Fairfax County Police Officer “Crazy Moe” Mohammed Oluwa Jihad's on your ass award. Fairfax County Police. Police brutality

Lake Mary cop is accused of using excessive force on video then deleting a report that incriminated him during that incident. While the video didn’t show much, it showed enough to determine the officer lied on his report. [0] bit.ly/xtVzsn

Merrillville IN enters into a secretive settlement deal only now coming to light months after it was reached with a man who sued alleging a cop used excessive force on him while being transported to jail. [3] bit.ly/xYEBpT

Bridgeport CT police are being sued by a 76yr-old man how suffered multiple injuries when a heavily armed SWAT team forcibly tackled him off his lawn chair in his yard during a raid. His lawyer says the plan is to make the jury laugh at police claims that the frail old unarmed man made the heavily armed and armored officers feel threatened when he allegedly made a boxer’s pose as cops ran through his yard. [3] bit.ly/yZW4kv

Howard Co MD cop was found guilty of assaulting a female Baltimore cop during an altercation outside of a bar when he punched her as his pal was being arrested. [0] bsun.md/xBo2BZ

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