Okla. cop arrested in ABQ on child porn charges

Robert Mullen, 60, a former officer with the Lawton, Okla., Police Department who now lives in Albuquerque, was arrested Tuesday morning by special agents with Homeland Security Investigations on a criminal complaint charging him with receiving and possessing visual depictions of minors engaged in sexually explicit conduct.
According to the criminal complaint, a special agent with the New Mexico Attorney General’s Office in August identified an IP address that was being used to share files containing child pornography, and a subsequent investigation found that the IP address was subscribed to Mullen at a residence on Albuquerque’s West Side, the U.S. Attorney’s Office said.
On Dec. 11, HSI agents, Albuquerque Police Department officers and other agencies participating in the New Mexico Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force executed a state search warrant at Mullen’s home and seized a computer and computer-related media, federal prosecutors said.

If convicted of the charges in the criminal complaint, Mullen could face a federal prison term of between five and 20 years and would be required to register as a sex offender, according to a news release