The epidemic of mentally unbalanced cops in America

Man dubbed 'Cannibal Cop' Gilberto Valle says he is looking for 'non-judgmental' partner on online dating site

Bayonne Police Officer Domenico Lillo has been charged with beating a city man during an arrest and then falsifying reports to conceal it, authorities said.

Bayonne officer charged with civil rights violation

Tuckerton officer faces additional charges in dog attack

Retired cop from N.J. commits suicide in NYC courthouse, report says

Detroit police officer commits suicide outside parents home in Sterling Heights

Veteran Stamford cop arrested for misdemeanor

Man dubbed 'Cannibal Cop' Gilberto Valle says he is looking for 'non-judgmental' partner on online dating site
 Former cop who was later cleared of kidnap charges was found guilty of trawling police records for information on women
Andrew Buncombe 
It is notoriously challenging to come up with an online dating profile that feels right. People worry about how their picture looks, whether or not they will seem sufficient interesting and even whether potentials suitors might hold some prejudices that might put them off.
That certainly appears to have been the case for Gilberto Valle, 30, when he created his profile for Match.Com. He stressed that he was looking for a “non-judgmental” partner and lists cooking as his favourite hobby.
Being non-judgmental could well be a useful characteristic for anyone arranging a date with Mr Valle. The man was dubbed the Cannibal Cop by the US media after being convicted in March 2013 of plotting to kidnap, torture, kill and eat women.
Reports said at the time that the outcome on the trial had hinged on the subtle distinction between reality and fantasy. Mr Valle’s defence lawyers had claimed the policeman had been convicted of “thought crimes” and that he had not taken concrete steps to harm women.
Last summer, a federal judge overturned the jury’s conviction, saying there was insufficient evidence to show he was guilty of the conspiracy to commit kidnap charges that could have seen him spend a life behind bars. Judge Paul Gardephe did however, uphold his conviction of a lesser charge, that of using the New York Police Department's database to obtain information on woman he ‘intended to target’ and sentenced him to time served.
“The depraved, misogynistic sexual fantasies about his wife, former college classmates and acquaintances undoubtedly reflected a mind diseased,“ the judge wrote. But, he added, prosecutors failed to prove he had entered into genuine agreements to kidnap the women and taken concrete steps to carry them out.
After being released from custody on a bail of $100,000 to what was termed home detention, Mr Valle said: “I want to take this opportunity to apologize to everyone I hurt, shocked and offended with my infantile behaviour.”
The New York Post reported that Mr Valle’s dating profile also specifies he is looking for someone “a little kinky”.
He writes of his ideal partner: “You appreciate the simple things and can make the best out of a situation that is less than ideal. You’re non-judgmental. You can generally see the good in people and you are kind and generous. You appreciate and laugh at bad jokes.”
The newspaper said the former policeman declined to talk to its reporter. Mr Valle has not made any statements concerning the issue.

Bayonne Police Officer Domenico Lillo has been charged with beating a city man during an arrest and then falsifying reports to conceal it, authorities said.
Jonathan Lin | The Jersey Journal
BAYONNE -- Police officer Domenico Lillo was charged today with beating a city man during an arrest and then falsifying records to conceal the beating, federal authorities said.
Lillo, 44, was arrested at his home this morning in connection with the arrest of Brandon Walsh, who later sued Lillo and the Bayonne Police Department. Lillo was arraigned earlier this afternoon before U.S. Magistrate Judge James B. Clark III in Newark federal court and released on a $100,000 unsecured bond, authorities said.
Officially, Lillo was charged with the deprivation of civil rights under color of law and falsification of records. The use of excessive force count carries a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison, while the charge of falsifying records carries a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison.
Bayonne Mayor Jimmy Davis, a former police officer, said Lillo was immediately suspended without pay as soon as city officials were notified that he had been charged.
Davis said Lillo's arrest didn't come as a surprise.
"This was something that you knew sooner or later was coming. And when you're going to do something like that, this is what gives all police officers a black eye," he said.
City spokesman Jeff Meyer said the city would be fully cooperating with the FBI "in every way possible to assist in their efforts."
Walsh was arrested on Dec. 27, 2013 by Lillo and other Bayonne police officers on a warrant out of Sussex County.
Police said that Walsh resisted arrest and struggled with officers. In his lawsuit, Walsh said that Lillo repeatedly struck him in the face with his flashlight while he was handcuffed, causing permanent disfigurement. Walsh also said in the lawsuit that other Bayonne police officers at the scene did nothing to stop the beating.
Federal authorities said Lillo falsified a Bayonne Police Department Use of Force Report related to the arrest with the intent to impede an investigation into the case.
Lillo "knowingly concealed, covered up, falsified, and made false entries on a Bayonne Police Department Use of Force Report about the arrest ... by not checking the box marked 'Strike/Use of Baton or other object,'" according to the indictment.
One of the lawyers representing Walsh in his lawsuit against the Bayonne Police Department, Joel Silberman, commended the agencies who arrested Lillo on behalf of himself and co-counsel Aymen Aboushi.
"Officer Lillo's assault of Mr. Walsh can only be categorized as vicious and cowardly," he said. "His arrest sends a clear message that this type of abuse will not be tolerated."
Lillo was one of several Bayonne police officers named in a police brutality lawsuit that resulted in a $100,000 settlement for the two men who brought the lawsuit, The Jersey Journal reported in 2011.
U.S. Attorney for New Jersey Paul Fishman credited special agents of the FBI, under the direction of Special Agent in Charge Aaron T. Ford in Newark, and special agents of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of the Inspector General, under the direction of Special Agent in Charge Christina Scaringi, with the continuing investigation leading to today's arrest.
Managing Editor Ron Zeitlinger contributed to this report.

Bayonne officer charged with civil rights violation
NEWARK, N.J. – A Bayonne police officer faces federal charges for allegedly using excessive force during an arrest.
The U.S. attorney’s office announced an indictment against Domenico Lillo on Friday.
The 44-year-old Bayonne resident is charged with deprivation of civil rights under color of law and falsification of records.
Lillo made a court appearance Friday and was released on $100,000 unsecured bond.
Prosecutors allege Lillo struck a handcuffed suspect with a flashlight at a Bayonne apartment in December 2013. They allege he also falsified a police report about the incident.
The excessive force count carries a maximum 10-year sentence upon conviction, while the charge of falsifying records carries a maximum 20-year sentence.
Lillo’s attorney didn’t immediately return a phone message Friday.

Tuckerton officer faces additional charges in dog attack
Steph Solis,
A Tuckerton police officer was indicted Tuesday on charges that he let his K-9 dog "Gunner" attack a 58-year-old Barnegat woman and then falsified the arrest record to cover his action.
The grand jury charged Justin M. Cherry, 32, with false swearing, tampering with public records and hindering his own apprehension, in addition to second-degree official misconduct and third-degree aggravated assault charges in the attack on Wendy Tucker on Jan. 29, according to a statement from the Ocean County Prosecutor's Office.
Cherry, a nine-year veteran at the time of the incident, earned a salary of $77,120 in 2013, according to pension records. He is currently suspended from the force without pay.
The indictment charges that he released his German Shepherd, named Gunner, and allowed the canine to attack Tucker after she had already been apprehended by two Barnegat officers. According to the indictment, Cherry then falsified records and swore out an affidavit for Tucker's arrest containing false information.
Cherry was initially arrested on charges of official misconduct and aggravated assault April 9. He was released after posting $15,000 bail.
On the day of the incident, Cherry and another Tuckerton officer were called to a private home on the allegation that Tucker was an unwelcome guest at that home. Tucker agreed to leave the residence, but police later discovered that she was driving a car even though she was on the suspended drivers list.
Tuckerton police asked Tucker to take the bus home from the residents and she agreed.
Several minutes later, though, police said they saw her driving a vehicle. Cherry tried to get her to stop, but she refused. She was later stopped by Barnegat police officers, who were alerted of the pursuit, according to authorities.
That's when the indictment charges that Cherry arrived and sicced Gunner on the woman.
The dog attack case was involved in a lawsuit filed by open government activists against the Ocean County Prosecutor's Office.
Judge Vincent J. Grasso ruled that law-enforcement must make police dash-cam videos available to citizens if requested under the Open Public Records Act.
Ocean County Prosecutor Joseph D. Coronato vowed to appeal the ruling by Superior Court Judge Vincent J. Grasso.
Tucker was initially charged with driving with a suspended license and third degree eluding. The eluding charge has been dismissed. Tucker could not be reached for comment.
If convicted, Cherry faces five to 10 years in prison for the second-degree misconduct and hindering apprehension charges. The third-degree aggravated assault and tampering with public records charges carry a weight of three to five years imprisonment. The fourth-degree swearing charge could lead to 18 months incarceration. Cherry's lawyer declined to comment on the indictment.

Retired cop from N.J. commits suicide in NYC courthouse, report says
Jeff Goldman
Screen Shot 2015-01-23 at 9.56.21 AM.pngA retired New York City cop from Hazlet killed himself on Thursday, according to a report.NYPD
A federal court officer from Monmouth County committed suicide in a courthouse in New York on Thursday morning, reports said.
Robert Newell, 50, shot himself once in the head in a basement locker room at the Thurgood Marshall U.S. Courthouse in Lower Manhattan, the Post and the Daily News reported separately. The shooting took place just after 5:30 a.m.
The retired New York City police officer and father of two from Hazlet recently divorced his wife, the Post said.
Newell joined the NYPD in 1986 but had to retire in 2000 after seriously injuring his neck and spine in an off-duty accident, according to the Post.
Two years earlier, a suspect in a stolen vehicle crashed into Newell's patrol car.
Newell later got a job with the U.S. Marshals Service.

Detroit police officer commits suicide outside parents home in Sterling Heights
By Gus Burns 
STERLING HEIGHTS, MI -- A veteran Detroit police officer committed suicide with a handgun outside his parents home in Sterling Heights Thursday morning, Sterling Heights Police Lt. David Smith tells MLive Detroit.
"Officers arrived and found a 35-year-old black male deceased in a vehicle with a gunshot wound to the head," he said. "At this point, it's believed to be suicide."
The Detroit News identified the officer as Detective James Napier, who is the target of an FBI investigation into criminal activity within the Detroit Police Department Narcotics Unit.
Detroit Police Chief James Craig suspended four officer and restructured the unit last year when an internal investigation revealed wrongdoing. The department has not released details regarding the nature of the infractions.
The FBI has refused to discuss the ongoing investigation. No officers have been charged.

Veteran Stamford cop arrested for misdemeanor
Hour Staff Writer The Hour Publishing Company
STAMFORD -- A veteran Stamford Police officer has entered an inpatient program for alcohol treatment after he was arrested over the weekend for allegedly placing his wife in a headlock.
Silas Redd Sr., 54, of Norwalk, was scheduled to be arraigned on a misdemeanor breach of peace charge Tuesday at Stamford Superior Court, but his case was continued until March 3 to accommodate his alcohol treatment.
As a condition of his release, Redd Sr. has been ordered not to contact his wife and to stay away from the couple's home until he is arraigned. He also had to hand over his service weapon and any other weapons he may possess.
The allegations against Redd Sr. came to light on Saturday, Jan. 17 at 11:30 p.m. when his wife came into police headquarters, alleging Redd Sr. had assaulted her.
The complainant told police that she and Redd Sr. had been communicating via text messages, and Redd Sr. had told her that he was visiting his brother in Stamford, court documents show.
After Redd Sr. failed to return to his Norwalk home for an extended period of time, his wife drove to the last location from which Redd Sr. texted her and waited in her vehicle, police said.
She followed him, as he picked up a pizza and parked near the intersection of Ann and West Main streets, police said. She then confronted Redd Sr., who was speaking on his cell phone, about infidelity issues, believing he was visiting a mistress, according to police.
She threw his pizza on the ground and then grabbed his cell phone to see with whom he was speaking, police said.
Redd Sr. allegedly grabbed his wife from behind and placed her in a headlock. He put pressure on her face with a closed fist while she was in the headlock and then pressed her to the ground, according to police.
She threw his cell phone and left while he was retrieving it, police said.
Two hours after the alleged confrontation, she came to police headquarters to report the incident, court documents show.
The Internal Affairs Division of the Stamford Police Department investigated the matter and retrieved Redd Sr.'s service weapon as a matter of protocol, according to court documents.
Redd Sr. voluntarily entered an out-of-state alcohol treatment program geared toward treating police officers with substance abuse issues, court documents show.
Redd Sr. is the father of Washington Redskins halfback Silas Redd Jr., who played locally at King Low Heyward Thomas before heading to Penn State University and later at University of Southern California

 Gerry Hyland killed police oversight after the cops gunned down unarmed  elected him now toss him out.,