Fairfax County Police officer Irene M. Boyle “Opps! Gee gosh it was loaded?” awards

A former part-time Port Jefferson police officer appeared in court on Monday morning and was sentenced on charges of vandalism and discharging a firearm in a motor vehicle.
Michael Blankenship, 31, of Bellefontaine, appeared in Shelby County Common Pleas Court and was given five years probation.
The judge also ordered Blankenship to pay restitution to the village of Port Jefferson and to the Shelby County Sheriff's Department that totals more than $10,000.
On the morning of Labor Day 2011, Blankenship called Shelby County Dispatch and reported that he had exchanged gunfire with a passing motorist and that he crashed his cruiser west of Port Jefferson on Route 47. Blankenship also asked for a medic, claiming that he was injured.
According to investigators, several hours later after being flown by CareFlight to Miami Valley Hospital, he admitted that he made the story up and lied about his injuries.
While in court on Monday morning, Blankenship apologized for the "dark cloud" he placed over law enforcement in Shelby County.
If he violates his probation, Blankenship could face up to 30 months in prison.