WAUPUN -- The Waupun Police Department accepted Lt. Brad
Young’s resignation after he was charged with attempted burglary of three businesses
in Green Lake County.
Young turned in his resignation in August after he allegedly
forcefully entered Walkers Kollerville Restaurant near Green Lake at 1 a.m.
Aug. 5. A detection system alerted the owners of the restaurant, who called the
Green Lake County Sheriff’s Office.
During an exterior search of the building a deputy observed
a suspect exit the restaurant and run into a corn field. A foot chase ensued
and the man was lost in the corn field.
Young was identified as a possible suspect, and he fled to
northwestern Wisconsin. He surrendered a day later in Burnett County.
In Green Lake County, Young has been charged with the
attempted burglary of Ted’s Piggly Wiggly in Markesan, J and T Foods in Berlin
and Walkers Kollerville Restaurant near Green Lake.
In Barron County, two charges against Young have been filed;
vehicle operator flee/elude officer and take and drive vehicle without consent.
Young was with the Waupun Police Department for 22 years.