The officer Christian Chamberlain Award for “Fuck you, I’ll get away with it anyway” Fairfax County police . Police brutality

6 Fayetteville NC cops are under investigation after witnesses claim they beat and repeatedly tasered a delusional man who is now on life support. They were responding to a call about the man repeatedly calling 911 because he was paranoid after he was apparently mugged twice and stuck in that city on his way home from Florida. [1]

Gadsen AL settles suit for $50k to a man who suffered fractures when he was punched while cuffed by a cop on video. The single council member who voted against the settlement said he thought the only fair settlement would be $5.00 and a bus ticket out of town. [0]

Van Zandt Co TX deputy was fired after arrested on an aggravated assault charge for hitting a cooperative teen in the head with a flashlight. [0]

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