That nagging Dumb Cop Issue

Off-duty police officer accidentally shoots roommate
DC police accidentally shoot man in barber shop
Iowa Cop Shoots at Dog, but Misses, Killing Woman Instead
Undercover APD detective shot by another officer

Off-duty police officer accidentally shoots roommate
Kate Royals, The Clarion-Ledger
A 28-year-old Brandon resident accidentally shot his roommate in the head with a new gun Wednesday night at their home, authorities say.
Zachary Jacob Creel is a Madison police officer who was not on duty at the time of the shooting.
The Rankin County Sheriff's Department responded to the incident in the Barnett Bend III subdivision in Brandon. When officials arrived at Creel's home, roommate Michael Hunter Flynt was alert and Creel was holding a towel to the wound, according to the incident report.
Creel told sheriff's deputies the weapon discharged while he was pulling it from the holster to show Flynt, striking him on the right side of his head.
Flynt was transported by American Medical Response to the University of Mississippi Medical Center, where he was conscious and alert when interviewed by sheriff's deputies, Chief Investigator Raymond Duke said.
Flynt is in stable condition and still at the hospital.
Duke said no charges are expected.


Iowa Cop Shoots at Dog, but Misses, Killing Woman Instead

Posted by: Carlos Miller in Cop kills dog, PINAC News,
An Iowa police officer trying to kill a dog, ended up killing a woman instead.
Not much information is available at the moment, but we have a PINAC correspondent on the ground in Burlington, trying to obtain more details.
According to Opposing Views:
A woman in Burlington, Iowa, was reportedly shot and killed by a police officer outside of her home right in front of her four-year-old son.
According to reports, 34-year-old Autumn Steele was arrested Monday night for domestic abuse. After being released from jail, Steele was told she could not return to her home without an officer to escort her. When she returned to her home to retrieve her things, she reportedly got into a dispute with her husband Gabriel as he was loading their four-year-old son into the car.
The officer who escorted Steele to her home reportedly tried to break up the altercation, and while he was attempting to intervene, the family’s dog reportedly approached. The officer allegedly felt threatened by the dog and pulled out his gun to shoot it. As he fired shots at the dog, one of them reportedly hit the 34-year-old mother in the chest.
“The dog startled the officer. The officer began shooting at the dog. The officer was still shooting when he fell down in the snow,” an eyewitness told The Hawk Eye.
It is not clear at this point if the dog followed through on the perceived attack on the officer, seizing on the opportunity that the cop had fallen in the snow.

DC police accidentally shoot man in barber shop
WASHINGTON (WUSA9) -- D.C. police say they accidentally shot a man in a Southeast barber shop while pursuing three robbery suspects.
It happened in the 2300 block of Martin Luther King Avenue around noon Wednesday.
Police say the suspects got out of a car and one displayed a handgun. That's when an officer opened fire and one of the bullets went through the door of the barber shop, hitting a patron. That victim, an adult male, is expected to be okay.
"I can't believe this neighborhood is going down like this. They should be more careful especially police shouldn't shoot into a crowd," said a nearby resident.
Kicia Brown was picking up her two small children at a nearby school.
"That could've been one of our children or parent walking to go to get their kids. I'm glad my kids are okay. It's ridiculous so close to a school zone," Brown said.
The suspects are in custody and a weapon was recovered. Police are checking to see if the suspect fired his gun.

Undercover APD detective shot by another officer
By Nicole Perez And Robert Browman
Police say the officer – an undercover detective – was shot by another officer in an undercover drug operation. The officer, whose name has not been released, underwent surgery and was in critical condition Friday afternoon, according to APD Chief Gorden Eden. Another officer was injured, according to APD spokeswoman Celina Espinoza, but the injuries were minor and the officer was released from the hospital. Police didn’t say how the second officer was injured. Two suspects from the narcotics operation were in custody, Eden said.