Million Mask March protester alleges police brutality

Yesterday was Guy Fawkes Day, and to mark the occasion, people across the globe took to the streets to take part in what was dubbed the Million Mask March.

In Denver, protesters, many of them wearing Fawkes masks, rallied downtown -- but when they marched on the City & County Building, the cops intervened. The result was six arrests and a claim of police brutality by at least one videographer.
Look below to see the footage, additional videos and photos.

This morning, Denver police spokeswoman Raquel Lopez was unable to provide us with much detail about the march, other than to confirm the arrests of six people: five adults and one juvenile. She added that "we had a police presence during the entire march, for the security of the community and the protesters as well."

Less than appreciative was Janet Wilson, who posted a video from the rally on YouTube along with this description of events:
A young man was grabbed from a group of protesters on the steps of City County building on Nov. 5th during the million mask march. As I was filming him being brutally arrested a cop brutally assaulted me by grabbing my fleece jacket and throwing me backward down a the steps. As I stumbled navigating the steps I flew down the steps, only to be saved from landing face down on the concrete by a guy who broke my fall at the bottom. I want to share this with everyone and hope that someone caught this police officer on camera. Also, I want to make sure that the young man arrested has proof of being brutally arrested this night. I did not see him doing anything that would warrant the kind of man handling he endured. This is outrageous and needs to stop. Please help circulate this video to show how the Denver police treat protesters.