairfax, Karin’s Florist,
NOVA Media Services,
Clyde’s Restaurant Group,
Level3 Communications,
Globe, Dewberry,
IMC, ESPN 980,
Loudoun County,
Grant Thornton,
Prince William Convention and Visitors Bureau and
Booz Allen Hamilton. 
Want to change the murderous arrogance and indifference of the Fairfax County Police?  Then fire the people who hire the cops and watch how quickly things change.  Start with tossing Gerry Hyland out of office. He basically works for the cop’s best interest and not yours.

Bottom line, if politicians don’t fear that you can harm their careers, then you don’t exist. They don’t see you, they don’t hear you. You don’t matter.

Register to vote, form a political action committee. Run a candidate. Take back your government.