Fairfax County Police Officer David Ziants award for kill somebody and the worst thing that happens to you is you get fired.

Parents of Kendrec McDade File Wrongful Death Suit; Allege Pattern of Police Misconduct

The parents of slain 19 year-old college student Kendrec McDade are bring a wrongful death lawsuit against the Pasadena Police Department.

According to the Huffington Post, the McDade family contends that McDade’s death is  “part of a pattern of abuse by the department and that the investigation ‘reeks’ of a cover up.”

The chain of events leading to McDade’s death began on March 24th, when Oscar Carrillo called 911 to report that’s he’d allegedly been robbed at gunpoint by two men. Carrillo was lying about the use of guns in the robbery; Pasadena police say that Carrillo’s untruthful phone call led them to believe that McDade was armed when they approached him in an alley a couple of blocks from where the robbery took place. Kendrec allegedly reached for his waistband, prompting the police to fire upon him, killing him.

McDade did not have a weapon.

Had enough?  Write to the Speaker of the House, U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, DC 20515 and demand federal hearings into the police problem in America.  Demand mandatory body cameras for cops, one strike rule on abuse, and a permanent  DOJ office on Police Misconduct.