Police Brutality, Worse Today in America Than Ever

Tim King Salem-News.com
My biggest question... what programs and organizations exist that teach cops a better way?

(SALEM) - Cowards, bullies... cops who abuse American citizens are out of control, and when they are jailed for brutalizing people, man what bad day they are going to have. I've seen cops on the verge of being locked up and they look like scared, guilty little children. You see, nobody likes to see abuse of power, and as the video below relates, there is another Rodney King every day in America.
I've seen it, I've experienced it, and what gets me the most is the utter lack of accountability, the system is skewed, the laws are a joke hardly worth following, and the cops lost their way here a long time ago, because they get away with MURDER and they are protected by a system of corruption that is so far out of control that it can hardly be explained.
What makes a cop go bad? Simple answer... other already bad cops. For a cop to turn on a cop, that is a sin in their book, in this club of blue. They have the guns, they have the system on their side, and they know nothing will happen as a result of their behavior.
I can not tally how many horrible crimes I personally know of cops committing. As an 18-year old Marine, I was arrested in Tustin, California for being drunk in public. As I was being booked into Orange County Jail, I watched the deputies beat and inflict pain on a homeless man who I will always believe was deaf, who "refused to cooperate" with these shithead cops. They were in a state of arousal, they were getting their rocks off on the event, I was forever changed and already no fan of bad cops.
There are good cops, they deserve a medal for holding their morality in place while performing their jobs. There are nowhere near enough though.
In Kansas over the past summer, I was pulled over on my motorcycle for DWC (driving with California plates) and I found it entertaining, because the cop who pulled me over knew I had done nothing wrong at all, and when he realized that I knew my rights as a US citizen, he quickly wrapped his harassing traffic stop and wished me a good night.
Being from California is not a crime, I don't care if it is Kansas. This was a minor incident but a clear violation of my Civil Rights. It gave this cop a start to realize I was a news motojournalist (I love that term) and an author and reporter on the road to give talks to Veterans about their health.
My biggest question... what programs and organizations exist that teach cops a better way? One bad apple in a police agency can indeed ruin the whole bunch, it is about the culture and climate of each individual agency. Have cops formed groups to try to control this behavior? I know of none, I hope that if such a thing exists, that it comes to my attention through our comment section below.