Fairfax County Cops Entrapment Scam Fails at a big cost

For over a month, six Fairfax County cops have an on going entrap scam to arrest  citizens that has, in its latest failure, attempted to trap 51 adults with almost no result.  
Fairfax County police cadets approach adults in parking lots of businesses that possess state Alcoholic Beverage Control licenses and ask the people to purchase alcohol for them.

If asked whether he is 21 years of age, the police cadet will respond with his true age. If the sale or service of alcohol transpires, a plain-clothes police officer intervenes and places charges against the adult.

Police approached 51 adults and made five arrests for illegal purchases of alcohol at 7-Eleven stores at 7451 Patterson Road, 1931 Old Gallows Road, 8391 Leesburg Pike, 8616 Park St. and 2915 Cedar Lane.
The operation was conducted using two teams, each consisting of one plain-clothes officer, one uniformed officer and one cadet.

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