A reply to the Washington Post

                                         Police Chief Roarerer-er-er of Fairfax County                                                                   

Dear Washington Postsess

Dear Washington Posts its guys

Dear newspaper

This is for your FYI. I know that you are used to being dealt with felt tipped gloves but let me give it to you directly.....police oversight is an exercise in fertility. Why I could have answred that question blindfolded. In fact, I am blindfolded....why? Because I tied this knot an hour ago and now I can’t get it to untie because I’m dyslexic and stupid. Its not easy being me.

Anyway, your recent eddietorial on police oversigh put me between a rock and a hotplate but I am against police oversight because it puts to many hands in the fire. And while that might sound like fun, it isn’t. Trust me I know.

Police oversight is just cutting your throat to spite your face. And while that might sound like fun, it isn’t. Trust me I know.

All that police oversight does is to throw a monkey at the wrench because letting cevi...c-vil...cvilyans....people who are not police into the police department is like the blind talking to the blind, of course alot depends whether you are drinking from the side of the glass that is half-full or half-empty.

Do I think we need police oversight? No and do you know why knot? Because unlike the sissys at the Post, I don't need a compass to tell me which way the wind shines, that’s why.

You people think you’re so smart, well hindsight is 50-50.

Hindsight means “behind you” It is also where the word hiney comes from.

I am not one to toot my own wagon and I readily admit I am not the brightest cookie in the lamp butt I think I do a pretty good job of running things around here.

and so far everything is peaches and gravy while yous is reporter people couldn't find your way out of a paper bag if it bit yous. All that you are doing by righting about police oversight is making people bite off a new can of worms.

Yes, we have made mistakes but you are never going to fail unless you try and I know that we baked our cake, now we have to eat it. But that does not mean you should stir the apple cart.

Occasnoll....once ina while, we have dropped the apple cart, the one you want to stir, and now it's up to us to get it back on the tracks, I understand that and let me say, we are going to to put all our oars in the fire for this project butt in the mean time, I didn't think it would be a good idea to rattle the barrel with talk about police oversight.

All police oversight does is to rob Peter & Pauls to pay Mary. And they were a good singing group but I’m pretty sure they were communists. So lets go slow here, because as my dead father used to say, we definitely don't want to nail ourselves into a corner so don’t look a for gift in the horse's mouth.......he wasn’t dead when he said that, don’t know if I made that clear or not....I’m talking about my Dad not the horse. I didn’t know the horse.

What I am saying to you is this; today is like the day Rome was built in. We can't afford to have any fiddlers.

So there

Your friend

Police chief Roarerer-er

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