Officer charged with stalking

The Greenville Police Department announced the arrest of one of its officers Tuesday afternoon on a stalking charge.

Officer Carlos E. Melgar, 58, of Greenville was arrested at the Pitt County Magistrate’s office on the misdemeanor charge, according to a department news release.

Police developed information that Melgar had misused police records and database information to identify and meet a woman, the release said. He subsequently stalked that woman, causing her fear and emotional distress.

Police presented the information to the Pitt County District Attorney’s Office. The department has proceeded with criminal and internal investigations.

Melgar was arrested Tuesday afternoon and given a $5,000 unsecured bond.

He has been placed on administrative leave without pay, and all his police powers have been suspended.

Melgar is a four-year veteran of the department.

Chief Hassan Aden said in a statement that the case was self-discovered at the department and pursued by its Internal Affairs Division.

“The arrest of officer Melgar reminds us all that no one is above the law and that the Greenville Police Department holds itself highly accountable to the laws and policies that govern society,” Aden said. “... Maintaining the public’s trust that we are effective in self-policing is a top priority of my administration and sends a clear message that we are an ethical and legitimate police department that will not tolerate officer misconduct.”