The Fairfax 2015 Mascot Naming Contest!

The Fairfax 2015 Mascot Naming Contest!

"Dear God, please help me"

Introducing the Fairfax 2015 World Police & Fire Games Official Mascot!

Problem is our new eagle doesn’t have a name and that’s where we need your help maintaining our image and our massive swollen budget!

We’ve got the FBI investigating us over the killing of John Geer, a County Prosecutor who has gone off the reservation and for once isn’t doing what we tell him to do and the people we own and operate on the Board of Supervisors are reluctant to be associated with us because now they’re the target of ridicule!  

So to keep your attention away from that, we’re come up with this horse shit on your tax dollar!

We figure, if you've let us get away with this much so far, why not push it a little further?

From now through June 30, we will be accepting recommendations for mascot name.

The top three (3) finalists so far are;

“Shooty, the gun happy bird”

“Itlooklikeagun” which is an old Indian name!  


Not that it matters one way 0r the other but Don’t forget to vote!