By Ari Mason and Amy Parmenter
A Hartford police detective,
the subject of a fraud investigation, is on paid administrative leave and an
officer who has been previously suspended is now on desk duty and at risk of
losing his job pending an internal investigation.
According to police sources,
Hartford Police Det. Tishay Johnson has been placed on paid administrative
leave and is the subject of a criminal fraud investigation.
Johnson is responsible for
overseeing gun permit approvals in Hartford, which typically require several
payments. An internal audit is working to determine where that money ended up.
“The matter with the pistol
permits was an audit that we conducted on ourselves,” said Hartford police
spokesman Lt. Brian Foley. “Unfortunately, there was a discrepancy in some of
the funds.”
In keeping with the
investigation, Johnson is no longer allowed in the police administrative
building. He has not been charged criminally at this point.
Officer William Smith is also
under investigation after a dead body was overlooked on Linnmoore Street in August,
according to police sources. Smith has an extensive personnel file and has been
previously suspended.
“He’s been put on desk duty
within the department,” Foley said. “There’s an administrative process going
on, and we should know more within the next few weeks.”
The Hartford Police Union did
not return a request for comment on Thursday.