What Cardinal Dolan, my friend, must learn about the NYPD and the community Dolan sees police as his people in a way he can't see Eric Garner of Michael Brown as his people


Jesus is the one who refused to have an enemy. He also understood the fantasies of peace: “Peace, peace, when there is no peace.”
I want to bring Jesus into this leaderless mess we call New York City. I want to invite his refusal to have an enemy into the audacity of those who think they are too big.
I think of Timothy Cardinal Dolan, whose recent editorials in the Daily News made him too big.
As a Protestant, once again, I beg to differ with spiritual meritocracy. Cardinal Dolan is not my enemy. He is my friend, as are policemen, as are Eric Garner and Michael Brown.
I am not here to pick a fight with Cardinal Dolan. Without naming him, the cardinal did criticize the actions of Pat Lynch, head of the policeman’s union. I honor him for that criticism and understand it probably cost him in certain quarters. I have read and re-read his three public statements of recent months and each time tried to understand what it must be like to feel like you have to defend the police at this time in our city.
I understand the meaning of constituency. I understand social position. I have often had flare-ups with congregants who felt they needed protection, so deep were they within the victim stance. “The real victim is not so and so, the real victim is me.” You know the drill.
You ask for unity but you ask for it from your perspective and the perspective of your people. That is what the cardinal is doing. He wants unity at a table where he is the host and you are the guest.
That kind of unity is not what Jesus wanted.
He wanted a unity where everybody at the table was a host and everybody was a guest, in a place where the power differentials were recognized, not minimized.
Discovering that nearly all the films nominated for awards had white male directors and starred white men is not something for which anyone can take personal responsibility. Instead it does show how deep our race-tinged glasses are. There was no conspiracy there. It’s just the way things are.
There is also no surprise in Cardinal Dolan thinking he has to defend the police. He sees them as his people in a way he can’t see Eric Garner or Michael Brown as his people. The cardinal doesn’t know how to see from the middle and mess of the table.
Another matter begs our Jesus eyes right now. The way the mayor was disrespected — at memorial services — shows just how deep the victimized privilege is about the police. They too feel horribly disrespected. And so the cycle of disrespect clogs our arteries.
The Pope may think his cardinals have spiritual Alzheimer’s, as he said in his Christmas message. But Cardinal Dolan has arteriosclerosis, the hardening of the heart’s arteries. He is not the only one with heart disease but he has more power than most people with heart disease.
How do I criticize the cardinal without demonizing him? How do I criticize the policemen who turned their backs on the mayor without demonizing them?
How do we follow the Jesus who refuses to have an enemy?
The disease of the moment goes like this: If you support the community, you are against the police. If you support the mayor, you are against the police. The opportunities to be against someone multiply while the opportunities to be for something seem to be radically decreasing.
“Peace, peace, when there is no peace.”
In a mess this size, why not follow Jesus, and refuse to have an enemy? And refuse to give up on the ones who disrespect you? Refuse to give up on the ones who shoot you. Refuse to give up on the ones who stop and frisk you. If you are white, understand that we have heart disease. We have chosen our own to win the prizes. And we didn’t even know we were doing it.
We need spiritual angioplasty, the kind Dr. King performed, unsuccessfully to date, on the nation. We need our arteries opened up.

Schaper is senior minister at Judson Memorial Church. Excerpted from a sermon she will deliver Monday.