Anaheim Police Assoc. Mobilizing Against Proposed Oversight Commission

Anaheim Police Assoc. Mobilizing Against Proposed Oversight Commission

The Anaheim Police Association blasted out this e-mail this morning, asking for recipients to e-mail the Anaheim City Council to express their opposition to Mayor Tom Tait’s proposal for a citizens police oversight commission:

Anaheim Mayor Tom Tait and his supporters are attempting to weaken our police force by implementing policies and police review procedures that could jeopardize the safety of Anaheim’s families. The Orange County District Attorney’s Office and the Office of Independent Review already perform independent and objective reviews of officer-involved incidents.

Don’t let the Mayor’s hand-picked cronies and City politics get in the way of our public safety. As citizens of Anaheim, it’s time to take a stand for safer streets, schools and homes.

Don’t let Tom Tait take away our strong police force. Attend the February 19 City Council meeting at 5pm and call or email all 5 of your City Council Members and City Manager immediately to voice your support for the Anaheim Police Department! There are three ways to help: 1. Show up to a City Council Meeting and/or contact the City Council below. 2. Visit our website and sign our petition at 3. Like us on facebook and follow us on Instagram

Call, write or e-mail the Anaheim City Council to let them know you support public safety.

Click here to send the Anaheim City Council an email now.

Mayor Tom Tait:

Mayor Pro Tem Gail Eastman:

Council Member Kris Murray:

Council Member Jordan Brandman:

Council Member Lucile Kring:

City Manager Bob Wingenroth:

City of Anaheim Office of the Mayor and City Council

City Hall, 7th Floor

200 South Anaheim Boulevard, Anaheim, CA 92805

TEL: 714-765-5247 F

AX: 714-765-5164

The draft structure of a citizens oversight commission hasn’t yet been brough back to the council for consideration, and so isn’t on tomorrow night’s agenda. But the APA is wisely gearing up now to generate opposition to it.

In my opinion, a citizens oversight commission already exists: it’s called the Anaheim City Council. They were elected, in part, to provide oversight of the police department. They have to power to set policy and enact reforms in how the department conducts itself. It’s not as if there is a lack of review when it comes to allegations of excessive force, unnecessary shootings or other issues. Just look at the multiple levels of investigation and oversight brought to bear in the aftermath of the Anna Street shooting. This doesn’t strike me as an instance where an additional layer of government will serve the public good.